Please know I have researched the details of the account. I see that there are several orders which were refunded which costs $905.54. I request you to go through complete email as the content is lengthy. These are the orders which were charged from your account to be refunded to the buyer. However, I see that the items which were damaged by the carrier have been reimbursed to you. The orders , were returned by your customer as defective and customer damaged respectively. Please note that this is a reason which is beyond Amazon’s purview or control and buyer is the sole discretion holder. Since these units were returned with a reason beyond our control we would be unable to proceed with a credit.
Dysonの商品を購入したあと、何か月以内にユーザー登録をすればよろしいでしょうか?シリアルナンバーを入力することになると思いますが、いつか失効するのですか?保証は何年間でしょうか?私の代わりに1台だけユーザー登録して頂けませんか?米国在住の人でないとユーザー登録できないのです。もしその1台に限ってDyson USAによる修理が必要な場合は、あなたに手数料をお渡しするので、Dyson USAに商品を送って頂けませんか?私からあなたに送って、それをあなたがDysonに送ります。
How many months do I have as a user registration period after the purchase of Dyson products ? I think I will input serial numbers. Will this number expire some day? How many years is it garanteed? Could you please register for one machine instead of me? People who are not US residents are not allowed to creat user registration. If that machine only needs the repair by Dyson USA, i will send you repair fee, so could you please send the product to Dyson USA? I will send it to you, so please send it to Dyson.
Thank you for your contact. $29.5 as the wholesale price is good! We have planned to set the retail price of this product as about 8,000 Japanese yen. We expect the wholesale price to the retailers about 60%. So the price may be around 5,000 yen.Do you have any rules about the sales quantites and the minimum order quantity ? FOB (free of board) is the trade term which indicates the delivery condition of the packages. The product sample is delivered by EMS, but we can only insure up to $100, so we are looking for a proper delivery company here. We wil let you know about the matter later.
Japan Tourism Association will organize the renewed <travel amusement park "Travel fair Japan 2013"> for three days from November 3rd to 10th at the exhibition hall in Sunshine City cultural hall. Last year 130 exhibitors, 270 communities, companies and groups participated in the exhibition and 93,099 people visited the event. In the 18th event of this year, they set up seven theme areas and appeal the charm of domestic travel more than last year. The sightseeng resources of each regions will be appealed as a <travel amusument park> which enables to experience the joy of the travel in addition to 'look' and 'know' the things.
The general outline of the International meeting Expo (IME) was announced in Tokyo on October7. The visitors inviting activities by making use of the publishind media by Nikkei BP company achieved the effective outome and the number of visitors has reached to the record-high 3197 people. This tiem, they organize new projects and also improve the existing projects aiming to the increase of visitors and expand the exhition effects enhancing B to B character. After the exhibition on October11, the informal meeting between IME exhibitors and incentive showcase keypersons will be held at Shinagawa Prince Hotel.
うに乗客に呼びかける、客室乗務員も清掃作業を手伝うなどして 時間短縮を図っています。各都道府県の特産品や名物料理を取り入れたり、大手食品メーカーやレストランと共同で 機内食を開発するなどの工夫をしています。2012年の航空会社安全ランキングでは、24位がエアカナダ、日本航空は47位、大韓航空は56位です。この評価には運航における安全性だけでなく、過去30年の重大事故も 含まれます。ともに過去に墜落事故を起こしているため、評価が低いと考えられます。
We are trying to reduce the time by encouraging the passengers to come to through the security check and to the gate or by the help of the cleaning task by the cabin crew. We are also introducing local specialities and local special meals and developing the -in-flight meals in collaboration with leading food manufacturers and top-rated restaurants. In the airline safety rankings 2012, Air Canada was ranked in 24th, Japan Airline was rankied in 47th and Korean Air was ranked in 56th. This rating is based on not only the safety during the flight, but also the number of heavy accident of the past 30 years. It would be appear that the crash accidents of both airline companies result the low evaluation.
