EMSを利用すれば10月5日までに間に合います。EMSの送料は約10ドルです。当店ではEMSを利用した場合、お支払合計が33.09ドルになります。よろしければ商品ページで、商品価格の下段にある”48 new"をクリックしてください。当店以外のお店で、EMSを利用できて、さらに安いショップがあります。
If you use EMS, then we can deliver it to you by October 5th.EMS will cost approximately 10 dollars.If you decide to use EMS from our store, the total price will be 33.09 dollars.If you may, please click on "48 new" from the Product page, underneath the product price.We advise that there are other shops providing EMS at a cheaper price.
This is the result of the analysis. The orders of the keywords are by higher detection rates of Positive Control. Highlighted in green are which PRR is greater than or equal to 2 and Positive Control keywords detected more than or equal to than ? times. The result was 9. For these 9 keywords, the data we analyzed are of the primary illness of the symptom and all the medications administered. The following are the results. The symptoms were almost related to opportunistic infection, however many of the administered medications also effected to immune suppression.