PAGE 86-3Yet for all the publicity he attracted, Gates was - and remains ¬fiercely protective of his private life, which he does not consider a matter of public interest. It is a rather naive attitude. Not only is he co-founder of one of the most powerful companies in the world ¬and one that, on a daily basis, is changing the way people live their lives, he is also the richest man in the world. When you add in his celebrated intellect, his reputation for tantrums, and his decision to spend $50 million plus on a mansion just outside Seattle, then it becomes clear that his every move is going to be closely watched by the world's media.
I am Machida, who have just bought your item at auction.Will you let me know the tracking number for that?Thank you very much in advance.
I wrote about some environment issue and preventive action and right Eco-friendly action.No matter how much a single person worries about our environment problem and try to become Eco-friendly, the earth can't be saved. It is the most important for all of us to realize the problem and take an action. To make it happen, nation must determine what action must be taken and set it out to the nation so that people and companies can take measures. the more countries act likewise, the less the problem becomes. To save our earth, not only some countries act but also the entire world must start action globally.
I've had this processor for a few years and it is in very good condition. There are a few very light scratches on the top from my active crossover; besides that it is clean. I tried to take photos of them but I couldn't get them to show in photos. I'm just moving to a dedicated 2 channel as I'm not much of a HT guy.I was using it with a Oppo Bluray player which offers good 7.1 analog out with the latest codecs. Unfortunately, there is nothing that will match the Krell sound quality that has HDMI plus all the latest codecs without spending a ton more money. This worked well for me and I know it will for you.
私はこのプロセッサーを数年所有していますが、大変良い状態です。私のアクティブクロスオーバーの上部にわずかな引っかき傷がありますが、それ以外は大変きれいです。傷の写真を写そうとしましたが写真には写りませんでした。私はHTがそれほど好きではないので2チャンネルに専念しようと思います。最新のコーデックにより、すばらしい7.1チャンネルアナログアウトを出すPPO製のBlu-rayプレーヤに使用していました。残念ながら、HDMIプラスを持つクレルの音質に適うものはありません。大金を払わずにjすべての最新のコデック。 とても良いものでした、きっとあなたも気に入ると思います。翻訳者:専門用語もあり、意味が不明な部分もあり想像で訳した部分もありますが、ご容赦願います。
The item has arrived in Japan.Thank you for your prompt action indeed.I am planning to buy some next month again.Thank you very much.
PAGE 82-1Many high-tech companies have a vested interest in future Microsoft releases because the software and systems they produce are reliant on Microsoft software. They benefit from advance information from the company's development teams about the direction that technology is moving in - a factor that can make an important difference to the success of their own future products. KNOW THYSELF 'If Hewlett-Packard knew what it knows we'd be three times more productive', Lew Platt, former chief executive of the US computer giant, once observed. And H-P isn't the only major corporation company that has been keen to embrace the latest panacea for business success.
PAGE 82-1多くのハイテク会社は、彼らが作るソフトウエアやシステムがマイクロソフトのソフトウエアに依存しているので、マイクロソフトの発表とは利害関係がある。マイクロソフトの開発チームからの技術の行方に関する先行情報は、彼らにとって有益である。その情報は彼ら自身の将来の製品の成功するかどうかに大きな違いをもたらすのだから。汝自身を知れ”ヒューレットパッカードは、会社が三倍以上生産的であるべきであったと気づくべきだった。”とアメリカのコンピュータ会社大手の前最高経営責任者のLew Platt氏は振り返った。ヒューレットパッカードだけが、ビジネスでの成功のための特効薬を模索する企業ではない。
PAGE 81-3In this way, the customer becomes part of the feedback process even before the product has been launched, something that speeds up market acceptance of new products. It is also a major factor in the speed with which Microsoft can develop and market new applications.Critics argue that by releasing applications before they have been properly tested, Microsoft actually uses its customers as crash test dummies. However, many of the companies that get involved see it as a useful exercise to gain advance information about future Microsoft developments, and even to influence the final product.
PAGE 81-3このように顧客は、製品が発売される前であるのに、すでにフィードバックプロセスの一部であり、それが新製品の市場での受け入れを早める。また、マイクロソフトがどれだけ早く新しいアプリケーションを開発し販売できるかにとって重大な要素である。マイクロソフトは完全にテストしていないアプリケーションをリリースし、クラッシュテストの実験台として実際に顧客を使うという批判はある。しかしながら、関係する会社の多くは、マイクロソフトの将来の開発や完成品への影響についての情報を得られるので役に立つとの見方をしている。
PAGE 81-2CRASH TEST DUMMIES There is one other crucial factor that has kept Microsoft at the top of its industry. Gates was always willing to test software on customers, a practice continued at Microsoft to this day. Beta versions of the company's software are offered to customers who are prepared to provide some feedback for advance knowledge of the new software. In this way, the company's developers get real feedback from the people who will use the final version of the software. Customers involved in beta testing tell the developers back in Redmond about any bugs or glitches they find, and offer input on the usability of the software.