御連絡ありがとうございます。別メールで見積もりを送ってもらったとありますが、私の所にはこのメール以外届いておらず、どうすればよいのかアドバイス願います。迷惑メールフォルダにも入っておりませんでした。私は、ペイパルか、クレジットカードで支払うことができます。英語が話せないので、インヴォイスを送ってもらう形にして頂けると嬉しいです。それとも reference quote number is #454496150 というのがどこかにあるのでしょうか。アドバイスお願いいたします
Thank you for contacting us.You say that you have sent a quote by another e-mail, but I have not received any e-mail other than this one. Please advise me what I should do. I checked the span e-mail box, but I could not find your e-mail. I would appreciate if you could send it with the form of an invoice, as I can not speak English. Or is there <reference quote number is #454496150> somewhere in the e-mail? Please advise me. SIncerely,
But, in the event of such assignment, the new entity, as well as theoriginal party, shall remain responsible for the provisions of this agreement.16. JURISDICTION AND VENUEThe parties agree that the terms of this agreement shall embodygeneral, international legal principles as interpreted under Japan law.Jurisdiction for the resolution of disputes shall be Kyoto, JapanState courts. Such court shall haverights to determine all disputes, as well as initiate any injunctive relief hasmay be necessary or convenient in order to preserve the rights of the partieshereto, including, but not limited to, the right to exclusivity.
しかし、そのような譲渡があった場合、新たに譲渡を受けた企業は、元の当事者同様、本契約書の条項に責任を持つものとします。16 管轄権および裁判地 両当事者は、本契約書の条件は、日本の法の下で解釈される総合的、国際的な法的規則を具現化したものであることに合意します。紛争解決の裁判の管轄権は日本の京都地方裁判所に置かれます。同裁判所は、全ての紛争に対する決定権と共に、独占権を含むが限定されない、本契約の両当事者の権利を守るために必要または都合がよいと思われる差し止めによる救済を行なう権利を持つものとします。
8. TERMThe initial term of this Agreement shall be five (3) years. It shallautomatically be renewed, on a year to year basis, thereafter unless writtennotice of cancellation is received by either party at least four (4) months priorto any extended period.9. TRADEMARKS/COPYRIGHTSSupplier hereby assigns Distributor the non-exclusive right to use anytrademarks, copyrights and other such intellectual property of Supplier inorder to allow Distributor to perform his duties hereunder.10. EXCUSE FOR NONPERFORMANCESupplier’s obligations under this agreement are accepted subject tostrikes, labor troubles (including strikes or labor troubles affecting anysuppliers of Supplier),
8 期間本契約の最初の帰還は発行から5(3)年間です。契約は更新期間の少なくとも4か月前に両当事者によって書面による取消通知が受け取られない限り、1年毎に自動的に更新されます。9 商標、著作権供給業者は本契約により、販売代理店が契約書に基づいて職務を実行できるようにするために、供給業者の商標、著作権、その他の知的財産を使用する非排他的権利を譲渡します。10 本契約不履行の弁明本契約書に基づく供給業者の義務はストライキ、(供給業者の供給に影響を与えるストライキ、労働争議を含む)労働争議、
floods, fires, acts of God, accidents, delays, shortage ofcars, contingencies of transportation and other causes of like or differentcharacter beyond the control of Supplier. Impossibility of performance byreason of any legislative, executive or judicial act of any governmentalauthority shall excuse performance of or delay in performance of thisagreement.11. WARRANTIESSupplier warrants thatA. The Sesame shall be delivered free of the rightful claim of anythird person, and that Supplier has full title to the Sesame andauthority to sell such Sesame;
洪水、火災、(地震等の予知・予防不可能な)不可抗力、事故、遅延、車両不足、交通危機、その他の供給業者の管理範囲を超えた類似の、または異なる種類の原因を認めるものとします。政府機関の立法、行政、司法上のあらゆる行為を原因とする履行不能は本契約の履行の遅延理由として容赦されるものとします。11 保証供給業者は、以下を保証します。A ゴマはあらゆる第三者の正当性の申し立てを受けることなく供給され、供給業者はゴマに対する全ての権利とゴマの販売権を持つものとします。
B. The bitterness, aromatic strength and coloring of the Sesameshall be determined using the ISO 2542-2 or a similarreplacement standard and shall meet the minimumrequirements provided by Distributor to Supplier from time totime; andC. The sourcing, processing, and export of the Sesame will complywith all laws, rules, regulations, export restrictions and otherrequirements of Thai, Japan., and any country that maybe involved in the transport of the Sesame, as such may changefrom time to time.12. MARKETINGSupplier shall provide to Distributor marketing materials,testimonials, testing results, and other items that may assist Distributor tomaximize his sale of Sesame.
