この商品は日本から発送されます。ワシントン条約附属書が改正され、ローズウッド、ブビンガが新たに附属書に追加されました。今後、これらを使用した製品の輸出入が難しくなります。改正附属書の効力は2017年1月からです。当店では該当アイテムの販売は2016/12/20 19:00 までに購入、支払い完了したものに限ります。日本のギターをリーズナブルに購入できるラストチャンス! ぜひこの機会にご購入ください。お探しのアイテムが有ればお問い合わせください。
This item will be shipped from Japan.As the Washington convention appendix was revised, Rosewood and Bubinga were added to the list.It would be difficult to trade items that use those materials from now on.Revised appendix will be enforced from January in 2017.Applicable items are available in this store as long as the transaction is completed by 7pm Dec. 20th in 2016.This is the last chance to buy the Japanese guitars for affordable price.Don't miss this chance.Feel free to ask any questions about items you are looking for.
Do you need return? When you return your item, please use transportation with a tracking number and pack it securely. If the item is different from the original, we could not refund fully. Please kindly Inform us of the tracking number after sending it. We will refund after checking the condition of the item.
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