Chousokabe Motochikaは、西の海を収める「海賊」のような武将です。言葉遣いは悪いものの、明るくて気前がよく、部下には優しいので自国の民からの信頼は厚いです!部下も信頼を込めて「兄貴」と彼を呼び、天下を統一するよりも広い海を冒険するほうが興味があると言ったり、自由奔放な性格がよく似合っています。彼のライバルはMouri Motonariです。自分の領地の近くを収めていることもありますが、元就は部下を人としてではなく「駒(道具)」としているため、考え方が違います
Chousokabe Motochika is like a "Pirate" warlord who has a monopoly on Western sea.He has a bad mouth but he is cheery and lavish. His people put strong faith in his because he is friendly to his men.His follower call him "ANIKI" in an affectionate way.Some times he says he has interesting to quest around vast ocean more than unification of his nations. His free- spirits is completely fits him.His rival is Mouri Motonari who reigns over his own nation.Motonari consideres that his men is his "Pawn" but human which is different from Motochika's idea,
He cannot understand the Motonari's idea that he primarily intended to win, so they often strife each other.In the "DoujinShi", Motonari is discribed as a cheerful character, breaking the ice with Masamune Date who is also affected by his men or teasing his childhood friend in he game too, Magoshi (It's a girl!) .The truth about him is that he grew up calling "Little Princess" by people around him because he was helpless children like a little girl.He categorize this episode as his black history (The pink elephant he wants to conceal it. ), but people around his teases him so much because everyone knows it!
Croud fonding in Japan- From Japan! From non government to space.The project to lanch dreams from the surface of the moon.
The adventure camera brand is "EPIC." They have not been sold in Japan yet.The company that makes them comes from the outdoor and hunting markets. Theyhave been making wildlife cameras for years. Now their wildlife cameras arealso being used for security.The company's website is www.gsmoutdoors.comHere is the link for the Epic cameras: you can see, in addition to the cameras, they also sell a variety ofmounts.The Stealth Cam has been very popular lately, especially for home andbusiness security. It includes "No Glo" technology so that the IRillumination at night is not visible to the naked eye at all-there is noflash or other visible effect.
”EPIC”という新しいカメラブランドがある。日本では未発売の商品である。その会社はアウトドアや狩猟市場から派生しており、wildlife cameraを制作してきた。現在はセキュリティーのためにも使われている。企業のウェブサイトはこちらである。www.gsmoutdoors.comEpicカメラのリンク先はこちらである。ご覧のとおり、カメラに加え、バラエティに富んだ多くの商品が取り揃えられている。Stealth Camは近年大変人気があり、特に家庭や企業でのセキュリティー対策に使用されている。それは、夜、裸眼では赤外線センサを判別できない”No Glo”テクノロジーを採用しており、フラッシュやその他視覚に影響を及ぼす心配はない。
◆ よくあるお問い合わせ ◆Q.ウィジェットの設定方法は?A.OSによって設定方法は異なります。以下を参照してください。[AndroidOS 4.x系の端末の場合]1.アプリ一覧より「ウィジェット」を選択(画面上部にあります)2.一覧から「Kawaiiでんち」を選択[AndroidOS 4.x系以外の端末の場合]1.ホーム画面を長押し(アイコン以外の範囲を押してください)2.表示された画面、もしくはダイアログから「ウィジェット」を選択3.一覧から「Kawaiiでんち」を選択
Common InquiriesQ.How to creat the widghet?A. Depends on the OS type. Please refer to the following.<In case the terminal of Android OS 4.x>1. Select 「Widghet」 from list of App. (on the top of the screen.)2. Select 「Kawaii-battery」from the list.<In case other than the terminal of Android OS 4.x> 1. Doing a long press of the 「Home Screen」. (Press the place not involving ICON.) 2. Select 「widget」on the display screen or Dialogue. 3. Select「Kawaii-battery」from the list
Lepidus, who had broken off a part of Caesar's army and who was trying to seize the command himself, was in Nearer Spain; he also held the part of Gaul which borders on the upper sea. Gallia Comata Lucius Munatius Plancus, the consul-elect, held with another army. Farther Spain was in charge of Gaius Asinius, with another army. Decimus Brutus held Cisalpine Gaul with two legions, against whom Antonius was just preparing to march. Gaius Brutus laid claim to Macedonia, and was just about to cross over to that place from Italy; Cassius Longinus laid claim to Syria, though he had been appointed Praetor for Illyria.
Caeserの腕の一部を折ったことで彼に与えられる処分をなんとか回避しようとしたLepidusはスペインの近く、海と隣接したGaul地方の一端にいた。領事に選出されたGallia Comata Lucius Munatius Plancusはほかの部隊を引き連れていた。スペインからはるか遠い場所にはGaius Asiniusがほかの部隊と共にいた。Decimus Brutus は、進軍の準備をしているAntoniusと対峙するために、Cisalpine Gaul と共に二つの軍団を率いていた。Gaius BrutusはMacedoniaの所有権を主張し、たった今イタリアの国境を越え領土へ入ろうとしていた。Cassius Longinusはリリヤの法務官に任命されたにも関わらずシリアの所有権を主張していた。