igi評価3519why on Earth use Yodel, I know of no one that likes them and never had a pleasent experiance with them, No saturday delivery as them man asigned the package.God knows if I willsee the thing igi5562Hi could you please include a tracking number? Thanksigi1139Can you please tell me when the package will be delivered?igi99642nd time writing where's my package . I have a letter from customs saying they want 26 pounds. Please refund or send the package again
Sorry about that for all wholesale item we do FOB only, the item price its negotiable but we need you to take care of the shipping.We don't have enough unit in stock right now but we will try to order for you. I will contact you when the next shipment delivery. But I afraid can not reach 30 unit in one time.Thank you.
For this reason it is the most secure way to verify your identity and protect the integrity of your credit card. This is also a very simple process and is designed to cause you as little inconvenience as possible.Your order has been placed on hold until we are able to hear from you. If we do not hear from you within 2 business days, your order will be canceled and the random authorization and the authorization for your order will be deleted and the funds returned to your account.Please e-mail our verification team (verification@mrwatch.com) the amount of the authorization under $2.00. If your credit card account is not in USD please indicate the currency of your account.
Hello, i've just contacted CANADA POST and there was an error with them in inputting my address properly. Canada post's attemps to make contact with me had all been sent to the wrong address. Because the package was unattended to, they sent it back. it should be on it's way back to you guys. Can you please send it back here again? Please let me know if you get this message. I've been waiting a long time for this lens hahaha.
#myusWe have completed our review of the receipt you uploaded for package 00-564-4315 and have verified the information on this receipt. You can review the receipt and any additional information by clicking on the receipt icon for this package in your Inbox. This package is now available for review or shipment at your convenience. Thank you for your patience during this process,#willOk great, just sent the invoice. The tour shafts are hand picked for use on tour, they are also tested and must pass the testing to be approved for use on tour.
Production FeaturesThe production is an electron tube cathode output processor, adopts excellent 6N8P double triode parallel cathode. out put with high input impedance and low output impedance, so as to widen the frequency response and lesson the distortion. It also adopts imported(MKP) capacitance.Electrolysis special for imported audio equipment and three-ring metal resistance of high quality. It's designed for upgrade of CD, VCD, and DVD. It is also aimed to solve the acoustics drawbacks of traditional VCD, DVD.Concerning the product will improve the resultion of these stereo equipment. The medium-high frequency is pure and thick,the low frequency transparent and poweful.
I wanted to give you status update on your recent order, we received the funds transfer on 20 March and placed your order the same day. Your items will arrive at our store later this week and will be processed and shipped to the Florida location within one business day. Thank you for your business, please let us know if we can supply your company with any additional items.
5868I early ordered ●● , I hope you have a second one in stock this is a order for 1 more. thank youigi marineYou're misunderstanding me however, as I didn't buy anything yet. I'm just looking for a seller who would help me avoid customs by marking the item as a gift of low value. So my question is, would you do that or not? This is the first time I'm ordering to the UK though, so I'm not sure how their customs work. Here in Belgium, they charged me €40 on a figure which originally cost me €100 including shipping. You can probably see why I'm trying to prevent that from happening again :pIt is illegal though, so I would understand if you didn't want to do it :)
5868先に●●を注文しました。2つ目も在庫をお持ちだといいのですが。これは、1つの追加注文です。よろしくお願いします。igi marineですが、私はまだなにも買っていないので、あなたは誤解なさっています。私は単に、関税対策として、定額のギフト商品を記してくださる販売者を探しているだけなのです。私の質問はあなたがそれをしてくださるかどうかということです。これは初めてのイギリスへの注文ですが、イギリスの税関システムについてはよくわかりません。こちらベルギーでは、商品の元の価格100ユーロのフィギュアに対して送料を含めて40ユーロ取られました。私が再びこのようなことがおこるのを防ごうとしている理由がおわかりだと思います。:p ですが、これは不法ですので、あなたはそれをしたくないと理解した方がよさそうですね。:)
igi1557I have received a letter today from parcel force asking for me to pay a customs charge of £20.81 on this product for me to receive the product.Please can you pay this charge or issue me with a full refund? as you did not detail that the product would get a customs charge.The letter says that the parcel will be returned to the sender after 20 days if it is not paid.If you would like to pay the charge, can you go on: www.p●●Then click on 'Receiving a Parcel'Then click on 'Pay Customs Charge'and finally enter the following reference: ●●Otherwise, can I have a full refund please?
