Please eay up our feast that we ued Japanese A5 Wagyu beef,called Shiraoigyuーan beef brand ranked top grade of fifteenー,very fresh scallop,rice and seasonal vegetables representting Hokkaido(famous for fresh and delicious food)all directed from the place of origin.Our speciality is[〇〇〇 hot pot,representative stew of Japan ],which is cooked with the recipe inherited more than 40 years.
revised invoiceが届きました。ありがとう御座います。ただ残念ながら、送金できない状態は未だに続いています。試しにPrimary shipping addressを(アメリカ国内の)転送会社の住所から、日本の住所に変更した所、送金可能な状態になりました。私からの提案ですが、このまま送金しますので(発送先のラベルは)転送会社の住所で作成&その住所に発送して頂く、というのは如何でしょうか?確実に(転送会社の住所に)発送して貰えるのであれば、すぐに送金させて頂きます。
I finally got the revised invoice.I'd appreciate it.And I regret,however,that sill I cant remit them yet.But I became able to do that once I changed the address,the American domestic forwarder's address into Japanese address.So I have a suggestion;How about enter the forwarder's address into ''the addressee'',registering it,and then dispatchng to the address while I remit them.If you're sure you do,I will remit them immediately.
私自身は日本在住なので、ペイパルの住所登録は『日本の住所で登録』という事になります。それは絶対に変更できません。その作業自体は可能ですが(アメリカ国内の)転送会社の住所に登録変更すると、送金できない状態になります。私が貴方からの『登録変更の申し出』を飲まないのは、それが根拠です。また私は『日本への送料を教えて下さい』とは訊ねましたが、『日本直送のrivised invoiceを発行&確定して下さい』とは一言も申し上げてませんよ。基本的に『転送会社に発送して貰う』方針なので。
I registered my address on Paypal as ''Japanese address''because I live in Japan,so I can't change that definitely.the work itself is possible.but I can't send money if I change my address into American domestic forwarder's address.That's why I can't take your offer―''Changing profile offer''.In addition,I actually said ''I'd like you to tell me the carriage'',but I never said''I'd like you to issue and define a revised invoice whose delivery type is direct to Japan.''Basically I'm thinking that items will be shipped by the forwarder.
We are so sorry that we sent the wrong goods not the goods you ordered.We registered items we're not dealing with.The goods you ordered include 144 pieces.Unfortunately, we don't deal with them,so we refund your money.We hope you'll enjoy the items we incorrectly shipped.
Dear,MrかMs「宛先人の名前」Thank you for your cooking the dishes for our family!I love your wonderful dishes,and I'm sure they love the dishes too.There will be marathon competition tomorrow.I'll not be there,but I'm rooting for you the most.By the way,how long kilometers you're going to run?and who you're going to run with?And I'm worrying about your road.Are there many of hills,aren't there?How about your legs condition?You feel good?What did you talk with your parents?I wish I could speak English even a little bit.Mind if I walk along with you because I want to see you off??I hope you'll reply to this mail.Best regards「自分の名前」