I got a hold of Mr.Yamada from NEC and Mr.Suzuki to let them know about following two parts.1.Mr.John will visit Japan to explain M&A which has the detail and influence and two issues which is how to be used about EPR to NEC directly. 2. The schedule thatMr. Tom was supposed to visit Japan is canceled.Three of them completely understood my explaination and they got ok with the two above.
メリーからプレイジム・つかまり立ちジムまで長く使用できるマルチトイです。くまのプーさんの世界観を表現し、ママと赤ちゃんの楽しい時間を演出します。高音質の音楽や胎内音、そして夜はランプでオムツ替えの大助かりです。 1から6通りの使い方が可能! 1ベッドメリー、2フロアーメリー、3ベビージム、4つかまり立ちジム、5ナイトランプ、6ハンドトイ 2、曲は高音質で20曲と盛りだくさん!ベットメリーからつかまり立ちジムまで6通りに使えて赤ちゃんの成長に合わせて長く使えるメリーです。
The toy has a variety of great functios like baby crib bed mobile,playgym and toddle play gym. Mother and baby feel like the world of Winnie the Pooh and they can enjoy . With high quality music like womb music, the lamp really helps you change a diaper in the night. There are 6 ways to use this toy. 1.Baby crib bed mobile. 2.Crib to floor mobile. 3. Baby playgym 4. Toddle play gym. 5.Night-light.6.Unique cute toy.20kinds of music with high quality.As baby grows up, you can use all of the functios for a long time.