igi1557小包業務係より今日通知が来て、この商品を受け取るために20.81ポンドの関税を支払うよう要求されました。この代金を払っていただくか、そうでなければ全額返金していただけますか。あなたは、関税が取られることは明記されませんでしたから。通知には、もし支払わなければ20日後に送り主のところに送り返すを書いてあります。関税を支払ってくださるお気持ちがあれば、どうかwww.p●●に進んでください。。それからReceiving a Parcel(荷物を受け取る)をクリックしてください。その後、Pay Customs Charge(関税を支払う)をクリックしてください。最後に、次の参照番号を入力してください。 ●●もし、関税を支払ってくださらないなら、全額返金してくださいますか。
Thank you for your business and I apologize for the shipping error. I do know that you have purchased from me before as well as many others from your address that I have notices; I'm not sure why your packaging was destroyed. Of course I will refund or replace any products that were damaged. I took special care with your order so it's peculiar to me how there was any damage at all? Please advise were all three items in the shipment damaged so that I can overnight a replacement that will be better wrapped.
ameTo help us with our review of your account, we encourage you to send a friendly reminder to buyers requesting that they leave feedback on your account.Please do not send more than one feedback request per order. To learn more about contacting buyers, search "Buyer-Seller Messaging Service" in Seller Central Help.
ame弊社のあなたのアカウントの再審査にプラスとなるよう、購入者にあなたのアカウントに対するフィードバックを取り下げるよう友好的にお願いすることをお勧めします。注文1点につき1回以上のフィードバックのお願いを送らないでください。購入者への連絡に関する詳細につきましては。セラーセントラルページのBuyer-Seller Messaging Service(購入者、販売者間のメッセージサービス)で検索してください。
How have you been? So Good to hear from you!I went and repriced the 1st, 2nd and 4th listing for you at 50% off. The 3rd listing is already at more then that.How is everything going? Love hearing from my favorite customers.Anything else just let me know.Thank you for all of the excellent communication and the quick purchasing today!Your order will be shipped tomorrow, as I know it doesn't cost that much ship to Japan from Hong Kong, the shipping fee might fee might be overcharged, I would refund the over-charged shipping fee after I shipped your order. I will send you a further message and email to confirm the order has shipped tomorrow.Thank you so much for choosing Gallery and supporting original art.
Coleman Expedition First Aid KitThe Coleman Expedition First Aid Kit is the ultimate first aid kit for large groups or long treks. This 205 piece kit features components most often needed in the field. All items are housed in a durable, semi-hard case. The unique EZ Find System keeps the items organized and allows room for customization so you can be sure you have what you need in an emergency. Perfect kit for your home, RV or automobile.Expanded inventory for longer trips, larger groupsContains first aid components most commonly needed in the fieldEZ Find System organizes componentsIncludes cold pack and lancets205 piece kit
Coleman Expedition First Aid Kit(コールマン探検用応急処置キット)Coleman Expedition First Aid Kit は、大人数のグループや遠距離旅行(トレッキング)用の旧k北の応急処置キットです。この205点からなるキットには、この分野に最も頻繁に必要とされる品を備えています。全商品は丈夫で適度に硬いケースに入っています。ユニークな EZ発見システムで、商品は常に整理され、カスタマイズすることができるため、緊急時に必要なものを確実に備えることができます。家庭、RV車、自動車にぜひ1セット置いてください。より長期の旅行や大人数のグループのための追加品リストこの分野で最もよく必要な救急処置の商品が含まれています。EZ発見システムが商品を整理整頓します。冷湿布、ランセットがついています。205品が入ったキットです。
It's back! In English, but now with Japanese subtitles!Originally developed by AW (performer/writer) and KT for our 2009/2010 Season (and summer Fringe tour to Canada), "39" returns to Japan!Under the guiding hand of new director GR, the slimmed down, one-man, touring version of the show is being revamped with new technology and a new perspective. Performer AW again plays the wayward astronaut protagonist."39 Redux" will be performed along with the two new YTG Ensemble shows (APA).We are raising money for this project via a crowd-funding campaign. Tickets will be available only through the campaign until the week of the show. That campaign can be found at http://sponsor.ytg.jp
日本語字幕つきでカムバックしました!元々、AW(パフォーマー兼ライター)とKTが当社の2009/2010年のシーズン(と夏季カナダツアー)用に製作した「39」が日本で再演されることになりました!新監督GRの専門的指導の下、新技術を用い新たな解釈で、新ツアー用の規模を縮小した独演バージョンにリニュアルいたしました。パフォーマーのAWは、今回も主人公の気まぐれな宇宙飛行士を演じます。新たに2つのYTGアンサンブルショー(APA)を加えて「39 Redux」が演じられます。弊社では、クラウドファンドキャンペーンを通して本プロジェクトの資金調達を目指しています。チケットはショーが開園する週まで、キャンペーンを通してのみご購入いただけます。キャンペーンの詳細につきましては、http://sponsor.ytg.jpをご覧ください。
I would not cancel the purchase ... I will cancel it if really there is no other way. I do not have a chance to buy this product every time.Please can you send me the link that states that the buyer must only use the Pay Pal address? I did not know this rule and i can't find it. I knew that I could have more than one address.If you want to suggest another solution, feel free. I want to try and resolve it quickly and not harm anyone. preordered with you two separate auctions and paid 2 shipping charges. I was just wondering if when they are released and you preparing to ship them, can you do them together for me? Also if that is possible, can I receive one of my shipping charges back?
