Apparently, I've acquired the habit of always doing something evil.
I understood it was useless just grieving and sobbing, and then decided to make another attempt again.
I would rather die than do such a thing.
You must have watched this video.
I sometimes feel as if I only were left behind from the peer group and other people were happier and more successful.
She got completely bigheaded just in several months after she had started working.
In Europe and America in which they respect individuality, those who don't have their own opinions come across as negative.
Misunderstandings often arise when we translate Japanese literally into English.
We tend to think that the more competent in English a person is, the more difficult words he/she uses, but the fact is the other way around, the more competent, the plainer ones he/she prefers.
There is no model answer for any question in the real society where we live.
In the first place, nobody has a 100 percent perfect command of English, and it follows naturally what you should learn would be unlimited beyond all imagination.
Whatever may start you learning, there has to be whatever goal you will make for ahead.
(この前の依頼からの続きです)How many good days go by! How many nights usefulfor worship go by, and not one candle is lit or onepoem sung!How many sculptors work the whole day with largeshoulders and hair whitened with stone dust makinga stature of you, and then as dusk comes carry itto the river and throw it in.She is still in the temple, but no one gives Her food orTakes food from Her, in this ignorance that never ends.
You might be relieved from the pain if you could improve your condition by being aware of invisible causes such as stress.
English is an required subject in Japan's compulsory education.
We had some experiences that we then thought had been good for nothing, which long afterward we find greatly instrumental in diverse phases in our lives.
When putting on an honest, earnest demeanor, you look the most brilliant.
To nail down our industrial policy and corporate strategy for strong competition in the expanding global market.
What you learned at school is sure to become sort of nourishment for your life afterward.
We all are incomplete ever in the process of growing up.