PAGE 81-2クラッシュテストの実験台マイクロソフトが業界でトップであ利続けるもう1つの大事な要素がある。今日まで続くマイクロソフトの習慣であるあるが、ゲーツはいつもソフトウエアを客にテストしてもらいたいと思っていた。フィードバック情報を提供してくれる客を用意し、彼らにソフトウエアのベータ版を提供し、新しいソフトウエアについての情報を得る。 このようにして同社の開発者は、最終版のソフトウエアを使用するユーザーから本当のフィードバックを得るのだ。ベータ版に関わる客は、レッドモンドにいる開発者に発見したバグや欠陥、ソフトウエアのユーザビリティ(使いやすさ)に関するインプット情報を提供する。
PAGE 81-1For the traditional company, the learning organization poses huge challenges. In the learning organization managers are researchers and designers rather than controllers and overseers. Senge argues that managers should encourage employees to be open to new ideas, communicate frankly with each other, understand thoroughly how their companies operate, form a collective vision and work together to achieve their goal. 'The world we live in presents unprecedented challenges for which our institutions are ill prepared', says Senge.
PAGE 81-1従来の会社にとって、研究機関は、手ごわい相手である。研究機関では、マネージャーは経営者や監督者ではなくマネージャーは研究者や設計者である。Senge氏は、マネージャーは社員に対して、新しいアイデアにオープンであり、お互いに気さくに話し、会社の仕組みを良く理解し、幅広い視野で、共に働き、目標を達成するなることを奨励する。我々が住み世界には、我々の組織が用意してない予期しない挑戦があると、Senge氏述べた。
PAGE 80-35 Team learning - the discipline of team learning involves two practices: dialogue and discussion. The former is characterized by its exploratory nature, the latter by the opposite process of narrowing down the field to the best alternative for the decisions that need to be made. The two are mutually complimentary, but the benefits of combining them only come from having previously separated them. Most teams lack the ability to distinguish between the two and to move consciously between them.
PAGE 80-35 チーム学習チーム学習訓練には2つの演習がある。:対話と話し合い前者は探求的側面を持ち、後者は、どちらにすべきか絞り込んで行き、最善の方に決定するという逆の流れである。2つは相互に補うが、両方を合わせた効果を得るには、まず2つを分ける必要がある。ほとんどのチームがその2つを区別し、2つを意識して行動する能力が欠けている。
PAGE 78-1As might be expected with one of the world's leading computing firms, Microsoft has for a long time had a highly sophisticated electronic infrastructure. Using email, anyone in the organization can communicate with anyone else - that included Gates himself. 'In a highly iterative business, where things change so rapidly, we often need to change course midstream, so we must have an efficient feedback loop', said Gates. 'Our email system, with its lack of hierarchy, ensures that everyone who needs to know about a problem is informed within 48 hours.'
PAGE 78-1世界で先端を行くコンピューター会社の一つとして思われているとおり、マイクロソフトは長期にわたり優れた電子的インフラを有してきた。電子メールを使い、会社の誰でもが誰とでも(ゲーツ自身も含めて)コミュニケーションできた。”常に先端を目指すビジネスでは、物が急激に変化し、我々は途中であっても方向を変える必要がしばしばある。だから、我々は効率的なフィードバックループを持つ必要がある。”とゲーツは言う。我々のメールシステムには、階級はなく、問題を知る必要のある誰でもが48時間以内に知らせれる。
PAGE 77-2Being able to bring new people into the organization quickly was a key factor in the way the company developed. By creating systems for documenting knowledge, new recruits had instant access to what their colleagues had already learned. Since relatively few people actually left the company to join direct competitors, the risk of sensitive information leaving the premises was minimal. That was one reason why Gates preferred to establish Microsoft's HQ in Redmond, rather than Silicon Valley. 'They couldn't keep secrets in Silicon Valley', he observed.
PAGE 77-2新しい人を、どれだけ早く組織に入れられるかが、会社が成長していく過程では重要な要素であった。知識を文書化するステムを構築することにより、新入社員は同僚がすでに知っていることにすばやく知ることができた。会社を去り競合会社に転職する人は比較的少なかったので、重要な情報が施設から漏れるリスクは少なかった。ゲーツはマイクロソフトの本社シリコンバレーでなくレッドモンドに置きたかった理由の一つである。シリコンバレーでは秘密を保持するのはできないだろうから。”と彼は語った。
PAGE 76-3The company was also fanatical about learning from past mistakes. 'I used to have this memo that I updated every year called the Ten Great Mistakes of Microsoft, and I would try to make them very stimulating so people would talk about lessons for this company's future', noted Gates.PAGE 77-1'Many of our mistakes related to markets we didn't get into as early as we should have. The constraint was always the number of people we could hire, while still managing everything, and ensuring that we could meet all of our delivery commitments. We were always on the edge. We really pushed the limits of how fast we hired people.'
