For speed sensor integrated into a vehicle wiring harness(most Metric Cruisers w/factory VSS utilize a 3-wire Hall-effect sensor), consult a service manual to determine the color code and location of the speedometer signal.If the factory harness supplies +5V to the sensor, please utilize the factory connection in plase of the red power wire.For 2004+ Harley and 2003 V-Rod applications make sure to simply "Tee" into the white wire on the speed sensor to make certain the ECM will still receive its proper VSS signal from the sensor.2006+ Sportsters utilize a black/blue wire for the VSS signal in place of the white wire on most big-twin models.
車両のハーネス(多くのファクトリーVSS付きのメトリッククルーザーは3線のホールエフェクトセンサーを使用している)に集約されたスピードセンサーについては、カラーコードとスピードメーター信号につていはサービスマニュアルをご覧ください。ファクトリーハーネスからセンサーに+5Vが供給されているならば、赤色の動力ワイヤーの代わりにファクトリーコネクションを利用してください。2004+ ハーレーと2003 V-ロッドの場合は、必ずECMがセンサーから正しいVSS信号を受信するよう、必ず”単純にTee”がスピードメーターの白色のワイヤーになるようなアプリケーションにしてください。多くの大型ツインモデルでは白色のワイヤーですが、2006+ スポーツスターはVSS信号には黒色と白色のワイヤーが使用しています。翻訳者:ご存知かもしれませんが、私が調べたところ、メトリッククルーザーはハーレー風バイクのことのようでした。
Your order will be automatically closed within 24 hours if we do not receive this proper documentation. (i) a PHOTO ID [i.e. Drivers license, passport, student/employee, etc (ii) FRONT AND BACK OF THE CREDIT CARD USED FOR THIS PURCHASE.(iii) PROOF OF BILLING ADDRESS FOR THE CREDIT CARD USED (EX: COPY OF CREDIT CARD STATEMENT-TOP PORTION SHOWING CARD NUMBER, NAME AND BILLING ADDRESS OF CARDHOLDER)Send faxes to 437-8860, attention NAT. Scans should be in jpeg/jpg/gif format and less than 75kb. We cannot download other large file format. Kindly identify the filenames. Please expedite your copies in order for us to expedite your shipment.
我々が適切な書類を受け取らない場合は、あなたの注文は自動的に24時間以内に終了します。(i) 写真ID「例 運転免許証、パスポート、学生/社員証等(ii)購入に使用したクレジットカードの両面(iii)クレジットカードの請求先住所の証明(例 カード番号、カード所有者の名前と住所が記載されたクレジットカードステートメントの上の部分のコピー)ファックス番号437-8860にNAT宛てにファクスしてください。スキャンであればjpeg/jpg/gifフォーマットで75kb以下のサイズにしてください。それ以上大きいファイルはダウンロードできません。出荷を早くできるようにコピーをできるだけ早くしてください。
Some customer prefer to buy deck screws that are specifically rated for the wood they re using. Deck screws are usually #8 in thickness and can be purchased from your local Home Depot or Lowes. If you choose the concrete wall option, you will be supplied with 2-inch-long Tapcon concrete screws (‘blue screws’) which require a little more installation work. You will need to drill a pilot hole using a hammer drill with the included concrete bit. Once that’s finished, you can then attach the holds with a cordless drill. Be sure not to tighten the holds down with a hammer drill!
Logiblocs have been called “the cyber blocks of the future” - fascinating electronic building blocks that help you understand the world of IT in a fun and enjoyable way.In a matter of seconds you can create all sorts of gadgets - burglar alarms for bedrooms, flashing space stations, scanners, zappers, lie detectors and even record and playback secret messages. YellowThese blocs trigger the system at the press of a button, the flash of a light or the creak of a floorboardAll Logiblocs work with each other so with a few Extrablocs you can build on to your inventions to make them even more powerful using your Logimagination
BlueThese connecting blocs take the signals from place to place up buildings and around corners to hidden placesOrangeThese clever blocs do the thinking and make sure everything happens in the right place and at the right timeRedThese chatterboxes communicate with the outside world through light and sound, turning things on and off or speaking messages.GreenThese energy suppliers give life to Logiblocs Inventions. Also, we include here some special blocs primarily for use with the LogiRobot.Interactive Cyber-BlocksHere is an example of how several different types of bloc work together in the Spytech Kit.
