As for the ○, how much do you want to pay for the bag let me see what i can arrange with my distributor. i dont have to make a penny on it, if you give me an offer , i can relay it to her and see if she can work with you. i know she can knock off the tax though if i insist i am shipping international, bringing it to 250, i will see if she can make further reduction.AS for the the harrison bag, that is still in full priced stores, the style you want is not available had that bag last month and i just checked all contacts, it is not available any more
Would it be possible for you to ship model number ○ bag and model number △ bag in different boxes?Can you pelase confirm price of the ○ bag is same as before, as $ x for each?Please kindly let me know shipping cost for 6 ○ bags.You do not need to send them all in one box but I would like to ask you to arrange in the way that the chiepest shipping cost can be achieved.
Lastly, what bothering me the most is that, even though I bought 2 identical items from a same shop, one item was in original manufacture’s box and safely packed (I had not even thought that this item had defect until I actually opened the box and took it on my hands), and another was not in the manufacture’s box and was damaged.I would like to know how come this has happened.I thought that you might have sent those items even though you knew problems in them. However I re-thought that it would not be fair that I come to this conclusion without giving you a chance to explain. I would really need your answer in order to keep purchasing items from you.
I have requested exchange of the products on 25th of February. You then accepted exchange but also, as an alternative option, offered refund of 5% without exchange.If you were me, would you be willing to buy a damaged product with 5% discount from the price of a new product?Would there be your customer who is happy to buy a damaged product with 5% discount?I am not quite sure if your alternative offer was appropriate or not.I am sending 2 packages to return the products. I was told that each would cost 17,500 yen or more.
I would think it may cost more than 17,500 yen to return the product with broken handle. First, because I need to send it as is condition, which the handles is broken and jutted out, I require a special sized box. In order to return the product as is condition without getting damaged further, I would also require appropriate wrapping method. Because I am not a shipping expert, I have to purchase suitable box, as well as special cushioning materials to protect the product. If I find that it is too difficult for me to complete proper wrapping, I may request a shipping service company to do this for me.Would you be willing to compensate total cost of wrapping?
What about i returning it to you in the box that you had originally shipped to me? I have to force it into the box because the box was inappropriate in size and shape therefore the handle part of the product would have not fit in, unless it is forced into.If I do so, I am sure the product will be further damaged.Would you be willing to accept the product like this? I incline to return the product in your box. It would be too much trouble for me to find the appropriate box, purchase it, then wrap the product to return.Current condition of the product makes difficult to be wrapped with good protection.I am not used to do this kind of wrapping and not quite sure how to do this.
I would like to ask you to confirm that you will be compensating total cost of shipping and packing as your responsibility. Can you also tell me who covers import duty etc? Would there be a possibility that you might ask for extra cost to replace the products?To be perfectly honest, I am more anxious about time needed in contacting you, exchanging the products and sorting out any other matters than acquiring new products.
I hope you could understand that, even though I am concerned about time needed to sort out this matter, I would like use this opportunity to make my decision whether you are a trustworthy seller to purchase products from Germany or I should not purchase a product from you in future. If you can prove that you are indeed a seller whom I can trust, I will be happy to purchase more products from you. If you could take a look at my order history, you will see that I am a buyer with substantial records, which may benefit you if things work out between us.I would hope you will contemplate and make sensible decision.I will be looking forward to hearing from you.
600 bumboo spits.This is a shot from top.This is close shot.
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Normally, in such circumstances we would create a replacement order for both damaged or defective items right away, to be dispatched to you as soon as possible at no additional charge.However, if you are interested in keeping the damaged Trolleys, and based on the condition in which they arrived, we would offer you a refund of 5% of the purchase price of these items, equivalent to a discount of EUR 33,00 for both items. If this is acceptable, please contact us again by using the link below and we will request a refund to your as soon as we receive your response.
Would you be able to deal with Japanese language?If so could you please let me know your email address and telephone number.This input field causes Japanese characters corruption and I am not able to use it.
HelloI am interested in 2 of your items. I was wondering if you could ship those 2 items in one parcel, providing that I win bid on both.If it is possible to do so, would you kindly let me know the cost for shipping those?Thank you.
