I saw the product on the net, and thought the mouse was black, but I received white one.I want to turn back it.
Thank you for the refund. I will apply it to repair charge. Thank you.
You're always helpful to me.My credit card number last 8 digits and security number have been changed.The new numbers are described below.When you withdraw, please enter the new numbers.
三菱 ミラージュ 生産現場をチェック!?…タイ新工場三菱自動車は19日、タイの工場で本格生産を開始した小型の世界戦略車『ミラージュ』の生産ラインを報道陣に初めて公開した。同社のタイ工場は、バンコク市内から南東へ高速道路を1時間30分ほど走ったラムチャバン工業団地にある。タイ唯一の貿易港と隣接し、周辺には部品メーカーが集結するなど、自動車の生産基地としても恵まれている。
Check out the production site of "MIRAGE" by Mitsubishi Mortars at the new industrial establishment in Thailand.On 19th, Mitsubishi Mortars opened the production site of world strategy car "MIRAGE" to the press for the first time, which was gone into full-scale production at the new industrial establishment in Thailand. The company's industrial establishment in Thailand is located in Laem Chabang industrial estate, which is away from Bangkok and toward southeast in one hour and 30 minuties by highway.The place is appropriate for the production base, because related parts manufacturers are gathered around it and the only port of trade in Thailand is next to it.
In the 1060 thousand square meter in the total site area. The first and the second industrial establishments in existence, produce a popular Sport-Utility Vehicle "Pajero Sport" and a pickup truck"Triton."In the vast ground in addition to industrial establishments in existence, allots overall construction costs 45 billion yen. The theird industrial establishment was built and started to produce a compact car "MIRAGE" from the end of this March.The first impression after I stepped into the brand-new industrial establishment is the height of the facility.In Thailand, it's rare that the average yearly temperature fall below 30 degrees Celsius.It's like a sweating-bath in the industrial establishment.
It features to devise appropriate work environment.For example, this third industrial establishment was increased the height of a ceiling in 1.5 times, compared with the first and the second industrial establishments in existence. The capacity of annual production in the third industrial establishment is 150 thousand cars.Now, hourly production capacity is 8.But, Mitsubishi Mortars's executive in Thailand plan to increse the number of the production to 26.8 in incremental steps, until this November when Japan and all over the world sales go into full swing.
また、タイで生産するミラージュはこの7月から日本の市場にも投入する計画だが、万全の品質管理体制を確保するための取り組みにも工夫を凝らしている。たとえば、最終検査ラインでは、日本から派遣された検査員が現地検査員の指導・育成に努めるとともに、日本での陸揚げ後の検査に必要なデータのチェックシートを従来のペーパー方式から電子化に切り替える。ネット回線を通じてより正確な検査データを “共有化”することで、「日本と同等の品質を確保する」(益子修・三菱自動車社長)のが狙いのようだ。
Also, this "MIRAGE" is planed to sell in Japanese market from this July. They exercise their ingenuity in an effort to have a full-blown quality control system.For example, inspectors coming from Japan, are educating and grooming of new inspectors at final inspection line.The existing paper check sheet for the inspectations after discahrged the cars, will be changed into electric one.The president of Mitsubishi Motors, Osamu Masko seems to aim "To maintain manifacturing quality to the same to the Japanese one."For that, to share accurate data of inspectations through the net.
2) About entertainment activities due to a contract signed by part A with the third party before.TCP treats the former management of party A as well as the current management based on this contract.Party A needs to tell the information about the formar contract without delay.
I noticed after my customer pointed out.There's a diffrence between the sample photo and the product derivered.You don't mind in this case. We'll work it out. By the way, I want to order the other product AAAA. Do you have any in stock?The producut I hope is the same in an attactched photo.
いよいよ今春発売されたCanon EOS 5D MarkⅢ。その実力を検証するため、ライバル機であるNikon D800、D4、さらにCanon 1D X、前モデルである5D MarkⅡと比較テストを行いました。モアレ現象はやはり5D MarkⅢがもっとも少なく、好結果。しかしその反面、全体的に細部の描写がやや甘くなるようです。それとは逆に、D800は非常に繊細な描写をする一方で、暗所の撮影ではノイズが多くなってしまうのが弱点。モアレ現象も多く見られました。
Finally, Canon EOS 5D MarkⅢ was released in spring this year.We provide comparative performance measurements among it and its competitions; Nikon D800, D4 and Canon 1D X, 5D MarkII. 5D MarkIII had the good result, because of less moire phenomenons than the other products.But then again, the delicascy of the description is kind of woolliness in whole.On the contrary, D800 has a delicate description more than Canon EOS 5D MarkIII. But, it generates more noise when taking a photo in the dark.There's more moire phenomenons, too.
Hello, I am selling this great old clock portico with columns of the nineteenth.Empire period.blackened wood.a very nice balance of gilt bronze lyre form, representing the bust of a queen.of bronze fittings including one around the dial that takes up the queen's face.bronzes are of good quality.white enameled dial.bronzes of ups and downs of columns have pretty fine carvings.state: the movement works but the ringtone is set to.the small bracket that holds the tongue or lack balance.I photographed the movement without the bell to make it more visible, but I own the bell.height 50 cms.missing a slat of wood in the bottom right (see photo).I have a key that is appropriate but not sure whether of.
If the motion is passed, it would receive a subsidy up to 25 million yen and two thirds cost of Smart Community construction based on the formulation of a plan.This time, the adopted one is to support formulation of a project planning.Until September, Based on an "Eco Safety Town concept" in Ishimaki city, it will formulate construction of Smart Community which aims for the realization of environmentally friendly town with security and safety, to develop Energy Management System for local area and to put photovoltaic power generation, electrical accumulators and so on. As the result, we could use electricity even for emergency cases.
Real scale Gundam appeared with lighting-up in Diver City TokyoThis is a real scale Gundam displayed in Diver City Tokyo in Odaiba.Before a formal opening ceremony on Apr.19th, the Gundam was displayed with a performance featuring light after 6 P.M. on 17th.The Gundam was added brand-new decals and parts to pay attetion to the details. And added round parts to elbow and knee joints and ankles. And finally it could re-enact a "Magnet-coating" setting in the animation.