Please note - if the end price of any item exceeds £34 the postage cost will have to be increased to include a "Signed for" service. This will add 70p to the cost of UK postage and £4 to the cost overseas. Please wait for an invoice before making payment. If insurance is required please ask - I cannot be held responsible for losses in the post.
ご注意ください。品物の最終価格が34ポンドを超える場合、送料には"Signed for(サイン確認)”サービスが含まれます。これにより、イギリスの郵便料金に70P、そして海外までの送料に4£が加算されます。インボイスが到着しましたら支払いをお願いします。保険が必要でしたら依頼してください。輸送中での紛失については責任を負いかねます。
Hello, I am 「担当者名」of f『会社名』 which you have been doing business with.Have you shipped the order which we made last time?Please let us know the tracking number for that if you have shipped out.Also please confirm the quantity. It must be 38 pieces.If you have anything to ask, please reply to this mail.
・全てのiPadにてテストを実施していますが、最新のiPadを利用する事を推奨しています。特に、カメラを利用する際、スピードが遅くなる事があります。・紙ではなく、iPhone/iPod Touchを利用し、エコを実現します。何故書き撮るナビを実装したのか? ・Post-itを筆者は普段利用しますが、書いた内容を思い出せない事が続き、すぐに思い出せるようなアプリケーションがあれば、かつ電車等でも利用する事ができれば、と考え、実装しました。
The application has been tested and confirmed with all versions of iPad. However the latest version of iPad is preferable to be used with. Especially it might be getting slow when it is used in the camera mode. The use of iPhone/iPod Touch is more environmentally friendly than the use of paper.Why has been the Write-Shoot-Navi application to be installed?The writer usually uses Post-it. He failed to recall what he wrote many times and found the needs of the application reminding him of what he wrote. With such application, he can use it even when he is traveling by train. That's why he has installed it.
We are writing to let you know that support requests pending a response from the customer are auto-solved by our system if we have not heard back within 4 days after our last update. Accordingly, the status of your oDesk support request (#) has now been set to Solved.We're here to help, so if you need any additional assistance, you may respond to the support request via your oDesk Message Center anytime within 30 days to reopen the ticket.For your reference, a transcript of your support request has been included below: Please respond to the user directly at the email address below.
お客様から通知があるまでは、サポート依頼は、最後のアップデートから4日以内に返事が得られない場合は、システムによる自動的に解決したものとなります。従い、あなたのOデスクサポート依頼(#)は、現在ではすでに解決済みとなっています。我々は助けます。さらに助けが必要でしたら、チケットを再開 するために30日以内にOデスクサポート依頼メッセージセンターのサポート依頼に返事してください。参考までに、あなたのサポート依頼の記録は以下の通りです。以下のメールアドレスのユーザー宛てに直接連絡してください。
お支払はpaypalのみ可能です。商品の重さや個数に関わらず全世界に EMSで 送料一律$9.00 で配送します。当店では原則として返品を受け付けません。特に新品の商品は、いかなる理由による返品には応じません。しかし当店とお客様との協議の上で当店が返品を受け入れた場合は、荷物番号がつきのEMSに相当する国際速達郵便のみ返送が可能です。当店からお客様までの配送費、お客様から当店までの返送費は、全額お客様がお支払ください。当店はトラブルを防ぐために新規顧客の方に制限があります。
Payment is only available via Paypal.The shipping fee is $9.00 regardless weight, quantity and destination.Basically we will not accept any return of item after purchase for any reason.However when we agree on refund, customers must return item via EMS shipping service or equivalent method. Customers must pay for the shipping fee to send from our shop to customer's place. Also Customers must pay for the shipping fee to send from customer's place to our shop.To avoid trouble, we have some requirements to our new customer.
The procedure is not difficult. We have to charge the Dutch VAT, but once you have paid the Import tax of your country then we can refund the Dutch VAT. The only thing you have to do is to send us a scan of receipt of the import tax you have paid
I am relived that I have received the item safely.I'm so sorry to cause you too much trouble with the item.This won't happen to products made in Japan.I am told that voltage and current supplied to a building is not always the same in US.If you can't not use it somewhere else, then will you please return it?As soon as I receive, I will do either refund or replace whichever you like.When you return it, please put everything, including original box and instruction manual, back to the original condition when you received. Also please write "repair item, its value is 10 dollars" when you return.
