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Innovation Works Closes First Internet-Focused Fund of US$180 Million

With uncertainty and shaky financial figures being constantly reported from America and Europe, it seems the world’s beacon of hope is Asia and more specifically the second biggest economy in the world, China.

This new global power shift has seen nearly every company from every country trying to get a foothold in the lucrative China market. With endless reports of giant foreign companies failing to culturally adapt to China and consequentially dying, with the obvious current example of Groupon; smarter people are learning to partner up with people who know China best.


Innovation Works が初めてインターネットに特化した1億8千万ドル規模のファンドを設立。



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Arguably even the most famous incubator, Y Combinator would likely have trouble establishing itself in China.

Today, Innovation Work’s, the most powerful early-stage high tech investment incubator in China has raised a big new US$180 million fund. Some of the heavy weight investors include Yuri Milner and Ron Conway. Milner of DST has famously shaken things up in the investment world after pumping a lot of money into Facebook, Zynga and Groupon. Conway as a Super Angel, with investments in Google, Paypal and Twitter is personally investing in Innovation Works. The rock star investor said, “Over the years, I have helped numerous companies in the United States from their founding.


最も有名なインキュベーターであるY Combinator でさえ中国でやっていくのは大変に違いない。

開発段階のハイテク技術に投資をする中国のインキュベーターのうちで最も有力とされるInnovation Worksは、今日、1億8千万米ドル規模の巨大なファンドを設立した。大口出資者にはYuri Milner やRon Conwayが含まれている。DSTのYuri Milner は FacebookやZynga、Grouponに巨額の資金を注入して以降、投資界で有力な存在となった。Conwayは「スーパーエンジェル」の一人であり、GoogleやPaypal、Twitter 等へ出資するとともに、Innovation Worksへは個人的に出資している。彼は次のように言う。「ここ何年も私は多くのアメリカ企業を設立段階から支援してきた。

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When I saw that Kai-Fu’s Innovation Works has built up a great team planning to do the same in China, I became very excited. I personally invested in Innovation Works, and recommended many of Silicon Valley’s top investors to invest. Innovation Works has already shown excellent early results, and we look forward to their continued success.”

The fund called The Innovation Works Development Fund (IWDF) is the first U.S. dollar-based fund raised by the firm to be specifically focused on the Chinese Internet. This new fund was over-subscribed, demonstrating the clout of IW and confidence in the future of Chinese internet companies.


Kai-Fuの Innovation Works が中国で同じことをするためチームを立ち上げるのを見て私はとても興奮したものです。私は個人的に Innovation Works へ出資していますし、シリコンバレーの有力投資家たちにも出資するように勧めました。 Innovation Works はすでに初期段階としては良い結果を出していて、これからも良い結果を出し続けるものと考えています。」

Innovation Works Development Fund (IWDF) は同社が中国のインターネット界に特化するため初めて設立したドル建てのファンドだ。この新しいファンドには募集額以上の資金が集まり、Innovation Works の実力と中国のインターネット関連企業の将来に対する人々の確信を示す形となった。

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To illustrate the precarious nature of the group buying model in China, Dataotuan looked at the number of ‘failed’ deals, or deals that sold less than five times. May recorded 4.9%, June 7.8% and July 8.7% and nearly half of these failed deals have no sales. Out of the top 10 players by revenue, QQ had the highest proportion of failed deals at 16.7% and Dianping, the lowest with only 0.5%. However QQ still dominates the market in terms of market share by revenue at 11.9%, indicating a kind of spray and pray approach to deal creation. Of the failed deals, online shopping accounts for 32% and life services accounts for 31%.


中国でグループ・バイのモデルがいかに覚束ない状態にあるかを描写するため、Dataotuanは不成立になったディールの数、あるいは売上げが5つ未満のディールの数に注目する。5月は4.9%、6月は7.8%、7月は8.7%を記録しているうえ、不成立になったディールの半分近くはまったく売上げがなかった。収益で10本の指に入る企業をみると、QQ は最も高い割合を記録し16.7%、Dianpingは最も低い割合を記録し0.5%であった。しかしQQ は収益でみた市場占有率では11.9%を記録しており未だ優位を保っている。これはQQがディールを提供する際にいわば「下手な鉄砲も数を打てば当たる」方式を採用していることを示唆する。不成立になったディールのうちオンライン・ショッピングが32%を占め、生活サービスが31%を占める。

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Almost unsurprisingly, given the amount of trouble Gaopeng has been in lately with office closures, Gaopeng has recorded 29.4% failed deals. I met a bunch of ex-Gaopeng people last week and the look on their faces about Gaopeng said it all, it’s a sinking ship. A common phrase amongst Gaopeng-er’s due to the amount of rapid change in the company is that “one year in Gaopeng is equal to five years somewhere else.” Or perhaps it is “one day in Gaopeng is equal to five days somewhere else” since Gaopeng only opened office this year and many stay only for a few months. Despite the trouble, many Gaopeng people tell me it’s a great experience.


