Kaminokoike (literally God's little pond) (Hokkaido)Close to Uramashu, cold spring was flowing through the pond. Lake Machu 's underground water is springing out, displaying the emerald green mythical colors of the bed of the pond.The water is almost transparent, the tree fell and laid across the lake was visible at the bottom of the water. Though it depends of the weather, the surface looks emerald blue, setting adrift a mythical atmosphere.We heard of Japanese society's rapidly aging population. Is it real?Ratio of Japanese aging population (65 year above) against total Japanese population taken in 1960 was 5% to 7%, while in 2012 it soared to 24.1%.
※ライブ終演後に時間の都合が合わない方、その他終演後に参加が出来無い方は、入場時に係員にお申し付け下さい。バックステージ参加は、当選されたチケットをお持ちの当選者1名のみになります。(同伴者のご参加はご遠慮ください)チケットを無くされた方は無効になりますのでご注意下さい。【対象公演】「URATA NAOYA LIVE TOUR 2014 -UNCHANGED-」全公演
Those who can't make it for time after the live performance and those who cannot take part, please inform yourself to the staff at your entrance. Those who won back stage seat, the ticket is only for one person entry. (Companion are not admitted for entry) Please also be aware that those who lost their ticket would also lose their entry privilege.
Thank you for your email.We are sorry for any convenience we may have caused you. As for money back refund, you must aware that this product was sold at bidding price and it was sold at a very low price already.To be honest, we suffer the loss.Refund would be really tough for us to do, would you kindly accept $50 instead?If it's difficult for you, kindly return our product. We shall refund only after we received the product.We thank you for your kind consideration.
2010.12 浜崎あゆみとのコラボシングル「Dream ON」をリリース。オリコンウィークリーチャート1位を獲得2011.08 浜崎あゆみミニアルバム「FIVE」収録 「ANother song feat. URATA NAOYA」参加2012.06 INFINITY 16のニューオリジナル・アルバム「MY LIFE」参加
2010年12月浜崎阿優美的合作單曲唱片「Dream ON」出版. 在哦裡根週刊猴的第一名.2011年8月浜崎阿優美迷你專輯「FIVE」収録 「ANother song feat. URATA NAOYA」參加.2012年6月 INFINITY 16的新創原版專輯「MY LIFE」参加