Of course, San Francisco-based Slack wants to keep growing. To that end, Slack has hired April Underwood as its new head of platform. Underwood spent five years at Twitter and left in February as the social media company’s director of product. Now she’ll focus on developer relations, application programming interface (API) integrations, and partnerships at Slack.Speaking of integrations, Slack users are setting up more and more of them. Teams have set up more than 900,000 now. There were than 800,000 integrations in February.
サンフランシスコに拠点を置くSlackは、もちろん成長を続けていく狙いだ。そのために、Slackはプラットフォームの新しい責任者としてApril Underwood氏を迎え入れた。Underwood氏はTwitter社で5年間勤め、同社の製品担当責任者となり、2月に退社した。現在、同氏はSlackで開発者たちの管理、アプリケーションプログラミングインターフェース(API)の統合、企業提携に注力していくということだ。統合と言えば、Slackユーザによる統合はますます増加している。設立されたチームは90万以上にのぼる。2月の統合数は80万以上だった。
Facebook’s newest deep learning system makes samples of images that humans think are real 40% of the timeResearchers at Facebook have taken a step closer to a holy grail of artificial intelligence known as unsupervised learning. They’ve come up with a way to generate samples of real photographs that don’t look all that fake.In fact, the computer-generated samples — of scenes featuring planes, cars, birds, and other objects — looked real to volunteers who took a look at them 40 percent of the time, according to a new paper on the research posted online yesterday. Facebook has submitted the paper for consideration in the upcoming Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) conference in Montreal.
Facebookの最新深層学習システム、人間が40%の確率で本物に見える画像サンプルを生成Facebookの研究チームは、教師なし学習として知られる人工知能の至高の探求に一歩近づいた。フェイクの画像がなくとも、本物の写真のサンプルを出力する方法を思いついたのだ。実際に、コンピュータが生成したサンプル(飛行機、車、鳥などを映した光景)をボランティアで参加した人に見せたところ40%の確率で本物に見えたと、昨日Web上に投稿された新しい研究論文に掲載されている。Facebookは近日モントリオールで開催されるNeural Information Processing Systems(NIPS)カンファレンスに向けて、検討材料としてこの論文を提出した。
The research goes beyond the scope of supervised learning, which many startups and large companies, including Facebook, use for a wide variety of purposes.Supervised deep learning traditionally involves training artificial neural networks on a large pile of data that come with labels — for instance, these 100 pictures show geese — and then throwing them a new piece of data, like a picture of a ostrich, to receive an educated guess, like whether or not the new picture depicts a goose.With unsupervised learning, there are no labeled pictures to learn from. It’s sort of like the way people learn to identify things. Once you’ve seen one or two cell phones, you can recognize them immediately.
Facebook is pursuing unsupervised learning presumably to do a better job of some of the tasks where supervised learning can already be applied: image recognition, video recognition, natural language processing, and speech recognition. But should it move ahead further, whole new uses could be dreamed up.For now, Facebook is very simply conducting “pure research,” Facebook research scientist Rob Fergus told VentureBeat in an interview.
Facebookは教師なし学習を探求し、おそらく教師あり学習で既に使われているタスク(画像認識、動画認識、自然言語処理、音声認識)の動きをよりよくしようとしているのだろう。しかしさらに突き詰めれば、全く新しい使い方も夢ではない。現在、Facebookはごくシンプルに「基礎研究」を行っているのだと、Facebookの研究学者Rob Fergus氏がVentureBeatのインタビューで語った。
And that “pure research” is utterly fascinating. Google this week demonstrated that its neural networks can generate downright trippy representations of images — Fergus said they “look super cool” — but fundamentally that work “doesn’t get you any further in solving the unsupervised learning problem,” Fergus said. It’s much harder, he said, to generate images that look real that images that look psychedelic.To do this, Facebook is using not one but two trained neural networks — one generative, and one discriminative. You give the generative one a random vector, and it generates an image. The second one decides if the output image looks real.
The resulting system can produce tiny 64-by-64 pixel images.“The resolution is enough to have a lot of complication to the scene,” Fergus said. “There’s quite a lot of subtlety and fidelity to them.”Naturally, the researchers will be training the system to work with larger and larger images over time.Read the paper (PDF) to learn about the research in detail. Facebook will release its new code for the work under an open-source license, probably by the end of next week, a spokesman said.
Rise of the machines: The industrial Internet of Things is taking shapeThe next wave of innovation about to wash over the connected world is the industrial Internet of Things (IoT). Beyond smart watches and FitBits, forward-thinking businesses are applying the concept of IoT to complex, psychical machinery, like jet engines and locomotives, to unleash unexpected growth opportunities and fuel innovation. Combined with data analytics, companies can leverage the industrial IoT to impact the economy, the job market and the future; and it has the potential to add $15 trillion to the global economy in 2030, according to Accenture.
