I talked about you with our members today.A few questions have popped up.We will be happy to do business with you if you can agree on two conditions.Please don't take this the wrong way, we are not about to lower our standards just so that we can sell abroad. I hope you can understand.● You are not to sell any of our products at a lower price than our website. This is to avoid us going into competition on price. it will do no good to our profits and we'd also like to avoid lowering the value of our work.● You are not to use the photos we send you anywhere other than your online shop website.
I have a call from Mr Takana, would you like to take it?Thank you for waiting.I am afraid he is not at his room at the moment.May I send him / her come up to your room?May I ask your name?Would you like to have breakfast? It will be extra.The elevator is over there.The elevator is locked, you will need to put your card into the slot on the left and pull it back out once you get in. Once it's unlocked, just press the button of the floor you want to go to.
お世話になります。○○社の△△と申します。先日は、東京ビッグサイトの国際展示会で大変お世話になりました。私たちは、貴社の商品を是非仕入れさせて頂きたいと存じます。つきましては、展示会の席でご拝見させて頂いた商品の価格表を送って下さいませんでしょうか。宜しくお願い致します。また、弊社ではSkype・hang outでのチャット交渉も可能です。下記にハンドルネームを送ります。貴方のハンドルネームを教えて下さい。ID:○○これからも末永く宜しくお願い致します。
Good afternoon, this is..... 会社名Thank you for kindly introducing me to your products at the trade show at Tokyo Big Sight. We are very much interested in buying some of your products.Please could you send me the price list you showed me at the show?Here is our ID if you'd like to talk over Google Hangout or Skype. Please let me know of your Skype / Google ID if you have one.Thank you. We look forward to hearing from you.
This is all because of a mistake in our price settings.But since there have been so many similar cases,and it's seriously affecting the running of our business,we really have no choice but to kindly ask if you could cancel the order.We can of course cancel the order from our end,but if you could cancel the order for us, we are offering a small giftYou are free to choose of course.We will cancel your order if we don't hear from you by tomorrow.We are really sorry to be causing you so much trouble and taking up your time.
Tooltip not showing on mouse-overTooltip not showing upon pressing the up or down key on the keyboard.Are you sure you want to change the settings?Backup set phrases when savingNumber of set phrases that can be saved in each groupShow "Memo" with the list of set phrasesUnhide screen when switching between tab and pageShow the main screen where the cursor isCount words not in bytes by in the number of wordsSet pointer on first row when shown on screenOnly show windows that matches the information input
1. 遠景から望む/2. 下から望む/3. 3階分の高さのあるキャンチレバー/4. 待ちに繋がる展望広場/5. 地域住民が集う展望広場/6. 住居部分に光と風を届ける2つのライトコート/7. 部屋へ降りていくための空間としても使用されるライトコート/8. インテリア/9. マテリアル/10. 街を望む展望広場/
Looking from afarLooking from belowCantilever three-story tallObservation space connected to townObservation space where local residents get togetherTwo light courts bringing in light and wind into the living spaceLight court used as a space to go down to the roomInteriorMaterialObservation space overlooking the city