cognac31 翻訳実績

5.0 3 件のレビュー
9年弱前 女性
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• Provide communication about what is relevant to you about our company, carriers, and the products you like to receive.
• Collect your feedback and recommendations so we can improve how we support your needs in the future.

Any information you can provide me regarding your business, needs and interests will help me identify how we can better support your company, and help it grow. I will not share this information with anyone outside of MyUS, it is only to help me understand what I can do better for you.

There is no action required on your part, simply allow me to demonstrate how this level of support is different from anything you have experienced with MyUS in the past.


● 弊社、キャリアに関して、またお客様のご希望のプロダクトについてお客様に関連するコミュニケーションを行うこと


特にご要望をいただいてはおりませんが、当レベルのサポートが過去にMyUS を通して体験されたサポートとはいかに異なるものであるかを手短にご説明いたします。

cognac31 英語 → 日本語

Even established companies can face this challenge: Should your business invest R&D dollars into Concept A or Concept B? Which of the four potential verticals your product could serve should you pursue first? Decisions like these become increasingly complex when it isn’t clear which of the many alternatives available represents the best likelihood of a profitable return.

Because time, money, and energy are limited for all but the most wealthy among us, would-be business owners and overwhelmed leaders need a framework for how to proceed when they have too many ideas. The following steps should help minimize this intense source of frustration:


すでに設立した企業も実際この問題に直面する。ビジネスとして研究開発(R&D)費用をA 企画あるいは B企画に投資すべきか。自社商品を生かすだろう4つの潜在的な産業の内、最初にどれを推進させるべきか。多くの選択の中で最高の収益性のあるものがどれかがはっきりしていないと、これらの決定は著しく複雑になる。


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Note: I’m assuming you’ve determined that there’s a market for and an interest in each of the ideas you’re choosing between by this point in the process. Given that a lack of product-market fit is one of the biggest reasons businesses fail (a survey by CoFounder magazine found that more than 20 percent of startup entrepreneurs cite it as the cause of their business’s demise), you’ll want to get that right before you ever worry about market potential.

Step 3 – Establish your ability to act on each idea

The last thing Roman and I did was consider carefully how effectively we’d be able to act on each of the ideas we were proposing. This involved asking a number of different questions:


記 皆さんはそのための市場と当プロセスのこの点において選択される各アイデアの利益はあると確信しておられると思う。適合する商品市場の不在(CoFounder誌の調査によると、20パーセント以上の新規の起業家がビジネスの消沈の原因としている)が最も大きなビジネスの失敗の一つだとすれば、潜在市場について後で心配する前にあらかじめ知っておきたいものである。

ステップ3 各々のアイデアにどう動くか、自らの能力を確立する


cognac31 英語 → 日本語

・What size staff would we need? A mobile app may require just a developer, but a SaaS company needs to fulfill development, tech support, customer service, and accounting needs.

・What skills will each idea require (and what skills do we have)? As an example, if you’re a mobile app developer by trade, pursuing app creation may be an easier choice than if you’re a marketer who would need to hire on a separate developer.

・What funding is available? Larger ideas, and ideas that require larger teams, will require more funding. How much working capital do you have on hand, and how much time are you willing to put into fundraising versus actually working on your company?


● スタッフの規模はどのくらい必要か。モバイル用アプリは一人だけのデベロッパーがいればいいだろう。 しかし、SaaS ベンダーには開発、技術サポート、消費者サービス及び会計知識も持ち合わせていることが必要だ。

● どのようなスキルが一つ一つのアイデアに必要か、(自分たちはどのようなスキルを持っているか)。例えば、モバイルアプリのトレードデベロッパーならアプリクリエーションを追求することは別々にデベロッパーを雇用しなくてはいけないマーケッターより容易なことかもしれない。

● 調達資金はどうか。アイデアの規模が大きければ大きいほど、それに準じて人員数も増え、より大きな資金が必要になる。手元にいくらの現金があるか。会社を興すためにどのくらいの期間で資金調達が可能か。

cognac31 英語 → 日本語

・How quickly can we execute each concept? If, in Step #2, we had identified a potential first mover advantage, would we actually be able to bring the company and/or product to fruition quickly enough to capitalize on it?

