Kosuke Noguchi (cozy) 翻訳実績

Osaka, Japan
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
cozy 英語 → 日本語

The other interesting change is that Sina has begun blocking searches for any terms related to the real name rules. “Real-name system,” “weibo real-name system,” “real name,” and more are all blocked, and displaying the standard error message:

" In accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, your search results cannot be shown."

According to some users, messages containing those phrases are also being deleted manually by Sina’s censors. We were unable to confirm this independently, and a message I posted this afternoon containing the phrase “real-name registration” remains on my account at present. However, that doesn’t mean that other users haven’t been having posts deleted.





cozy 英語 → 日本語

The majority of our staff are females which is unheard of for a financial services company. Finally, we have made a real effort to recruit outside of our industry to bring in new ideas. You need diversity to shake up very traditional industries that look within themselves for ideas. This is precisely why they don’t innovate and you have a real chance.

• Transparency rules

I think it is critically important that when building a team you are transparent about the risks and not just the rewards. Don’t take for granted that every employee may not be as well versed as you when it comes to market and financing risks you will surely face.





cozy 英語 → 日本語

It works to your advantage to be transparent because anyone that does not have a certain level of risk tolerance does not belong in the startup world. Try to mitigate the perceived risks with facts and always be honest. You are after all dealing with someone’s livelihood and everyone should enter the relationship with eyes wide open. I also am a big advocate of being transparent with business progress, both good and bad. We display our key real-time metrics across four ceiling-mounted plasma screens in our office. Withholding information breeds uncertainty and I would rather everyone feel unified and secure that we are all in this together.

