Coast was launched for iPad about two weeks ago and Senior Communications Manager for Asia Pacific, Peko Wan, shared that it hit the top lifestyle app spot for key markets in Southeast Asia such as Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines. Will Coast take over the mobile browser space? Huib believes this new approach to mobile Internet browsing is the way forward.“In Opera, we can make this shit happen.”Download Coast by Opera for iPad here.
Coastは二週間前にリリースされた、iPad用モバイルブラウザである。アジア太平洋地域担当シニア・コミュニケーション・マネージャーであるPeko Wan氏は「Coastは重要な市場であるシンガポール、ベトナム、インドネシア、フィリピンなどの東南アジア地域で、ライフスタイルアプリとして大変好評を頂いています」と述べた。Coastはモバイルブラウザの主役となれるだろうか? Huib氏は、Coastはモバイル向けインターネットブラウジングに対する新しいアプローチであり、発展形であると考えている。「Operaが、夢のブラウザをお届けします」OperaのiPad用ブラウザ、Coastのダウンロードはこちらから。
In a research note obtained by AppleInsider, Kuo said he expects Apple's iPad business to transition late in quarter three with component shipments and initial assembly of the "iPad 5" and "iPad mini 2." The analyst is quick to note, however, that the new iPads' build schedule likely preclude the tablets from being unveiled at Apple's Sept. 10 media event.The late refresh cycle for the iPad 5 is due to a rumored redesign that will bring the device more in line with the existing iPad mini. These changes will affect mass production, which won't happen until quarter four, Kuo said.The analyst also predicts the iPad 5 to boast TDD-LTE support, a somewhat exotic cellular protocol used by China Mobile.
AppleInsiderが入手した調査記録によれば、Kuo氏は第3四半期の後半に、「iPad 5」や「iPad mini 2」の初期ロット分の製造やその部品の出荷により、Apple社のiPadビジネスに変化が生じると見ています。ただしKuo氏はこの見解の直後に、次世代iPadの製造スケジュールから考えて、Apple社が開催する9月10日のメディア向けイベントで次世代iPadがお披露目される可能性は低い、と述べています。新発売のiPad 5は大きな節目を迎えています。というのも、iPad 5が現行のiPad miniにより近いデザインに一新されるといううわさがあるためです。このデザインの変更により、製品の大量生産は第4四半期まで不可能である、とKuo氏は述べています。またKuo氏は、iPad 5が中国移動通信以外ではあまり採用されてない無線通信プロトコルである、TDD-LTEに対応する予定である、とも述べています。
■Deeply rooted in the ground of the historical, cutural town, "Ashikaga"...■ECO-R has direct trade connection with 50 countries in the world, adapts to different cultures, keeps performing a challenge in the global society. ■We go ahead with global environmental protection through continuous execution of 3R.■Ecology which makes bright future■We contribute to society through eco-friendly car recycle.
DecoAlbum (iOS, Android) – Another photo app centered on females, DecoAlbum allows users to create photos with text, backgrounds, glittery virtual stickers, and more and even allows you to assemble your photo collections into albums. It’s one of the few apps that actually prioritizes making albums.Decopic (iOS, Android) – This app takes decorations to a whole new level. From adding customizable resizable decorations to hearts and stars painted across the pictures to artsy frames around your picture, Decopic a nice app, if you’ve got time on your hands.
DecoAlbum(iOS, Android) - 女性をターゲットにした新しいフォトアプリで、テキスト付きの写真や背景素材、ラメ入りバーチャルステッカーなどが作成できる。また、デコった写真をコレクションとしてアルバムにまとめることも可能である。オリジナルアルバムをアプリ内に簡単に作れる、珍しいアプリだ。Decopic(iOS, Android) - 新感覚のデコレーションアプリである。写真いっぱいに描きこんだハートや星を、思いのままにデコってみたり、写真にオシャレなフレームを付けるなど、デコレーションを思う存分楽しめる素晴らしいアプリである。
Customization Services:Many old, and new, fountain pens are beautiful objects but for some reason do not write exactly the way a customer would like. We provide customization services to make a scratchy nib smooth or a cursive italic more crisp. A $20 non-refundable service fee applies to each item sent in for work. For your convenience, you can view and print a customization order form.