当然といえようが、営業所の閉鎖で Gaopeng はこのところ多くのトラブルを抱えており、不成立になったディールは29.4%に及ぶ。私は先週、Gaopengの元従業員に多く会ったが、 Gaopeng について彼らが顔に浮かべる表情を見ればすべてを察知できる。Gaopengは泥船なのだ。同社に急転直下の変化があったゆえGaopengの従業員は皆、「Gaopeng での1年は他所での5年に相当する」とか、「Gaopeng での1日は他所での5日に相当する」などと口にする。というのも、Gaopeng は今年になって初めて営業所を開いたのに、多くの従業員は数カ月しか勤務しなかったからだ。そういうトラブルが生じたにもかかわらずGaopeng関係者は素晴らしい経験だったと言う人が多い。

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For Chinese Net Startups, Winter is Coming

Perhaps Chinese internet companies could learn a thing or two from the Starks, the awesome but ill-fated northerners in George R.R. Martin’s epic fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire (now also a TV series called Game of Thrones on HBO). The family is known for its gruff, fatalistic motto — “Winter is Coming” — and Chinese internet startups would be wise to take heed.

Winter is coming to the Chinese tech startup scene, which has been enjoying a long summer thanks to increased investment because of the stunning success of larger Chinese tech companies.



中国のインターネット関連企業はStarksから何かを学び取れるかもしれない。Starksというのは George R.R. Martinの大作ファンタジーシリーズ「A Song of Ice and Fire 」(現在HBOが「Game of Thrones 」という名でテレビシリーズ化している)に出てくる堂々たる威容を有しながら不運な北方民族のことである。その一族は荒々しくも宿命論的なモットー「冬が到来しつつある」で良く知られている。中国のネット新興企業は注意深くその寓意に気づくだろう。

中国のネット新興企業に冬の時代が到来しつつある。 もっとも中国の大手テクノロージー企業が驚くべき成長を実現して投資が活発に行われた結果、中国のネット新興企業は今まで長い夏の時代を謳歌してきた。

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IPOs in 2010 and the first half of 2011 went well, by and large, and thus there were lots of people wanting to get in on the ground floor of the next big thing. But the environment for Chinese tech IPOs has soured, and mad expansion in some sectors — group buy websites, anyone? — has given way to highly competitive markets where a few top competitors eke out a meager existence and smaller sites starve and die out. Chinese tech stocks have nearly all dropped since May. Even Groupon, who first popularized the group buying concept and who had both money and a big time partner in Tecent for its joint venture, doesn’t seem to be able to hack it here.



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The real issue, of course, is investment. When the markets are good, investors aren’t as worried about their return, and they’re more likely to throw cash around — after all, everything is going up. But now, with the international markets in a state of rather extreme flux, some investors have less cash to play with, and many others are hesitant to take risks before things have evened out a bit. This isn’t a major concern for bigger tech companies, but investors willing to take big risks are the lifeblood of the startup community, and without them, many companies are facing a difficult future. As Chen Haozhi, CEO of a Chinese tech startup in the mobile touchscreen tech field, told Global Entrepreneur:


当然一番の問題は投資である。市場環境が良好であれば、投資家は収益について心配することはなく、活発に投資活動を行う。そうすれば株価は全体的に上昇する。しかし国際的な市場が流動的状態にある現状では、資金力が低下してしまった投資家もいるうえ、そうでない投資家も状況が少し安定するまでリスクを取ることを嫌がっている。大手のテクノロジー関連会社にとってこういった状況は問題とならないが、新興企業にとっては大きくリスクをとる投資家の存在は必要不可欠だ。そういった投資家が存在しなくなってしまったために多くの企業が困難に直面している。 Chen Haozhiはモバイル・タッチスクリーン分野で活躍する中国の新興企業でCEOを努めているが、彼は国際的な企業家に次のように語った。

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Returns are hard to find in this climate, even at the highest levels. Many investors may reasonably choose to wait for the market to warm up before backing any startups, since they generally pose a pretty significant risk as compared with more conservative investments. But how many Chinese startups have the cash to be able to weather a long winter without additional investment? Not too many. Things could get grim:

OK, they’re probably not going to get that grim. But many Chinese startups were born during China’s big tech boom, and they’ve never dealt with an investment market like this before. Winter is indeed coming. But how long it will last is anyone’s guess.


