Latoya Sutton さん先日、あなたから送って頂いた腕時計ですが、インボイスが、49.95$で送られてきたようです。何故、49.95$のインボイスなのでしょうか?実際に、ebayで購入した金額は、164.99$です。本当に、49.95$なら、インボイスのレシートを送って下さい。このままでは、発送をしてもらえません。誠実な対応をしないなら、Paypalを通じて、取引の異議を申し立てます。宜しくお願い致します。
Dear Latoya Sutton, About the wrist watch that you sent to me the other day, Iit seems that invoice for $49.95 was sent off.Why was the invoice for $49.95?The amount it was sold for on ebay was $164.99.If it was actually $49.95, then please send me an invoice receipt.As it is now, I can't send anything off.If you won't reply, then I will have to declare a dispute to the transaction through Paypal.Thank you for your time.
I'm relieved that the goods have been deliveered.Regarding your question, the box had damage when I got it.Therefore I moved the product to a new box, and sent it off.I thought that it must have been damaged when it was shipped from overseas.Of course, the product which I sent you was the regular product of the brand,and it is completely unused, so please don't worry.I have handed over the manual and everything that came with the product to you.Therefore, there is no more that I can do for you.I hope that you understand. Thank you.
The concentration of the chemical element Arsenic in the edible parts Japanese Komatsuna vegetables have an effect on the amount of moisture in the soil.Changing how much the Komatsuna vegetable is watered has an effect on the development of the vegetable.According to every trial, the capacity for water content changes.For every trial, there was a concentration of Arsenic in the edible parts of the Japanese Komatsuna vegetables. (fresh vegetables according to their weight)The amount of moisture in the soil of the vegetable affected the concentration of Arsenic in the edible parts of the Japanese Komatsuna vegetables (this was examined 38 days after sowing the seeds)In every trial, the edible parts of the Komatsuna vegetables had absorbed an amount of Cd (for every 10 plants).
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You can add more funny material to your social network with this app.You will be amazed at how easy this camera app can capture animated GIFs.You can tweet photos of your pet's cute behaviours.Taking selfies with the face camera is also very easy.Reblog animated GIF images...done!It is also possible to record stop-motion videos with the serial shot mode.There are limitless combinations, with 20 different filters, allowing you to create your own unique GIFs.You don't have to register in order to take photos or share on your social network,and you can save your photos too.