These kinds of questions aren’t easy to answer — and you may find that your answers evolve as you pursue one idea over another — but give them their due diligence ahead of time. The more research you do upfront, the less likely you are to invest countless amounts of time, money, and energy into an idea that won’t ultimately succeed.

What else would you add to this list? Share recommendations from your past experiences by leaving a comment below.


● どのくらい迅速に一つ一つのアイデアを実行できるか。もし、ステップ2で挙げた潜在的な一番手となるものを見分けたとして、実際に会社や商品を資金化につなげるよう運営していく能力があるのか。



cognac31 英語 → 日本語

Netflix shows what that looks like, and why — for now — Amazon owns such a big piece of that future.

Neil Hunt, the chief product officer and vice president of engineering for Netflix, was speaking at the Engineering Summit on Infrastructure, which had been organized by Engineering Capital, a small, enterprise-focused VC fund. Hunt talked about Netflix’s longstanding use of Amazon Web Services, the market and technology leader in cloud services. But it’s not just Netflix, Hunt said: Everyone is moving toward AWS.

“AWS is now the basic layer of compute services,” said Hunt.


Netflix は取りあえずアマゾンが大きな未来の一部を担っているそれがどのようなものであるか、また何故なのか、を説明する。

小企業のVCファンドに焦点を置いたエンジニアキャピタル(Engineering Capital)主催のインフラのエンジニアサミットでNetflixの生産チーフオフィサー兼エンジニア部門副社長ニール・ハント(Neil Hunt)氏は話していた。ハント氏はNetflixがクラウドサービス事業の中では市場とその技術においてリーダー格のアマゾンのウエブサービスを長く使用していることについて語った。しかし、Netflixに限ったことではなく、誰もがAWSへと移行していることに言及した。


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Netflix is not just heavily reliant on AWS — it’s about to become completely dependent. Hunt plans to power down his company’s last data center this year, at which point Netflix will be running almost entirely on outsourced cloud infrastructures, mostly operated by Amazon. (It’ll still run its own content delivery network — CDN.)

Note that this timeline is new. Netflix originally said it would shut down its last datacenter in 2014, and then again this past summer, but the future sometimes comes a little slower than expected. That’s one aspect of enterprise infrastructure that will probably never change.


NetflixはAWSに頼り切っているわけではないとは言え、ほぼ完全な依存状態にはなりつつある。ハント氏は今年、Netflixが業務委託クラウドインフラ(その大半がアマゾンに拠る)にほぼ完璧に向かっている社内の前回のデータセンターをパワーダウンさせる計画をしている。(まだ彼ら独自のコンテンツ・デリバリー・ネットワーク CDN を実行するだろう)


cognac31 英語 → 日本語

A session for me would last around 20 minutes, so going from an ad every ten minutes to several every two minutes made a big impact on my experience, and, like any good social media complainer (read: “grumpy old man”) I headed straight to Twitter to announce my disgust. I didn’t get a response from Instagram, but since I know that big brands ignore 289 million social media complaints every year, I wasn’t expecting one.

But a sample size of one Instagram user is not statistically significant.

974 Instagram users, however, would be a significant sample. Against a population of 77 million, that sample would offer me 99 percent certainty with a margin of error of just 4.13 percent.



cognac31 英語 → 日本語

So, in partnership with Survata, I asked a few questions of 974 Instagram users during the week that followed the increase in ad frequency.

Let me preface the results by saying, I love Instagram, and like many of our respondents, I use it as my social networking app of choice.

Partly, that’s because I know the experience is fairly authentic. As I explained in my 18,000-word study of social media management tools, Instagram is one of the few services that doesn’t allow posting via its API. This means that when I view a photo, I know the user (which could be a brand I follow) has had to take or upload that image manually.

