マローとは骨の真ん中の空洞部分をうめている組織のことです。 ◆血液の製造工場このマローは血液(赤血球、白血球、血小板)の全てを造り出している造血工場です。赤血球を1分間に1億個以上も造っているといわれています。脳へ栄養を送る*マローは血液の製造工場なのですから、体に必要な 60余種の栄養素全てを含んでいます。主なものは、不飽和脂肪酸、タンパク質、ミネラル(カルシウム、鉄、銅など)等です。中でも特に多い不飽和脂肪酸はリンと結合して『リン脂質』として存在しています。
Marrow is the tissue that fills the hollow center of bones.◆Factory to produce bloodThe marrow is the factory that produces all blood components including red blood cells, white blood cells, and blood platelets. The marrow is estimated to produce one hundred million or more red blood cells per minute.Supplying nutrients to the brain*Marrow that is the factory to produce blood contains all some 60 nutrients essential for human body. Unsaturated fatty acid, protein, and minerals such as calcium, iron, and copper are the main ones. In particular, the unsaturated fatty acid is more than other nutrients and exists as phosphatide by binding to phosphorus.
What do you think is the reason that "XXX" is still displayed even after the image is deleted in the #1 administration window or it remains even after the browser cache is cleared?
The acceptance condition I offered at the O-desk is to display 50 products on eB. I've already notified you that I will first provide you the list in three divided lists.This way makes it easier for me to check the products you displayed, so I use this way. I plan to provide you a list in at least two divided lists in the future. It is up to you not to list 23 products I provided you yesterday because you are dissatisfied with this condition. However, if so, I think I'm not obliged to make payment to you, either. Please understand this.Given the shipping cost, the price of $20.00 or less is not acceptable because it is very difficult for me to obtain a profit.