Is it possible for me to purchase your item from Japan?I want to buy a mountain bike. I am not familiar with description of the bike's body size. Could you let me know how big the body size S bike is?If there is any restrictions for shipping a bike to Japan, please let me know about that as well.Thank you.
THE PRESNT THESAURUS is a reference book of scales and melodic patterns, analogous in function with phrase books and dictionaries of idiomatic express sions. But while phrase books are limited to locutions consecrated by usage, the THESAURUS includes a great number of melodically plausible patterns that are new. In fact, many compositions appearing in recent years contain thematic figures identical with those found in the THESAURUS. From time to time musical theorists have suggested the possibility of forming en- tirely new scales based on the division of the octave into several equal parts. As early as 1911 the Italian musician Domenico Alaleona a proposed such new scles.
THE PRESNT THESAURUS(現代類語辞典)は音階と旋律パターンの参考書であり、楽句集や特徴的な表現辞典の働きをする類語辞典である。しかし楽句集は、使用法を中心とした語法に限られている。類語辞典は、膨大な数のメロディー的に妥当な新しいパターンを含んでいる。実際、最近に登場したたくさんの作曲は、類語辞典に見られるものと似た主題の形態を含んでいる。しばしば音楽理論の研究者は、いくつかの同じ部分からなるオクターブの1つの部分を元にしたまったくあたらしい音階を作るべきではと提案してきた。1911年に、イタリアンの音楽家であるDomenico Alaleonaは、そのような新しい音階を提案した。
Thank You Very Much For Your Kind Gesture..Hello, Thanks for your mail Am very grateful for your Kind Gesture, I understood your mail very well i checked the Photo is well OK, and i got your bank details for the payment of the money I wish you Safe journey.I want you to pack the Item very for my daughter Because I'm a good Women as you can see. I won't answer anybody who E-mail Me.I have forward your Bank information to my Bank and i hope tomorrow they will proceed with the Payment as soon as possible i will E-mail you back as soon as am through with the payment. I hope you we back before Saturday.ThankMrs Mariamna
本日、あなたから返送された商品を受け取ったので、Palpalに$500を返金したいと思いますが、その前にあなたは2つの手続きを行わなければなりません。1つめに私はebayで落札者の都合によるキャンセルの手続きを行いますので、あなたはそれに同意してください。あなたが同意しないと私は落札手数料の返金を受け取ることができません。2つめにLeave FeedbackでPositiveを選択し「Good ebayer」とだけ記入してください。以上の2つの作業が完了した時点で返金します。
Today I have received the item returned from you, so I will refund $500 thorough Paypal. However I need to do two steps to refund. Firstly I do cancel transaction at request of the Ebay bidder.You must agree on that. If not, I can not receive the bidding fee.Secondly you must choose Positive for Leave Feedback and enter "Good ebayer". When the two steps have completed, I refund to you.
一つだけ、今後 あなたが絶対に注意しておかなければならないことがあります。というのは、あなたはオークションの商品ページにあなたのメールアドレスを公開したので、そのページを見た一般の人が「A@a...つまり私のこと」のふりをして、「偽りのメール」をあなたに送ってくる可能性があるのです!もし、その「偽りのメール」を信じて「お金を振り込み」してしまったら、大被害になります。絶対に 、 A@a から来るメール以外は信じないように!そいつは犯罪者です!
One thing you must be very careful about.You have your mail address listed on the auction site. Someone who saw the address may impersonate me and cheat you. Don't trust such mail and deposit your money. Ignore suspicious mail which is not from A@a. Be careful for such crime.
6. Limited Warranty. For a period of ninety (90) days after delivery, SparkyType warrants that the font software will perform in accordance with the specifications published by SparkyType. Your exclusive remedy and the sole liability of SparkyType in connection with the font software is repair or replacement of its defective parts within the ninety (90) day period after delivery. The warranty does not apply to any font software converted or modified by the user.
3. You may convert and install the font software into another format for use in other environments, subject to the following conditions: A computer on which the converted font software is used or installed shall be considered as your permitted computer. Use of the font software you have converted shall be pursuant to all the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Such converted font software may be used for your own customary internal business or personal use exclusively and may not be distributed or transferred for any purpose. You may not modify or remove the name(s) of the font software, copyright and trademark notices from the original files.