011. 鍋料理「すき焼き」「ちゃんこ」を食す鍋料理とは、主に冬に食べられる日本の伝統的な食文化で大きな器に食材を入れて温めながら複数の人達で食べるものを総称していう。今回取り上げるのはその中でも最も知名度と人気が高い「すき焼き」と、日本の国技だる相撲と密接な関係がある「ちゃんこ」。
011. To eat Nabe foods "Sukiyaki," and "Chanko."Nabe cooking is a form traditional Japanese cooking that is primarily eaten in Winter. It consists of several people sitting around a hot pop, where everyone puts in the ingredients.This time the dish will be the fairly well known "sukiyaki," as well as "chanko" which shares a relationship with the Japanese national sport of Sumo.