お支払報酬計算方法変更のお知らせ2015年1月稼働分より源泉税と経費の計算方式を変更させていただきたくご連絡いたしました。【従来】 報酬額 : 稼働時間×時間単価+経費 消費税 : 報酬額×8% 源泉税 : 報酬額×10.21%【2015年1月稼働分のお支払から】 報酬額 : 稼働時間×時間単価 消費税 : 報酬額×8% 源泉税 : (報酬額-消費税額)×10.21% お支払額 : 報酬額-消費税額-源泉税額+経費なにかご不明点がございましたら、ご連絡くださいませ。
Announcement on the change of calculation method in payment of reward Please be announced that we are about to change the calculation method of the expense and the withholding tax for your labor as of January, 2015.[So Far]Amount of reward: Labor hours x hourly wage + expenseConsumption tax: Amount of reward x 8%Withholding tax: Amount of reward x 10.21%[As of January]Amount of reward: Labor hours x hourly wage Consumption tax: Amount of reward x 8%Withholding tax: (Amount of reward - consumption tax) x 10.21%Amount of payment: Amount of reward - consumption tax - withholding tax + expenseIf you have any further quiries, please do not hesitate to contact us.
日本ではビジネスライセンスというものは特にありませんが、どうすればいいでしょうか?また、dealer applicationの1ページ目は記入しましたが、2~5ページ目のSales and Use Taxに関する書類は日本の業者でも記入が必要なのでしょうか?このような手続きに不慣れな為、記入必須箇所、記入例などありましたら教えて頂けると幸いです。お手数をお掛けしますが、よろしくお願い致します。
Could you please kindly instruct us for we do not have such a thing as business license here in Japan? Also, we have already filled out the first page of the dealer application but is thre a neccessity for a Japanese company like ours to fill out the Sales and Use Tax form on page 2 - 5? Since we are not familiar with such procedure, it will be greatly appreciated if you can let us know the mandatory parts to fill out or provide us with a sample application form. Thank you for your support.
So the sensible speak less and less, and speeches without any point of view and more and more common. Speaking the truth is what should be done, but if you say something wrong or controversial or make a joke, another eye may see it as a terrible headline. Even worse is when editors guess or have a motive in grafting [things you said] together to create your headline.
The Seiko SKX is the very best watch for the money! Good as a SeaMaster or SubMariner for less than the cost of a tune up!Send fast! =)How long to Washington DC US East Coast from Japan? 14 days? Also please make sure value shows $168 USD no duty from Japan for less than $199 USDAwesome!Japan Post Website is not easy to navigate but it says sent =)I will make sure to leave 5 Star feedback when arrives, I am an Ebay Power seller too. That watch in the US is on sale at Macy's Department Store this weekend for $340 plus sales tax of 9.75% (Normally $425)About $370 USDOver 50% savings!Love Ebay!
セイコーSKXって最高の値打ちもんじゃないか! 同じくらいいい製品なのに、シーマスターやサブマリンの調整代より安く買えるなんて! すぐに送ってよ! =)アメリカ東海岸のワシントンDCまでどのくらい掛かるかな? 14日くらい? あと、価格は$168だけど、日本からの税金が掛かっても$199以内で収まるか確認してね!やったー!ジャパン・ポストのサイトって扱いがなかなか簡単じゃないけど、ちゃんと送られたみたいだ。 =)品物が届いたら星5つ付けるって約束するよ、僕もEbayパワーセラーに認定されてるからね。 あの時計、アメリカでもメイシーズってデパートで今週末$340プラス9.75%の消費税で売りに出してて(普段は$425)、大体合計$370くらいなんだ。50%以上お得だね!Ebay最高!
【東京】東京女子流 Newアルバム「Killing Me Softly」発売記念イベント ミニライブ&握手会※お客様、及び、出演者の安全を第一に考え、警備強化を目的として握手会にご参加される方には参加前に以下の項目のご協力をお願い致します。・握手会に参加されるお客様のお荷物のお預かり・握手会参加前のボディチェック上記の項目にご協力いただけない場合は握手会への参加をお断りさせていただく場合がございます。予めご了承ください。
[Tokyo] TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE New Album "Killing Me Softly" Release Anniversary Event, Mini-Live & Hand-Shaking*Considering the safety of the performers and the audience, for security purpose, your pre-event cooperation to the terms below will be greatly appreciated:-Checking in your bags before participating in the hand shaking event-Going through a security check before participating the hand shaking eventWe're afraid we'll have to deny your access to the event if you cannot cooperate with above terms. Thank you in advance for your understanding.
フェニックス・シーガイア・リゾートは、このほど、モバイル端末向けコンテンツ配信閲覧アプリ「SEAGAIA MICE」の英語版配信を開始した。同アプリは今年3月に配信を開始した日本語版を英訳したもの。PDF・動画・静止画・音声など、さまざまなメディアでリゾート MICE の情報を発信。タブレット端末やスマートフォンを介して、より迅速で豊富なプロモーション展開を行ない、宮崎MICEの魅力を伝えていく。施設紹介のほかに、各会場の図面、バトン図なども閲覧できる。
Phoenix Seagaia Resort is now providing English content delivery application, "SEAGAIA MICE" for mobile terminals. English version of this application is translated from the Japanese one they've started providing last March. It provides information on the resort MICE in variety of media sources like PDF's, movies, images and sounds. It helps achieving a faster and and richer promotion development via tablet terminals and smart phones, and thus, it propagates the attractions of Miyazaki MICE.You'll able to find not only the introduction of the facility but also a floor plan, baton plan, etc.
Consumption of household energy for hot-water supply has increased by the trends of building bathrooms inside urban houses in late 1960's.Thereafter, it has skyrocketed by an increase of hot-water consumption and the change in the patterns of bath / shower use.Cooling energy consumption has been raised as the prevalence of air conditioners increased.The ratio of cooling energy against the entire household energy consumption is only a few percent, yet its influence over the electricity supply because the prevalence of air conditioners is one of the biggest cause of the peak-forming of additional electricity.Kitchen energy consumption has not been increased largely after mid 1970's.