機械の台頭: 産業IoTの形成インターネット業界に新たに打ち寄せつつあるイノベーションの波は、産業・モノのインターネット(IoT)だ。smart watchやFitBitの他にも、先見の明のあるビジネスがIoTの考え方を、ジェットエンジンや機関車といった複雑な、精神の域に入るような機械類にも導入し、予期せぬ成長の機会、そして燃料改革に火をつけようとしている。データ分析とあわせて、企業が産業IoTを活用し経済を、求人市場を、そして未来に影響をもたらせるのだ。そして、Accentureによると、2030年には世界経済は15兆米ドルのプラスになる可能性を秘めているというのだ。
Try to get agreement between your shareholders about how they’ll behave in an IPO — Particularly if you’re raising late stage pre-IPO financing rounds, try to get some pre-agreement, whether it’s contractual or a handshake, about how your different shareholders will participate in an IPO. This will avoid a circular discussion where volume is price dependent and price is volume dependent.
1610M case from Pelican is an airtight, crushproof, dust and water resistant hard case for use in rugged terrain. It includes a mobility kit which adds a retractable extension handle and a built-in dolly system with 4" polyurethane wheels and stainless steel ball bearings. You can travel knowing that your gear inside this case is protected thanks to its solid polypropylene walls and watertight polymer o-ring seal. An automatic purge valve allows you to open the case after changes in atmospheric pressure at any altitude, making it suitable for air travel. The double-throw latches on the side of the case can withstand almost 440 lb of pressure, yet allow you to open and close the case with a light push or pull.
The Pick N Pluck foam inside the case allows you to custom fit your gear into the large compartment of the case. Stainless steel hardware and padlock protectors prevent corrosion while providing extra strength against theft.The automatic pressure equalization valve allows air to flow in and out of the case while still maintaining a waterproof seal.The 5-piece foam set consists of one "egg crate" foam upper section, 3 Pick N Pluck foam sections and one 1" blank bottom foam section. The Pick N Pluck sections allow you to customize the foam to snugly fit your gear into the case to maximize protection and minimize movement during travel.
The badStarting last year, the drumbeats calling for Costolo to go as CEO began to grow. There was simply too much that wasn’t getting fixed. The feeling that Twitter was not seizing all of its opportunities still lingered.Twitter’s user growth was slowing. For a company whose service gets pimped for free across every media platform, that’s sort of remarkable, really. While we can debate whether Twitter is mainstream, the fact remains that it’s still too hard for new users to understand.Five years should have been enough time to fix that problem.
Meanwhile, revenues have been growing, but after nine years, Twitter still doesn’t turn a profit. And that leads to constant speculation that it might acquired by Google or someone else. Not super for morale.Costolo almost completely overhauled the upper ranks of management last year, and yet some of the fundamental problems didn’t seen to get fixed. At some point, there’s only one head left to chop off.And while it’s not worth repeating in detail, if you read (or skim) the Sacca blog post, you get a good feeling for perhaps Twitter’s biggest shortcoming: Its inability to consistently develop new products that expand use and engagement.
Twitter has Periscope for live-streaming video, which holds a lot of potential. Vine is going nicely. It needs to rethink some kind of music. It needs to make following live events far easier. And it needs to leverage the wealth of content we’ve already given it and help us find the best stuff.The company will also need to figure out just what role it wants developers to play. When it says it wants their help, then also cuts off some at the knees by limiting access to data, it can be quite confusing.
10. Sing-Song table and Flex SleevesBerklee College of Music (USA)(Okay, cheating a tad here, since there are really two here. But both come from a research department at the famed music school.)The Sing-Song table is a ping-pong table that has sensors connected underneath. As the game progresses, the tapping of the ball adjusts the music to match the pace of play. Okay, so the market here is quite limited. Still, it shows how just about anything can become an instrument.The Flex Sleeves project has a bit more market potential. A performer puts on the two armbands, and they can use them to control the mix of music and do things like Auto-Tune their voice. The bands also affect the visual display on the screen.
10. Sing-Song tableとFlex Sleevesバークリー音楽大学(アメリカ)(あぁ、ちょっとだますようだが、ここでは2つを紹介しよう。どちらも同じ有名音楽学校の研究室が開発したものだ。)Sing-Song tableは下にセンサーが接続されているピンポンテーブルだ。試合が進むにつれて、球のポンと当たる音が試合のペースに合わせて音楽を調整してくれる。そうとも、この市場はごく限られているだろう。それでも、これにより何でも楽器にできるということを証明していることは確かだ。Flex Sleevesプロジェクトのほうが市場へのポテンシャルを秘めているだろう。パフォーマーが2つの腕輪を身につけ、これを使って音楽のリミックスをコントロールでき、Auto-Tuneで声を調整するのと同じようなことができるわけだ。また、腕輪は画面上に目に見える形でも反映される。
10 gadgets that demonstrate the potential of the Internet of Music ThingsMidem paid for part of Chris O’Brien’s travel to Cannes for the Midem Music Industry Festival, where he is participating as a startup competition judge. Our coverage remains objective.The Internet of Things continues to be one of tech’s most closely watched phenomena. Everyone wants to stick a sensor into everything to control it and gather data.Some of these can seem a little obscure, like smart objects to improve manufacturing logistics. But music is one area where we can all relate — and potentially benefit.
