China will help drive which types of screens succeedThe change will make a significant shift in what percentage of the global market comes from different types of games, he said.Because China’s mobile market is still exploding, that segment will help push the overall market percentage of “entertainment screens” — primarily gaming consoles — down to 24 percent globally by 2018 despite that the percentage in the U.S. is, and will remain, around 45 percent.
中国、主流媒体の流行を牽引するかこの変化は、各種類のゲーム媒体が世界市場においてそれぞれ占める割合を大きくシフトさせると、氏は語った。中国の携帯市場は未だ爆発的な成長を続けており、この一区画のお陰で2018年にはEntertainment Screens—主に据え置き型ゲーム機がこの類別に相当する—の米国内でのシェアが約45パーセント確保されているにもかかわらず、世界市場での割合は24パーセントまで低下するだろうと予測されている。
“Our theory, when we launched our Screen Segmentation [report breakdown] in 2012, was that time and money would divide itself across the four typical screens in an equal manner if every screen turns out to be equally important in a consumer’s life,” Warman said. “Things are moving exactly in this direction; only legacy [trends are] slowing this down.
「2012年にScreen Segmentation(媒体別市場占有率)のレポートを行った時の私達は、顧客の生活にとってこれら四種類の主要媒体が全て等しく重要ならば、顧客はこの四媒体それぞれに等しく時間とお金を費やすだろうと考えていました」とWarman氏は語る。「そして物事は当時の予想通りに動いています、ただ今までの生活習慣が変化を妨げているだけです。
“On the one hand, cultural legacy in the case of China, with no game tradition on TV because of smaller housing and lack of a console market. On the other hand, legacy in the West, particularly the U.S., where consoles have always dominated and the consoles are left as the only platform that successfully sells boxed products and the premium price upfront model leads.”
People want to modify their favorite gamesWarman expects this trend to change now that running games as a service has become the norm, he said. If the major console players continue to be closed systems tied to traditional retail agreements, he expects that change toward a pure-digital model will be slow, “giving challengers such as Nvidia’s Shield, Amazon’s Fire TV, and Valve’s ‘Steambox’ a chance.”U.S. consumption of games is shifting to digital, which includes almost everything but boxed games: mobile, social/casual, digital downloads, in-game spending, and console subscriptions.
プレイヤーの需要に変化、MOD文化の流行Warman氏は今やゲームを数あるサービスの一つとして提供するのが主流であり、現状の据え置き機トレンドには変わってほしいと語った。氏は、もし据え置き機プレイヤーが今の閉鎖的で時代遅れな小売契約システムに縛られ続けられたままであるなら、市場の純デジタルモデルへの移行は遅くなると懸念し「この状況はNvidia社のShield、Amazon社のFire TVやValve社の’Steambox’等にとっては競争のチャンスにもなります」と語った。アメリカのゲーム市場は次第にボックス版ゲームソフト以外のほぼ全て、即ちモバイル、ソーシャル/カジュアル、デジタル・ダウンロード、ゲーム内課金やサブスクリプション課金等を含んでいるデジタル市場へと移行している。
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Chengdu Cons:Despite being a very large city with a well developed manufacturing and distribution presence, Chengdu suffers from its general ‘under-the-radar’ perception, and can present a steep learning curve for foreign investors unfamiliar with the city. Chengdu also has a lack of established tech savvy regional equity pools. In terms of lifestyle, the only big downside in the humidity and gloomy weather given that the city is surrounded by mountains.