Yumie (3_yumie7) 翻訳実績

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3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

He set forth to obey the summons undismayed until he was restrained by the Senate, which feared lest he should cause the people to change by recalling Antony to their memory; for the senators well knew that they were condemning an illustrious man without a trial, and that the people had given him this very Gallic province. But since they feared for the safety of the murderers they were angry with Antony because he had made the first movement against them after the amnesty, for which reason the Senate had previously called in the help of Octavian against him. Although Octavian knew this he desired nevertheless to take the lead in humbling Antony. Such were the reasons why the Senate was angry with Antony.



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

So you mean you can find the product on the website, but you cannot pay for it because they do not accept paypal and Japanese vredit card. So you want to ask me if i can find it, did I understand it right?
Nice to hear from you.
And this brand carries both A and B. So I can find A for you based on what products you need. Hope you understand.
For those 2 products that you sent to me, I will go ahead and look for them for you. Will let you know as soon as possible. I should be able to find them.
Your last sentense in your email, I do not understand it.
What do you mean by "Since there is also a shop which can be bought with neither a Japanese credit card nor paypal account of Japan, I am troubled. " ?


「Since there is also a shop which can be bought with neither a Japanese credit card nor paypal account of Japan, I am troubled. 」というのはどういう意味でしょうか。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

The leading officers complained that he disdained them, and he explained to them that the Senate was moved not so much by good-will toward him as by fear of Antony and the want of an army; "and that will be the case," he continued, "until we humble Antony, and until the murderers, who are friends and relatives of the senators, collect a military force for them. Knowing these facts I falsely pretend to be serving them. Let us not be the first to expose this false pretence. If we usurp the office they will accuse us of arrogance and violence, whereas if we are modest they will probably give it of their own accord, fearing lest I accept it from you."



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

After he had thus spoken he witnessed some military exercises of the two legions that had deserted from Antony, who ranged themselves opposite each other and gave a complete representation of a battle, except only the killing. Octavian was delighted with the spectacle and was pleased to make this a pretext for distributing 500 drachmas more to each man, and he promised that in case of war he would give them 5000 drachmas each if they were victorious. Thus, by means of lavish gifts, did Octavian bind these mercenaries to himself.Such was the course of events in Italy. In Cisalpine Gaul Antony ordered Decimus Brutus to withdraw to Macedonia in obedience to the decree of the Roman people,


Octavianはそのように話した後、Antonyから逃げてきた2つのレギオンが軍事訓練を行ない、互いに向かい合って整列し、わずか殺害を除いては完全な戦闘の説明をしたのを見た。Octavianはこの光景に喜び、これを兵士1人当たりにさらに500ドラクマを分け与える口実にできたことに満足した。Octavianは兵士らに、もし戦いに勝利すれば1人当たり5000ドラクマを与えると約束した。このように気前の良い贈り物によりOctavianは傭兵らを自分の方につけることができた。これがイタリアの物事の成り行きだった。Cisalpine Gaul ではAntony がDecimus Brutusにローマ市民の判決に従い、また自分の身の安全のためにもマケドニアに引き上げるよう命じた。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

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3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

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3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

The men whom Octavian had sent to tamper with the soldiers distributed the greatest possible number of handbills throughout the camp, reflecting on Antony's stinginess and cruelty, recalling the memory of the elder Caesar and urging them to share the service of the younger and his liberal gifts. Antony tried to find these emissaries by means of rewards to informers and threats against those who abetted them, but as he caught no one he became angry, believing that the soldiers concealed them. Octavian had two legions equally efficient, those which had deserted from Antony to him, also one legion of new levies, and two of veterans, not complete in numbers or in arms, but these also filled up with new recruits.



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

He brought them all to Alba and there communicated with the Senate, which congratulated him in such a way that now one would have been at a loss to know who were those who had lately ranged themselves with Antony; but it regretted that the legions had not come over to the Senate itself instead of to him. It praised them and Octavian nevertheless, and said that it would vote them whatever was needful as soon as the new magistrates should enter upon their duties. It was plain that the Senate would use these forces against Antony; but having no army of its own anywhere, and being unable to levy one without consuls, it adjourned all business until the new consuls should come in.



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

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Once you've faxed your information we should be able to get back to you within a maximum of 7-10 days, we appreciate your patience while we get this done.



Attn: PA Appeals
US number: 1-877-349-1798
International number: 001-877-349-1798


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3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

While some early rumors had suggested that Apple might be looking to update the iPad and iPad mini as soon as March, sources with rather reliable track records are now pointing to a later release in the September-October timeframe, and Apple's just-launched 128 GB iPad models support that notion.

The fifth-generation iPad is said to adopt nearly identical styling to the iPad mini, with photos showing a similarly anodized rear shell and reports claiming that it will include the same chamfered edges as on its smaller sibling. The comparison photo above shows the smaller size of the iPad 5 and how it has taken on the design cues of the iPad mini.


初期の噂でAppleが3月早々にiPadとiPad miniをアップデートしようとしているらしことを示唆していたが、かなり信頼できる業績をもつ情報筋によると、現在9月から10月の時間枠に向けたリリースを目指しているという。Appleのローンチされたばかりの128 GB iPadモデルはその考えを裏づけてくれる。

第5世代iPadはiPad miniとほぼ同様のスタイルを採用すると言われているが、写真は同様の陽極酸化処理された背面の外殻を示しており、報道によると、iPad mini同様、端が面取りされているという。上記の比較写真では、iPad 5の小さい方のサイズのものを示しており、いかにiPad miniを想起させるデザインにしているかがわかる。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

While early reports had suggested that such a model wouldn't see the light of day in 2013, later reports continue to point to a 4.8"-5.0" device coming soon from Apple.

All these rumors have generated a significant amount of speculation on how such a larger model might make sense in Apple's iPhone lineup, especially when comparing it to Samsung's current offerings.

Due to Apple's use of Chinese manufacturers and the need to prototype their designs, it's possible that all of these sightings could be true, yet Apple may still not launch such a device in 2013. If Apple does begin ramping up production for 2013, we expect we'll see parts of this larger device to also begin to leak out of China.



このような噂全てが、そのような大型モデルが、特にSamsungの現在の商品と比べた時、Apple iPhoneのラインアップとしてどのような意味をもつのだろうかというかなりの憶測を呼んだ。