For pen, or nibs, sent in for customization our turnaround time is estimated at 8 months long. We offer an expedited service which doubles the cost of the customization work. Please note we will not add pen, or nib, items to an existing work order so please send all the items you wish to have worked on at one time. If you would like customization to a pen you are going to buy from us, the work is done right away and does not go into our queue. Below are just some of the customization services we provide at Classic Fountain Pens:
お客様から送られてきた万年筆やペン先の、オーダーメイドに必要な期間はおよそ8ヶ月です。料金が2倍かかりますが、納期を短縮することも可能です。一度お引き受けした作業で、万年筆やペン先、その他のアイテムを新規に追加することはできません。そのため、オーダーメイドが必要な商品は、一括で全て送って頂くようお願いします。当社のペンを購入頂いてオーダーメイドされる場合は、作業時間が掛からないためお待ち頂く必要がありません。下記のものはClassic Fountain Pensのサイトで当社が行っている、オーダーメイドサービスの一例です。
– Tip modification to cursive italic, stub, oblique and more!– Tip size modification from a double broad down to an extra fine– Re-tip or re-grind to a variety of styles including calligraphic and italic points. We cut italic nibs for both writers and calligraphers, including blackletterNote: Read information on the difference between a re-tip and re-grind, or go to our FAQ main page. For those interested in a calligraphic customization, please call us at 323-655-2641 for a consultation.– Nib restoration by recreating vintage grinds and custom shapes on both vintage, and new, fountain pens– Increase flexibility
日経新聞にMICEの広告を~プリンスホテルの戦略語る~MPIジャパンは2月26日、六本木アカデミーヒルズで「2月度MPIジャパンセミナー」を開催。プリンスホテル高輪・品川統括総支配人を務める徳永清久執行役員が登壇し、「Prince Tokyo MICE City~プリンスホテルは何故MICEをその主戦略として打ち出したのか?」をテーマにその取組みを語る。講演内容箱ものからソリューション提供への意識改革宴会からMICE サイクルへ経営を安定させるMICE
General manager talks about Prince Hotel's strategy, MICE advertisement on Nikkei NewspaperOn February 26, MPI Japan held "the MPI Japan Seminar on Feburary" in Roppongi Academy Hills. Kiyohisa Tokunaga, operating officer and general manager of Prince Hotel Takawa and Shinagawa, takes the rostrum and talks about the subject, "Prince Tokyo MICE City-Why did Prince Hotel pur forward MICE as an important strategy?"Contents of the lectureA reform in awareness of hotel workers-Hotels aren't just accommodation facilities but comprehensive ones to provice solutions.Lead drinking party to MICE cycleMICE for stable management
Some descended into wells, others into filthy sewers.Some took refuge in chimneys.Others crouched in the deepest silence under the thickly-packed tiles of their roofs.For some were not less fearful of their wives and ill-disposed children than of the murderers,while others feared their freedmen and their slaves;creditors feared their debtors and neighbours feared neighbours who coveted their lands.There was a sudden outburst of previously smouldering hates and a shocking change in the condition of senators(men who were about to enter upon those offices, or who had already held them),who threw themselves with lamentations at the feet of their own slaves, giving to the servant the character of saviour and master.
Patchouli KnowledgeはTouhou Koumakyou 出てくるボスキャラクターです。彼女は魔法使いであり、紅魔館に住んでいます。魔理沙やアリスと違い生まれながらにして魔法使いです。精霊魔法が得意で7種類の属性魔法が使用出来ます。彼女は、本と自分は切っても切れない関係であると考えており、本を読む以上に素晴らしいことはないと考えています。そのことから紅魔館にある大図書館で本を読んで過ごしており、またここの図書館の管理も行なっています。
Patchouli Knowledge is a boss character of Touhou Koumakyou.She is a wizard living in Koumakan.Unlike Marisa and Alice, she is an inborn wizard, specialist of spiritual magics, and can use 7 elemental magics. She is convinced that reading books is her breath of life and most important thing.That's why she spends most of her time reading books in immense library administrated by her.
Thank you very much for your email.It's possible to pay with paypal. They charge us roughly 4 % for payments we receive from outside the European Union, so if you would like to pay that way we wouldn't grant you the advance payment discount any more. Our registered email with paypal is . You can decide from order to order which option you prefer. For small orders paypal is probably cheaper and for larger ones bank transfer might be. If you want to use paypal for this order, you would pay the proforma invoice attached, if you prefer to do it by bank transfer, you'll use the proforma invoice I've sent earlier.Have a nice day!Kind regards,