Chibbi (chibbi) 翻訳実績

4.9 25 件のレビュー
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
chibbi 英語 → 日本語

Smart people need to spend more time alone, new study suggests
Socialising and chatting with friends, meeting up for a drink and catch-up to chew the fat, is commonly seen as something good for our mental health.
But smart people, it turns out, are better off alone.
Well, that's what researchers in a recent study are claiming, anyway.
The British Journal of Psychology claims population density and friendship can affect our happiness.
Evolutionary psychologists Kanazawa and Li have discovered, while people generally feel happier when they spend time with others, very smart people are an exception to this rule.



chibbi 日本語 → 英語





Regarding using TVCF, the visual material for the Spain area, I have received the response from the production company. Please confirm it.

1) After the negotiation, The estimate of the cost of using the visual material only for Spain and the estimate of the title of using a visual material for the entire American and European countries were the same.
If you have more countries you use later on, you will end up being charged every time. I believe there is no loss by obtaining more areas all at once on one contract if possible.
*Management fee
*Material trial period- 6 months from the broadcast starts
2) If you don't use the scene where the actor uses the visual material, there won't be an additional cost in particular.

chibbi 英語 → 日本語

Last year, Duchess the Miracle Cat was brought in to a Texas animal hospital. She had a broken jaw and other complications after being hit by a car, but the the kind doctors at the Texas based Adobe Animal Hospital had faith, and decided to perform surgery.
“Most places would’ve just euthanised her, but by some miracle Duchess got lucky and Dr. Meyer took a chance and repaired her jaw,” said Crystal Tate, Duchess’ owner. “She was in recovery for about a month, she was on a feeding tube and lots of medicine. Her chances of survival were slim, but she was a fighter and pulled through. I met her the day I arrived at the clinic for my first day and ended up bringing her home with me less than a week later.”


「大抵の場所では安楽死となっていたのを、幸運にも、メイヤー先生は望みを託してDuchnessの顎を治療しました。」とDuchnessの飼い主のクリスタル テートは言いました。「Duchnessは一ヶ月ほど安静状態でした。チューブで食べ物と薬を補給していました。Duchnessが生き残れるチャンスはほとんどありませんでした。でもDuchnessは戦者で、生き延びました。私はDuchnessに初めて診療所に勤務した日に出会い、1週間後に一緒に家に連れて帰ることとなったのです。

chibbi 英語 → 日本語

I had trouble joining a gym because information was only on Japanese and no one there spoke English

when i was ill i went to hospital to check up ,i did not pick up a number and waited for long time after a while some staff came to me and ask do you pick up a number. i told no, after a minute my problem was solve. if there is instruction i can do my self also

There are many times I'm troubled, especially at semi public places where I don't even have the courage to talk to someone in English and Japanese because I'm afraid I will be rude

Driving tests only once a month because that's the only time an English speaking person works (despite good enough Japanese to take with a regular driver I was denied)






chibbi 英語 → 日本語

Near the sea there is no information written in English about any kind of time limits. I ran in problems with security personnel.

I don't experience that kind of trouble anymore, because I also speak Japanese and therefore can always ask in the local language

It's been too long to think of everything, but, for example, recently a friend ended up in a major hospital here. Another friend wanted to visit, and I thought I knew the visiting hours, but I wanted to confirm it. I couldn't find the information on the hospital website in Japanese (maybe I'm unfamiliar with a lot of terms used by a hospital website), but when I switched to the English website, it was so limited --



