I guess that the reason why your fans expecting somewhat female behavior from you, it's because all of them naturally know you are more like a male.I certainly believe that Bob was married at that time. The reason behind of it is, I found another account of Naomi. The contents are 80% of hatred to Jake and other things like parental authority, change of name for the house with some jokes.But as an observer, I can see it with eased. Thank you.To be honest, I want it to be continued at least for a year.Now I came to know that it was a jealous of Naomi.I thought it was just a joke for about an year.
In the 1960’s, when Russia was sending cosmonauts into space, there wasn’t an effective way to measure their health. The only signal that could be sent down was an electrocardiogram signal — a heartbeat.“So the scientists, they had to play with what they have, so they started to look at all possibilities, researching the heart rate and what can be done out of this,” said Bronya Vaschillo, a physician, and wife of Evgeny Vaschillo, one of the scientists in charge of monitoring Russian cosmonauts during their space voyage in 1968.
1960年代、ロシアが宇宙飛行士を送った際は彼らの健康を効率的に図る方法はなかった。唯一彼らが地球に送ることができたのは心電図の信号、つまり脈拍だった。「そのため、科学者たちは当時活用できるもので様々な方法を試し、考えられる全ての可能性を見出し、心拍数をリサーチしてそれらから何ができるかということを考えました。」1968年にロシア人宇宙飛行士たちの様子をモニターする科学者の代表を務めていたEvgeny Vaschillo氏の妻で医師のBrona Vaschillo氏は言う。
Vaschillo and his team developed a test wherein cosmonauts would view their heart rate variability waveforms and try to keep those waveforms stable. When the cosmonauts were able to handle this task, the scientists realized they should try giving cosmonauts a heart rate variability goal to replicate in an effort to improve their health. The cosmonauts succeeded in hitting these benchmarks, as well.
Atmotube tells you if the air you’re breathing is toxicLike you, I assume that the environment I am sitting in right now is pretty safe. I mean, I don’t see anything dangerous, feel uncomfortable, or smell anything that I should be worried about. Yet I may be filling my lungs with harmful elements that my cognitive sensory abilities are incapable of noticing.
To detect the level of harmful elements in the air, I’d typically need a machine with a fairly large footprint, which isn’t the most convenient thing to carry around. To solve this, Vera Kozyr and Igor Mikhnenko, cofounders of design firm NotAnotherOne, have developed the Atmotube: a small, personal air quality detector that can fit in the palm of your hand and links to an app on your mobile phone (iOS and Android).
空気中の有害物質を検知するには通常とてつもなく大きな機器が必要だ。持ち歩くには最悪と言ってもいいだろう。その解決としてデザイン事務所NotAnotherOneの共同設立者Vera KozyrとIgor MikhnenkoはAtmotubeを開発した。空気の質を検知できて、携帯電話(iOSとAndroid)ともリンクでき、なんと手に収まるくらいの小ささで実現したのだ。
Although NotAnotherOne has a lot of experience designing consumer products for high-end clientele, this is the company’s first original product. It launched an Indiegogo campaign last week for the Atmotube, aiming to reach $52,000, and is currently at roughly 35 percent of that goal. If the target is successfully met, NotAnotherOne is looking to ship units out in March of 2016.
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I have requested Japan Post and hong kong post to track with this tracking number, but I could't find the parcel.I really need the product by the December 1st anyhow.I have a new request now, that is, I will purchase the same product once again, so could you please ship it to the following address which I mention below.The shipment fee is about $17. I'll pay the additional shipment fee if it's not enough.I would like you to ship by November 26th, is it possible?I already paid $5 extra because I expected it would arrive as early as possible.I am able to purchase it with 20% off from other shop if I wait till the brand to have new stock.I would like $1 to be back with above reason.