The bad news (for sellers) is I like these so much, I promised myself I would stop looking for any other razors. My search is now substantially complete. Worse (for sellers) I can now start liquidating my own collection of razors that have proven less satisfactory for personal reasons.-I am disappointed as I was very interested in this beautiful piece of tamahagane as a display piece, not only for it's high quality, but also for its beautiful appearance. But I realize that given the situation it would be much more difficult to try to return the items and redeliver them to the correct locations. Therefore, thank you, yes, I accept your generous resolution to this problem.
I see... I didn't know I have to go to the website you provided me to check the tracking. There is a link with tracking number inside my order detail, and when I clicked it, all details came out N/A (as photo attached). Now that I've checked the shipping status with the website you gave me, everything is clear now. Thanks for the help!! And thanks for being super quick to ship out the lens!!
Attached is a picture of the camera I have received.As you can see, it is an RB67 Professional, not an RZ67 Pro II. It also does not appear to work. I will obtain a quote to send back to you and let you know when I have posted it with the costs.I will require all amounts to be paid to my paypal account is GB Pounds (Sterling) as I will not accept losing any money because of currency exchange - you will bear this cost. I will confirm the full amount in GB Pounds once I have the final postage cost. I will also be including the £13.50 Parcelforce handling charge for delivering after customs. I will not charge you for the customs import taxes because I can reclaim these from UK customs directly.
添付したのは私が受け取ったカメラです。ご存知のとおり、これはRB67 Professionalであり、RZ67 ProⅡではありません。それに、これは作動しないようです。お返しする際の見積もりをして、返送する場合にコストがどれだけかかるのかをお知らせします。私が求めるのは、私のペイパル口座から支払われたGBポンド(英貨)すべてであり、その理由は為替差損を受け入れられないからです。為替のコストは負担していただきます。最終的に郵便料金がかかる場合に、そのすべての料金をGBポンド求めます。また、パーセルフォースの通関後の配送手数料13.5ポンドを加えさせていただきます。輸入関税については、私のほうで、イギリス税関に直ちに返還請求したため請求はしません。
I will consider amending/revoking my negative feedback if and only if we conclude the returns process satisfactorily (to me).You simply cannot run a business and get away with sending people the wrong product (especially when it is a vastly inferior product).
Please accept my sincerest apologies for this mistake.In order to return the item concerned please make a returns request via "My account" then "Returns request" on the ●●●.com site. Don't forget to mention the following reason: "The received item is not what was ordered". As soon your parcel has been received by our warehouse, our returns department will confirm if a mistake has indeed been made.For further information, please see Article 12 of our Terms & Conditions : ●●●Please do not hesitate to contact me with any queries, and I apologise again for any inconvenience caused.
MuvizuPlay is an animation software package based on the Unreal Engine 3 developed by the UK-based company Digimania (Formerly knowns as the DA Group), whose prior work includes the virtual newsreader Ananova.Muvizu was known as Muvizu 3D during the beta release cycles and was rebranded as Muvizu Play upon the 1.0 release in April 2013.MuvizuPlay comes pre-packed with a variety of two-legged characters, objects, effects and pre-made animations which users can use to fit their own stories. The software also supports custom objects, character textures, object textures, dialogue (including the ability to lip-sync automatically) and sound effects allowing a wide variety of customisation.
MuvizuPlayはアニメーションのソフトウェアパッケージで、イギリスに本社を置くデジマニア(Digimania)(以前はDAグループとして知られていました)が開発したアンリアルエンジン3に依拠しています。同社の最近の作品としては、Ananovaというバーチャル新聞があります。MuvizuPlayはベータ版として配信されていたときは、Muvizu3Dという名前でしたが、2013年4月Muvizu Play 1.0のリリースに伴い名称が変更になりました。MuvizuPlayに同梱されているのは、たくさんの2足歩行のキャラクターや物体、特殊効果、予め作られたアニメーションであり、ユーザーはそれを自分の作品に合うように使うことができます。また、このソフトは自分だけの特別仕様の物体や、キャラクターの触感、物体の質感、言葉のやりとり(自動的に口合わせをする機能を含む)、音質効果を使うことができ、幅広いカスタマイズが可能になっている。
Hi friend. Were you able to send the refund. Please can we wrap this up. I sent your refund right away. Right now I am out everything until you can send the difference Just go into your paypal where you got the refund and use my email address. Ebay won't allow me to put it in a message.
#TruePrice3<TruePrice Predictable Pricing>See how TruePrice eliminates hidden costs on just one of the thousands of items we ship every day:CompetitorActual Weight:Dimensional Weight:Billable Weight:Receiving included?No Weight Limit?Consolidation included?Final Price:Delivery Time:** MyUS TruePrice includes storage of unlimited packages for up to five (5) days for Standard Members and up to thirty (30) days for Premium Members.
♯True Price3True Priceは予測できる価格設定ですTrue Priceが、日々出荷される何千という商品のうちの一つをとっても、どれだけ隠れたコストを削減できるかよくご覧下さい。他社実際の重量:寸法重量:課金重量:受け取りは含まれるか?重量制限はないか?小口集荷は含まれるか?最終的な価格:配達時刻:**MyUS TruePriceに含まれる無制限の荷物の保管は、スタンダード会員では最大5日まで、プレミアム会員では最大30日までです。
#TruePrice2<The TruePrice Promise:>While other solutions may result in increased charges once your package is shipped, MyUS stands by its TruePrice promise - the price we quote is the price you will pay. That's TruePrice.<TruePrice Predictable Pricing>* Applies to DHL, FedEx, and UPS. Excludes oversized shipments and palletized shipments. Oversized shipments are those with linear dimensions (total Length + Width + Height) greater than 108 inches (274 centimeters). TruePrice guarantee does not include additional or optional services such as insurance, dangerous goods fees, customs, duties or taxes. Comparison rates based on comparable services as of November 2014. Offer good through December 31, 2014.
#TruePrice2TruePriceのお約束他の方法では一度荷物を発送すると料金が増えますが、MyUS はTruePriceのお約束をお守りしますー私どもがお示しした値段がお支払いただく値段です。それがTruePriceなのです。TruePrice は予測できる値段を示します*DHL,FedEXやUPSに適用されます。特大の荷物や積み付けられた荷物は除きます。特大の荷物は、直線的な寸法(長さ+幅+高さの合計)が108インチ(274センチ)以上の荷物を指します。TruePriceの保証は、追加的なサービス、例えば保険や、危険物手数料、輸入関税、税金などは含みません。比較したレートは、2014年11月における比較可能なサービスに基づいています。オファーは2014年12月31日まで有効です。