音楽のモノのインターネットの可能性を示す10のガジェットMidemより一部資金を頂き、Chris O'BrienがカンヌのMidem Music Industry Festivalでスタートアップコンペティションの審査員として参加した。当取材は事実に基づくものである。モノのインターネット(IoT)はテクノロジーの中で最も注視すべき現象の1つだ。誰もがあらゆるものにセンサーを取り付け、コントロールしデータを集めようというのだ。製造業の物流を改良するスマートオブジェクトのように少しわかりにくいものもある。しかし、音楽は皆が関係のある分野だろう―そして、利益のある可能性を秘めているのだ。
A wide range of companies are now trying to build gadgets that enhance our listening experience by understanding our behaviors and interests. There are some designers who are also trying to augment the physical experience of music and trying to reinvent the way we participate in music creation.During the recent Midem conference, I was a judge for the startup competition for hardware and connected objects. (Watch all 2 hours here!) But in addition to the 10 startups that presented during that competition, there was a Discovery Area at Midem where several other gadgets and companies not in the official contested were exhibiting.
現在、幅広い企業が、音楽に関する行動や関心を理解した上で、音楽の楽しみ方を強化するガジェット製作に努めている。音楽を物理的により楽しめるよう開発している企業もあれば、音楽制作に携われる新しい方法を開発しようという企業もあった。最近のMidemカンファレンスにて、私はハードウェアや周辺機器のスタートアップコンペティションの審査員を務めた。(その様子全2時間はこちら!)しかし、コンペティションに参加したスタートアップ10社に加えて、MidemのDiscovery Areaという場所があり、他にも公のコンテストには参加しなかったガジェットや企業が展示を行っていた。
On the whole, these devices represent, at the moment, mostly potential. But as a huge music fan, that potential is intriguing. And I’m optimistic that at least a few might also generate more business and revenue opportunities that funnel cash into the pockets of artists.On that note, here are 10 projects or gadgets worth trying if you can get your hands on them:
2. Lucie LabsLucie Labs (France)The most obvious feature of the Lucie Labs wristband may be its least interesting. You wear these at a concert and they pulse with the music and your movement. More intriguing is that they are streaming information back to a central command that lets producers understand better how the crowd is reacting (or not reacting) to the music. It raises an interesting question: Could Big Data help revolutionize the live concert? If Taylor Swift realizes she’s boring you to death, could she switch to some Beatles covers instead?
2. Lucie LabsLucie Labs(フランス)Lucie Labsはリストバンドであり、最もわかりやすい特徴は面白くないことだろう。これをコンサートで身につけると、音楽と身につけた人の動きに応じて鼓動してくれる。もっと興味深いのは、Lucie Labsが情報をセントラルコマンドに流し、観衆の音楽へどう反応(あるいは無反応)しているかプロデューサーがより把握できるようにすることだ。ここで面白い疑問がわく。ビッグデータがライブコンサートに革命を起こせるのか?もしテイラー・スウィフトが観衆を死ぬほど退屈にさせているとわかったら代わりにビートルズの曲に変えることができるというのか?
4. VideoStitchVideoStitch (France)This software leverages a bank of GoPro cameras to stream a 360-degree view of a live concert (or any event) that can be watched on Oculus Rift, or really any VR goggles. Music rights issues are trickier here than some of the technical elements. But again, it’s easy to imagine a lot of interest in VR live streams of certain concerts. I could even imagine paying a subscription for a service like that.Here’s a little sample stream from a boat made using VideoStitch:
4. VideoStitchVideoStitch(フランス)このソフトウェアはGoProカメラのデータバンクを活用し、ライブコンサート(やイベント等)の様子を360°再生してくれ、Oculus Rift等、VR(バーチャルリアリティ)ゴーグルで見ることができる。ここでは技術面よりも音楽の著作権問題のほうが難しいだろう。しかしながら、コンサートのVRライブ動画閲覧は大変興味深いことだということは想像に難くない。私ならそんなサービスを購入したいとまで思ってしまう。こちらはVideoStitchを使って作られたボートからのミニサンプル動画だ。
5. PhonotonicPhonotonic (France)While this company may not be out to change the world, its product is guaranteed to make you smile. Phonotonic puts sensors in these little balls that you can shake or toss to both generate music, adjust the mix, or … whatever. The goal is to make music and not just accompany it. (And at some point, I’m betting it’s going to lead to some very odd YouTube videos.) Now, you can go to the rave and you can also be the rave.
5. PhonotonicPhonotonic(フランス)この会社は世界を変えるとまではいかないだろうが、その製品にニヤリとすること間違いなしだ。Phonotonicはこの小さなボールにセンサーを入れ、振ったり投げたりすると音を作れたり、ミキシングしたり…何でもありだ。目的は音楽をつくること。ただ伴奏するのではない。(いつかこれでちょっと変わったYouTube動画が増えること間違いないだろう。)さあ、レイブミュージックの世界へ行こう、そして自分自身がレイブミュージックになるのだ。