I am not sure what request you want to fulfill?I am encouraged by your estimates of ¥1,000,000 per month, however we are not able to offer 25% off. As I mentioned previously I am only able to offer 10% off. If the business grows as you suggest, then we can discuss further discounts in the future. Let me know if you would like to proceed?
ご満足頂けるご要望がどのようなものか、私には分かりかねます。出して頂いた、1か月あたり1,000,000 円という見積もりは心強いですが、25%オフを提供することは出来かねます。以前申し上げましたように、10%オフのご提供であれば可能です。仰っていただいた様に、もしビジネスが成長するならば、将来的に更なる値引きについて、商談して参りたいと思います。こちらの件を進めてよいかどうか、お知らせ頂けますでしょうか?宜しくお願い致します。
If you don’t mine that we not have Japan certificate, you can try, it’s no problem.Do you just need AWUS036AC only ?Can you imported our product ? just make sure if you want to promote this product.Do you use our ALFA brand ? please also check and confirm, thanks. BTW, do you also interest in others product ? attached is our product list for your reference,If you have any question, please let me know. Thanks.