The watch has the Original Manufacturer Serial Numbers Intact, comes with original box and papers/manual; and who covers the warranty, the manufacturer or you? for how long?And I have seen your picture (solid black dial) but in other sites the color is like black with waves (see attachment), but is the same reference number, and that is the one I want, do you have it?
#MarcusFor the SLDR Tour heads, the cost would be $400 each.Each will have the screw type toe plate, retail serial, + etched on the hosel. Most are not coming with the spec sticker or shrink wrap. So, I cannot promise that they will have the spec sticker or plastic wrapping. I can pick through the lofts available and get them as close as possible to your desired lofts, but I can't guarantee that they will be exactly those lofts.#WillNone of those are in stock right now. Only thing I have right now is 1 new SLDR 430 10.5 in spec sticker, a couple mint 430s.
#MarcusSLDRツアーヘッドの価格は各400ドルです。各商品にはスクリュータイプのトゥプレート、小売用シリアル番号があり、ホーゼルにはエッチングが施されています。ほとんどの商品にはスペックのシールがなく、プラスチックフィルム包装はしてありません。あなたのご希望の入庫可能なロフトを調べて、できるだけ早く入手することができます。ですが、まったく同じロフトかどうかは保証しかねます。#Willこれらの商品は現在在庫切れです。現在、在庫があるのはスペックシールのついた SLDR 430 10.5新品が1本と430sのミント品が数本のみです。
ING8309 My Additional comments are as follows : "The item seems to be blocked in French customs for almost 3 weeks.- : -I can no longer wait for this item, can I have a firm delivery date or a cancelation? ".ING9567Both the request for payment and the receipt confirm the total figure I had to pay was £25.35. As previously stated, I must have paid this amount to have received the parcel. Please action a refund forthwith.it4308I would like to know if I will receive my order within this week. Thank you.Best regards,
#Golf XcessNo more RBZ Tour Issue Hybrid at this time. I doubt I can get Speed Blades. I will check on 2 SLDR Driver heads - They all have the opening. They just cover it up. #WillHey Kenichi, no luck there at the moment. However i will see if I can get them. What can you pay?OK I will see what I can find. What can you pay for each?
#Golf XcessRBZツアーイシューハイブリッドは現在のところ在庫切れです。スピードブレードも入荷できるかどうかわかりません。2本のSLDRドライバーヘッドについては確認します。全て穴があるため、糊塗してあります。#Willケンイチさん、今のところ残念ながらありません。ですが入荷できるかどうか確認します。支払い可能な額を教えてもらえますか。わかりました。入荷できるかどうか検討します。1本ごとの支払い可能額を教えて頂けますか。
#marcusThe RBZ hybrid in that loft is no longer available. I can only get 16.5 and 18.5 now in that head.I do have the SLDR Tour driver heads, but only the ones with the screw on the toe cap. I do not have any tour heads without that screw. The cost for these would be $450 each.For the Speedblade irons, there are not any tour versions of this model as it only comes in retail form. I can get you new, unshafted heads in these though if you would like. Just let me know if that would work and what heads you need for the set so that I can give you pricing.
#marcusそのロフトの RBZ ハイブリッドはもう在庫がありません。そのヘッドでは現在16.5及び18.5のみ入手可能です。SLDRツアードライバーヘッドは在庫がありますが、トーキャップにスクリューがついたもののみです。スクリューがついていないヘッドは1本も在庫がありません。価格は1本450ドルです。Speedbladeアイアンに関しては、このモデルは、小売りの形態でした入荷してこないため、ツアーバージョンはありません。ですがもしご希望ならこのモデルの新品のシャフトのないヘッドを入荷できます。それでよければどのヘッドがご入り用がご連絡いただければ、設定価格を提供させて頂きます。