RiMa started with baby & mother care products which Chinese particularly care about especially after a series of milk scandals. Categories like wine are also the company’s first choices.It needs brands to provide all the code numbers of their products. Incentives for them to do so include RiMa would, in turn, provides them with consumer data, such as where (i.e. which department stores) consumers buy their products, and services like they are allowed to send consumers e-coupons.
The app wants to eventually be a tool helping brands track their goods all the way, from distributors, retailers to end users. On top of which brands can build a CRM system and will have more data for analysis.RiMa just graduated from ChinaAccelerator‘s 2013 batch. The team of five has worked on the product for only three months.
This is what I have:Tour issue Taylor Made stage 2 driver heads in 9.5 and 10.5 loft with TD4XXXX serial numbers and + stamp on hoselIf you can order a minimum of 20 pieces, I can sell them at $225.00 each including shipping. I have a few miscellaneous tour .335 tip shafts that we got from the tour department that I can throw in with the heads at no charge (10 or so shafts total). Some shafts are aftermarket upgrades and some are TaylorMades.Let me know what you would like to do. I wont have these for long so let me know as soon as you canThanks again for your business. We really appreciate it.Regards,Ron
在庫のある商品は以下の通りです:ロフト9.5と10.5のTour issue Taylor Made stage 2のドライバーヘッド、シリアルナンバーがTD4XXXXでホーゼルに刻印のある物20個以上注文していただければ、送料込で一つ225ドルでお売りします。ティップ径が.335のシャフトもヘッド付きで無料で差し上げます(全部で10個ほどです)。アフターマーケット品を改修した物とTaylorMadeのものが混ざっています。ご希望があればお知らせください。数に限りがございますのでできるだけ早くご連絡いただければ助かります。お問い合わせいただき誠にありがとうございました。では失礼いたします。Ron
Regarding a), my personal view is that conservative media in particular view the meteoric rise of DeNA and GREE as a suspicious development. The problem for them isn’t that these companies are making a lot of money (the Japanese telcos and countless other web/mobile firms do, too): it’s that they are too young and making too much money too quickly. So there must be fishy, maybe even criminal activities in progress, the reasoning goes.More information on this point:GREE’s latest financialsDeNA’s latest financials
While New York takes the top spot with an index of 71.4, Asia is well represented in the rankings with the afore-mentioned Singapore coming in third place at 70.0, making it the top Asian city on the list. It’s followed by Hong Kong in fourth at 69.3.In the ‘economic strength’ category it was interesting to see that all by five of the top 20 cities are in Asia. Cost of living showed some interesting contrasts with Tokyo ranking as the second most expensive city (something I can vouch for first hand!), and Mumbai coming in as the third cheapest place to live [1].
Today, that hasn’t changed — I can still post, and my account information is as blank as it’s always been — but two new oddities have pooped up onto our radar. First, it appears that users with unregistered accounts that have been blocked from posting can still make posts and retweet other posts as long as they use a smartphone or tablet client. Based on our tests, it does not appear that Sina is getting any ID information from these mobile clients, as users with unregistered SIM cards (purchased before the real-name requirement for phones) and unregistered weibo accounts were still able to post.
The other interesting change is that Sina has begun blocking searches for any terms related to the real name rules. “Real-name system,” “weibo real-name system,” “real name,” and more are all blocked, and displaying the standard error message: " In accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, your search results cannot be shown."According to some users, messages containing those phrases are also being deleted manually by Sina’s censors. We were unable to confirm this independently, and a message I posted this afternoon containing the phrase “real-name registration” remains on my account at present. However, that doesn’t mean that other users haven’t been having posts deleted.
Yesterday, we noted numerous users complaining that spam had actually increased since the regulations went into effect, so it could be that Sina is trying to keep a handle on those complaints by silencing them, or it could be that something else entirely is going on.
It’s still far too early to tell what effect the registration requirement has had on user activity, but the registration counter on Sina’s real-name registration page seems to have broken, or perhaps been turned off intentionally. When we last checked, it showed that just over 19 million users had registered, or about six percent of Sina’s total registered user base. But it’s unclear what the number is now or why Sina is no longer displaying it publicly.
More Strange Things on Post-Real-Name Sina WeiboAs the realities of real-name regulation on Sina Weibo begin to set in, we thought we’d check in with an update to yesterday’s post about some of the very bizarre things that are happening. Specifically, we reported that some users on Weibo — including your humble correspondent — were finding themselves real-name registered automatically, despite having taken no action and submitting no data to Sina.
Sina Weiboの実名制に関するさらに奇妙な事態Sina Weiboの実名規制が現実化し始めたところで、現在進行中の非常に奇妙な事態についての昨日の投稿に追記したい。具体的には、Weiboの一部のユーザー(記者も含む)が、Sinaにデータを送ったり何もしていないのにも関わらず、勝手に実名登録されていたという報道に関してだ。
It’s worth looking at for anyone trying to market a product in China. What impresses me most, assuming this is true, is that the campaign is entirely free of paid media, proving that it is indeed possible to market a product on the cheap, substituting dollars with effort and creativity. The tools? Web videos, a weibo account, and Ma Jin, an industrial artist who was the central figure of the campaign.
