chipange 翻訳実績

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User can create a WorldCosplay account using their Facebook or Twitter credentials. A user’s ranking is generated by the evaluation of submitted photos, motivating cosplayers to submit high quality photos. There are several ranking criteria such as User Ranking, Character Ranking, Title Ranking, and Tag Ranking. Not surprisingly, the most popular character on WorldCosplay is “Hatsune Miku” (featured in the most recent Google Chrome TV commercial in Japan).

So if you happen to be one of the many cosplayers out there, please check out WorldCosplay and let us know what you think!


ユーザーは自分のフェースブックやツイッターの認証を使い WorldCosplayアカウントを作る。

ユーザーのランキングにはキャラクターランキング、タイトルランキング、そしてタグランキングなどのランキングがある。驚かないが、WorldCosplayで一番人気のあるキャラクターは “ハツネミク”である。 (もっとも最近の日本でのグーグルクロムTVコマーシャルに出ている )もしあなたがコスプレプレーヤーの一人であるなら、どうかWorldCosplay をチェックしてみてくれ。そして我々にどう思ったのか教えてくれ。

chipange 英語 → 日本語

Foursquare Introduces Sakura Badge To Tokyo Users

s Foursquare trying to become the mayor of Asia? It kinda looks like it. After introducing a special Lion City badge for Singapore users, Foursquare launched the Sakura Badge this past Friday evening for its Tokyo users.

All you have to do is to check-in at five of the 64 Tokyo spots on Foursquare that are listed for this Sakura badge. These are popular locations in the city including Shibuya, Harajuku, and Shinjuku.

Foursquare has made some amazing progress in Tokyo. According to its data last year, Shibuya and Shinjuku were ranked second and third respectively as the most checked-in train stations in the world.






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Each time Microsoft grew too big, Gates split it into smaller units with a maximum of 200 people in each unit. The secret to the structure of Microsoft during Gates time at the helm was that it was geared to the way that its famous CEO works best.

'When we were only 80 people, I knew when everyone came and went. I knew the license plate number on their cars and their individual projects. I was personally involved with everyone and reviewed every piece of code. Now it's all pretty indirect. We have more than 3000 people in the product development groups alone. Naturally I don't know everyone's names, but I know the key people.'


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chipange 英語 → 日本語

According to Recochoku, many teenage girls voted for "Winter Magic." A 13-year-old girl commented, "The lyrics of this song touches my heart. If I were to share my feelings with the person I like, this is the go-to song." Another 14 year-old girl claimed that she voted for "Winter Magic" because the lyrics are cute and sensible. She added, "I wish I could listen to this song with the person to share my feelings."

The runner-up on "Romantic Winter Love Songs to Share with Your Lover 2012" ranking is EXILE's 38th single, "To You." This ranking is based on the research done through Recochoku website from December 21 to December 28.


レコチョクによると、多くの10代の少女が“ウインターマジック”に投票したとのことである。13歳の少女は、“歌詞が心に響くわ。誰か好きな人と気持ちを分かち合えたらいいなって気にさせる歌だわ。”とコメントした。また他の14歳の少女は、歌詞が可愛くて、それに分かる気がしたから “ウインターマジック”に投票したと答えた。さらに “この歌を気持ちを共有できる人と聞きたいと付け加えた。”