Hello. Thank you for your email.About this product, if those are new and undamaged, I would consider purchasing them again.If I order 5 of it, would you be able to consider discount?I will look forward to hearing from you
・Cambodia’s few urban areas are hubs of pharmaceutical consumption.・Underdeveloped local manufacturing capacities leave the market reliant on imports.・Consumer perception that foreign-made pharmaceuticals are superior to domestic medicines benefiting foreign drugmakers.・The country boasts a large number of importers of foreign-made products.・TheCambodian pharmaceutical market is one of the smallest in the region, as measured on per capita basis.・Very little foreign manufacturing presence in the country, which has stifled the exposure of the wider market to foreign-made products.・Poor state of the country’s infrastructure hampers deliveryof healthcare and medicalsupplies, especially to more remote regions
・Counterfeiting is an issue that has detracted some foreign companies from getting involved in the market.・The lack of a national health insurance system means that the bulk ofpharmaceutical expenditure is sourced from private pockets.・Low manufacturing costs, potentially attracting some foreign direct investment.・Some longer term market potential, given the currently underdeveloped nature of themarket and rising population numbers.・Continued involvement of NGOs in providing essential medicines will representpoints of entry for new players.・Growing prevalence of chronic lifestyle diseases should see rising pharmaceuticalconsumption to treat these conditions.
・Levels of intellectual property protection will remain negatively impacted by the country’s limited funding for medicines, both in the public and private spheres, which will prioritise cheaper, and often counterfeit, products.・Unless the government shows more concrete measures of its commitment to attracting foreign players, Cambodia will lose out to other locations currently vying to attract multinational investment.・The absence of a health insurance system to continue hampering wider access to medicines and thus pharmaceutical value development.・Corruption will remain a major threat to making medicines as well as funding for medicines available through legal channels and to the neediest sectors of society
こんにちは、私は日本の東京でビジネスをしているヤマダと申します。私たちはコスタリカでgambling licenseの取得を検討しています。licenseの概要や費用などがわかるドキュメントやインターネットでのURLなどがありましたら教えてください。宜しくお願いします。
Dear Sir/Madam,My name is xxxx Yamada. I am running a business in Tokyo, Japan. I and my associates are considering acquiring the gambling license in Costa Rica. I was wondering if you could provide us with references, such as documents and URL about related information on internet, which contains outline of the license and cost associated. Thank you for your help in advance.Yours faithfully,xxxx Yamada翻訳者注: 自己紹介にはフルネームのほうが良いと思いますので、xxxxにお名前を入れてください。Note from translator: It probably is better to have full name to introduce yourself. Please replace xxxx with your first name.
Dr. Gyanprakash A. Ketwaroo (Medicine): A 77-year-old man with a history of ischemiccardiomyopathy was admitted to this hospital in midspring because of increasingdyspnea, weakness, and diaphoresis.The patient had been in his usual state of health until 3 days before admission,when weakness, loss of appetite, fatigue, and diarrhea developed, followed byprogressive shortness of breath. On the morning of admission, he awoke with dyspnea,which was worse when he was lying flat; he was unable to catch his breathor get out of bed. He was diaphoretic and felt nauseated and weak, with no chestpain, fever, or cough.The temperature was reportedly 37.8°C.
Gyanprakash A. Ketwaroo (内科) 医師:虚心性心筋症の罹患歴がある77歳の男性が、呼吸困難、脱力感、発汗の症状が悪化してきたことから春半ばに当病院に入院した。患者は入院前の3日前までは通常の健康状態であったが、脱力感、食欲不振、疲労ならびに下痢の症状が発生した後、呼吸が困難になりだした。患者は入院日の朝に、呼吸困難によってい覚醒した。この症状は、横になると悪化し、呼吸もできなければ、ベッドから起き上がることもできなかった。患者は多量の汗をかき、吐き気があるとともに脱力感をうったえた。胸部の痛み、発熱、咳の症状は無かった。体温は37.8°Cであった。
His wife administeredacetaminophen and called emergency medical services personnel. On their arrival, thepatient’s skin was cool and pale, he spoke in sentences of three or four words, andhe used accessory respiratory muscles. The blood pressure was 160/90 mm Hg, thepulse 96 beats per minute, the respiratory rate 40 breaths per minute, and the oxygensaturation 90 to 91% while he was breathing ambient air. Basilar rales extendeda third to half of the way up both lung fields, and the abdomen was distended.Oxygen (5 liters per minute) was administered by a nonrebreather mask, andoxygen saturation increased to 99%. He was taken to another hospital.
患者の妻は、患者にアセトアミノフェノン(解熱鎮痛剤)を与え、緊急医療サービス担当者に電話をした。緊急医療隊員が到着時には患者の皮膚は青白く、冷たかった。患者は、3-4語の短い会話ができ、呼吸補助筋を使って呼吸していた。血圧は160/90 mm Hg、脈拍数は96/分、呼吸数は40/分、周囲空気の吸入時での酸素飽和度は90~91%であった。両肺の底部から1/3または1/2上部にわたって肺雑音性のラ音が聴取され、腹部膨張が見られた。非呼吸式マスクを使用した酸素吸入処置(5L/m)を行った結果、酸素飽和度は99%まで改善した。患者は当院以外の病院に搬送された。