中国で商品を売り込もうとしている人なら誰でも見て損は無いだろう。私が最も感心したことは、それが事実だと仮定して、キャンペーンのためにいかなる有料メディアにも頼らなかったということだ。これは努力と創造力さえあればお金をかけなくても商品を売り込むことが実際に可能だということを証明している。何が必要だったか?ウェブビデオとweiboのアカウント、そしてこのキャンペーンの中心人物だったインダストリアル・アーティスト、Ma Jinだけだ。
To impress his then girlfriend (now his wife), Ma Jin wanted to build a carriage decorated using Dove’s heart-shaped tin boxes. He needed a lot of those to complete the carriage but for obvious reasons he didn’t want to buy them himself. So he used Weibo to seek help, asking others to donate their Dove heart-shaped tin boxes so that he could complete his carriage. Folks on Weibo were very helpful, so much so that he became a search trend named “carriage boy.” Naturally, the sales of Dove’s gift set also went up.
当時の恋人(現在の妻)を喜ばせるために、Ma JinはDoveのハート型のブリキの箱でデコレートした馬車を作ろうと思っていた。完成させるためには大量の箱が必要だったが、当然のこととして、自分で買いたくはなかった。そこで彼はWeiboで助けを求め、馬車を完成させるためにそのDoveのハート型のブリキの箱を寄付してもらうよう頼んだのだ。Weiboの仲間達は非常に協力的で、彼は「馬車少年」としてサーチトレンドにもなったほどだ。自然に、Doveのギフトセットのセールスも上昇した。
The results were pretty impressive, generating a whopping 47,683 retweets, 34,328 comments, and a 226 percent rise in Dove’s chocolate gift set sales during the Chinese Valentine’s day period last year. It was even reported in the papers. So that’s Ma Jin and Dove’s example on how you can use social media to market your products in China.
結果は非常にすばらしいものだった。なんと47,683ツイート、34,328コメント、そして去年の中国のバレンタインシーズンにおけるDoveのチョコレートギフトセットのセールスは226パーセントも上昇したのだ。このことは新聞でも報道された。ということでこれが、中国で商品を売り込むためのソーシャルメディアの使い方を証明した、Ma JinとDoveのケースだ。
Dove’s Weibo Campaign Case Study: 47,000 Retweets, 34,000 Comments, Up 226% in SalesFor last year’s Chinese Valentine’s Day (or Qixi Festival) on August 6, Dove wanted to do something special to promote its chocolate gift set. It was a 2011 project but the agency which Dove appointed for the task is SapientNitro, who only recently uploaded the video case study on YouTube and shared it with us.
The majority of our staff are females which is unheard of for a financial services company. Finally, we have made a real effort to recruit outside of our industry to bring in new ideas. You need diversity to shake up very traditional industries that look within themselves for ideas. This is precisely why they don’t innovate and you have a real chance.• Transparency rulesI think it is critically important that when building a team you are transparent about the risks and not just the rewards. Don’t take for granted that every employee may not be as well versed as you when it comes to market and financing risks you will surely face.
It works to your advantage to be transparent because anyone that does not have a certain level of risk tolerance does not belong in the startup world. Try to mitigate the perceived risks with facts and always be honest. You are after all dealing with someone’s livelihood and everyone should enter the relationship with eyes wide open. I also am a big advocate of being transparent with business progress, both good and bad. We display our key real-time metrics across four ceiling-mounted plasma screens in our office. Withholding information breeds uncertainty and I would rather everyone feel unified and secure that we are all in this together.
I gave the game a try in the browser at the Fuji TV site and I liked it a lot. The cherry blossom theme, Mount Fuji backdrop, food items like norimaki or onigiri, and Japan-theme costumes costumes of the birds were all lots of fun. The pigs even appear to have been influenced by Japanese architecture when building their little wooden forts.
So after going to China and Japan, where are the Angry Birds going next? It looks like space is the next frontier, coming on March 22nd if this tweet from @AngryBirds is to be trusted. And apparently Rovio has another special announcement coming in about an hour or so at 3pm GTM. I’ll try and update this post as soon as I hear about it.Update: It looks like the announcement was Angry Birds Space after all. But they made the announcement in space, with some help from NASA!
ところでAgnry Birdsはすでに中国と日本に行ったが、次はどこに行くのだろうか?Twitterで@AngryBirdsがつぶやいたこの情報が正しければ、3月22日に登場する次回作の舞台は、どうやら宇宙のようだ。そしてどうもRovioは約1時間以内に、または午後3時(グリニッジ標準時)に、もう一つ特別な発表をするようだ。情報が入り次第アップデートする。アップデート:どうやら発表というのは結局Angry Birds Spaceについてだったようだ。しかしNASAの協力のもと、なんと宇宙からの発表だった!
Angry Birds Hits Japan for Cherry Blossom Season, Partners with Fuji TVEver since Rovio chose to celebrate its 2nd birthday in Japan, it was expected that a Japanese version of Angry Birds Seasons was in the works. The game developer just yesterday pushed out a cherry blossom festival update for the title for both Android and iOS. Rovio also partnered with Japan’s Fuji TV to bring Angry Birds to many new fans via the Fuji TV website at angrybirds.fujitv.co.jp.
Angry Birds、フジテレビとの提携で、花見の季節に日本を襲撃Rovioが2周年を日本で祝うと発表して以来、Angry Birds Seasonsの日本版が開発中なのではと期待されていたが、ゲーム開発者は昨日、AndroidとiOS向けに同タイトル用花見バージョンのアップデートを公開した。Rovioはさらに、ウェブ上(angrybirds.fujitv.co.jp)で新たなファンにAngry Birdsを届けるために、日本のフジテレビと提携する。
The crowded Chinese mobile SNS market has been seeing so many new servcies sprang up last year, to name a few, immomo.com, qiyu.im, jimii.cn, shanju.com, zaizher.im and so on. They more or less share the similar features like location awareness, finding someone around you, free messaging etc.. All of those concepts originated from the Valley startup Yobongo, an ambient realtime communication app characterizes by location, realtime and mobile chat.