PAGE 76-3同社は過去のミスから学ぶのにも熱心であった。”私は、毎年発行されるマイクロソフトトの10個の最大のミスと呼ばれるメモをよくもらったものだ。それが皆の刺激となり、皆がこの会社の将来のための教訓として話すようになるよう心がけた。”とゲーツは述べた。PAGE 77-1”我々のミスの多くは、我々が参入するのが遅すぎた市場に関係する。すべてを管理しながら、我々は必ずあらゆるデリバリーの要求をかなえながら、何人雇えるかがいつも課題であった。いつも限界ぎりぎりであった。我々は本当に人を雇うのを限界まで急いだのだ。”
Hello,Since I am not very good at writing in English, I am writing to you with help of computer translation function. I hope you can understand correctly what I mean.What I want to know are ,- whether the item is reissued or not and- if you accept the payment by paypal because it is difficult for me to pay at a bank in Japan.Best regards,
Dear Tomohiko, Thank you for contacting Hayneedle. Since the Tachyon Binoculars were defective, you do not have to return them to us from Japan. We ask you to please discard or (field destroy) the binocular and case. We do apologize for the binoculars being defective. We will credit your PayPal account for the full amount of $229.98 plus the shipping of $105.94 back on your al account in 3 to 5 business days. If you would like to re-order please give me a call at 1-866-912-9717 Ext 4059. For any further questions call one of Hayneedle's optical experts at 1-800-303-5873, or contact me directly by replying to this email.
ともひこ様Hayneedleへ問い合わせいただきましてありがとうございます。Tachyon双眼鏡は不良品ですので、日本からアメリカに返送いただく必要はありません。恐れ入りますが、そちらで双眼鏡とケースの処分をお願います。あなたのPaypalの口座に全額$229.98と送料$105.94を3~5日営業日以内に返金いたします。もし再度注文を望まれます場合は、以下に電話願います。1-866-912-9717 内線 4059.さらに詳しい情報は、Hayneedleの光学品専門部門1-800-303-5873, もしくはこの電子メールで私宛に返信ください。
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Thank you for your hard work everyday.Thank to your great effort, the sales of listed items have been increased.May I ask you a favor of you? Will you adjust the price of the item, which I listed on Amazon, referring to competitor’s price? I am going to make a brief manual for this work. Will you accept this work? Since there are more than 3500 items, I am sure you may like this work.
PAGE 65-2The ability to hold onto its staff, and attract the staff of other leading IT firms, partly by promoting a sense of shared vision and inclusiveness, is one of the secrets of Microsoft's success. 'By sharing the challenge to change the computer world with his staff Microsoft staff feel more involved with their goal than other companies because they are led by a leader who is in the trenches with them', noted Fortune magazine. It is an ingredient that Steve Jobs took to Apple with considerable success.
PAGE 65-2ビジョンを共有化し、スタッフに一体感を持たせることによりスタッフを会社に留め、かつ他の優秀なIT会社のスタッフも引き寄せる能力、これがマイクロソフト成功に導いた理由の一つである。“リーダーはあゆる場面でスタッフを先導し、スタッフと共にコンピュータの世界の変革にチャレンジする。これが、マイクロソフトのスタッフが他の会社に比べ、より目標に深く係っている気になる理由である。”とフォーチュンマガジンは述べている。これは、スティーブジョブズがアップルに大成功をもたらした秘訣でもある。
Still much left to doDespite all this progress and potential in Indonesia, I still ask the same question: The investors are here, but where are the start-up founders?Overall, I’m really thankful to be able to cover interesting start-ups and great events this year, and it has been fun working on the PO team. I’m looking forward to another great year in 2012! 1. Disclosure: Joshua Kevin is an Associate in #StartupLokal and East Ventures. ↩
まだたくさんやることがある。インドネシアでの、これらの発展と可能性があるにしても、私はやはり同じ質問をしてしまう。投資家はここにいるが、起業の創設者はどこにいるのだ?結局は、興味深い新興企業や大きなイベントを扱えるので、今年は本当にうれしい。POチームで働くのは楽しい。2012年も楽しみにしている。1.添付:Joshua Kevinは#StartupLokal and East Ventures社の社員です。
Online Shopping in China in 2011 [INFOGRAPHIC]The Infographic of the Day series visually expresses important stories from Asia and the world of technology.Over the past few weeks we’ve been taking a look back on 2011 and the major stories and trends that stood out. In China, this was an especially big year for online shopping and ecommerce.For a few key facts and figures [1] about how this corner of China’s internet industry is growing, check out the following graphic that I’ve put together on the subject.1. Update January 4: RMB amount spent online updated from 7,000,000,000,000 to 7,500,000,000,000. ↩