Yumie (3_yumie7) 翻訳実績

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3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

First, the Indonesian gadget vendor Erafone said that out of 1,200 gadgets sold at Indocomtech up to Saturday, 800 of them were Android devices, with Blackberrys making up the remaining 400. A second vendor, Global Teleshop, said that during this year’s event, the ratio/percentage of Android and Blackberry devices sold was 60:40, compared to last year when the sales numbers were equal. The third vendor is OkeShop, which said that Blackberry has been dethroned by Samsung for the number one position as the most popular mobile gadget in terms of sales at the event. The rising popularity of Samsung devices was also pointed out by Erafone. And so that’s a 3-0 win for Android among those retailers.


まずインドネシアのガジェット販売企業Erafoneは土曜日までにIndocomtechで売り上げたガジェットは1200台で、そのうち800台はAndroidのデバイスで残りの400台がBlackberryのデバイスだったと述べた。 次の企業Global TeleshopはAndroidとBlackberryの売上比率について、昨年の売上比率が同率だったのに比較して、今年は60:40だったと述べた。
3番目の企業OkeShopは、イベント中の販売台数に関して言えば、最も人気の高いモバイルガジェットではSamsungに第一位の地位を奪われたと述べた。Samsungの機器の人気が上昇していることはErafone社からも指摘された。というわけでこの3つの小売業者の間ではAndroid が3-0で勝利を収めた。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Although the e-commerce market in Japan makes up only 3% of the retail market, what makes Whytelist special and possibly appealing to people outside Japan is the site design is reflective of an actual physical store, which does not stray away from the typical shopping experience in real life. Also, Whytelist heavily features many of the Japanese fashion trends and can attract people who are interested in Japanese fashion.

But with more than 10,000 buzzing entrepreneurial “blogshops” in Singapore selling goods like clothes, electronics and food items online, it would be interesting to see how Whytelist can leverage off the massive e-commerce activity in Singapore and expand globally.




3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Our driving box will be installed in the vehicle and integrated with the locking syste. [It will be able to] receive a lock/unlock signal from our central server to the driving box via SMS or GPRS. So when a user clicks the unlock button on his smartphone, our central server will send the unlock signal to the driving box, and the door will be opened. Then the driver can get into the car and find the ignition key in the compartment and start driving.

So how does iCarsclub monetize? In essence, it takes a fifteen percent cut from each transaction via its in-platform payment support. It also provides insurance coverage for all transactions.


「弊社のドライビング・ボックスが車内にインストールされて施錠システムと結合します。中央サーバーからSMS 又はGPRSを通して施錠/開錠シグナルをドライビングボックスに受け取ることが可能になります。それでユーザーがスマートフォンの開錠ボタンをクリックして、弊社の中央サーバーがドライビングボックスに開錠シグナルを送信するとドアが開きます。こうしてドライバーは車に乗ればコンパートメントの中にイグニッションキーを見つけることが出来、運転が開始できます。」

それではiCarsclub はどのように利益を上げるのか。根本的には、1回の取引につき15%がプラットフォーム決済サポートを通して会社の利益となる。会社では、全ての取引に対する保険による保証も提供している。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Interestingly, whilst everyone else is looking to China for better opportunities, the team is comprised of four mainland Chinese, with qualifications and backgrounds hailing from China’s top Tsinghua University and Baidu. They have chosen to launch their product in Singapore first. Jamie elaborates:

Singapore is the best place to test our our idea because of the high demand on private cars, [coupled with] better trust between people and overall safeness, such as low theft and low accident rates. Once our idea is validated in Singapore and [we have figured the ideal execution method], we can easily replicate our business in other cities similar to Singapore.