B ゴマの苦味、香りの強さ、色合いはISO 2542-2または同様の代わりとなる基準を使用して決定され、販売業者によって供給業者に時折提供される最低条件に適合しているものとする。C ゴマの調達、処理、輸出に当たり、タイ、日本、またゴマの輸送に関係する国の全ての法律、規則、法規、輸出制限、その他の要件を順守するものとします。また、そのような法規は変更がある場合があります。12 マーケティング供給業者は販売業者に対し、マーケティング資料、証明書、試験結果、その他販売業者がゴマの販売を最大化するのに役立つと思われるものを提供するものとします。
MARS ENTERTAINMENTとは、日本における、芸能マネージメントという概念を変える為に設立しました。日本の芸能マネージメントは、タレントやアーティストの身の回りの世話から、仕事のスケジュール管理、仕事依頼の調整など、オールラウンドに行う場合が一般的です。採算の合わないタレントやアーティストに対しても同じ事を行わなければならないです。我々は、仕事の依頼交渉に特化した形で、マネージメントのあり方を変えていく企業です。身の回りの世話は自分自身で行って貰います。
MARS ENTERTAINMENT is established in the aim of changing the concept of entertainment management in Japan.Generally speaking, the entetainment management in Japan include the works as an all-rounder from the personal care of the artists, the schedule management to the arrangement of job offers. Our company aims to change the form of the management specialized in the negociations of job offers. We ask to the artist to do the personal care by themselves.
I have received the cup and saucer which I have won the bid from you. However, the items were broken, because they were not properly packed. I asked you to make sure to pack them properly so that things would not get broken. I run a shop of antiquities in Japan. I can not sell them as A classe items.I am very dissapointed, because I was looking forward the items' arrival. With this condition, I can not give you a good rating.Please send me an another item, or refund me 60 dollars.Thank you for your attention.
J'ai vérifié à Japan Post qu'il n'y avait pas de problème du numéro de suivi. Je ne comprends pas pourquoi Chronopost dit qu'il n'y a pas de numéro de suivi. Je me suis plaint, donc, à Chronopost. J'ai aussi insisté d'effectuer une recherche. Toutefois, il semble qu'il faudra beaucoup de temp. Je ne peux plus vous déranger. J'ai préparé quelques solutions. Pourriez-vous choisir une solution que vous voulez ? Veuillez me contacter,s'il vous plaît.
①全額返金※仮に商品が届いた場合は受け取りを拒否してください。②新しい商品の発送※前に送った商品が届いた場合は受け取りを拒否してください。③もう少し調査結果を待つご迷惑お掛けしてすみません。追跡番号を確認しました。9/27に出荷して9/30にAMSTERDAM EXPに商品が届いているようです。そこからなぜあなたに商品が届かないのか至急確認するようにPOSTNLへ調査要求しました。私は責任持って最後まで対応しますので評価の1の訂正をお願いできないでしょうか?
1. le remboursement intégral ※ Si la marchandise vous parviendra, veuillez refuser la réception. 2. la réexpédition de la même marchandise ※ Si la marchandise que j'ai déjà envoyé vous parviendra, veuillez revuser la réception. Je m'excuse encore de cet embarras.J'ai vérifié le numéro de suivi.La marchandise est envoyé le 27 Septembre et il semble qu'elle est arrivé à AMSTERDAM EXP. J'ai demandé à POSTNL de vérifier immediatement pourquoi la marchandise n'a pas encore été arrivée. Je vais traiter ce problème de manière responsable jusqu'à ce que le problème soit réglé. Pourriez-vous modifier votre évaluation 1 ?
I am making out an invoice now and I want you to check something. In the ☆ of A4 size which I bought on ◯, 8 sheets were included. As I bought two sets, there were 16 sheets. Are they enough? If not, I will buy them additionally. The amount of money I spent to buy these items was $18.4, $4 as the shipping cost to ◎ and the purchase fee will be added to this amount, so the total price you will pay is $◆. The cards which you said that you wanted to buy have come in. What will we do? The shipping cost of a bunded item is free.
Versaは市販品ですか?TourIssueであれば購入したいです。I will pass on this time.また何か入荷しましたらご連絡をお願いします。写真の送付をありがとうございます。今回はVersa#7を2本購入します。請求額の変更をお願いします。Versa#9は需要を見極めるため多少時間がかかります。2-3日後に連絡します。#7(BWB)の写真を送りますのでお手数ですが、同一かどうかご確認をお願いします。2本共新品でTourIDband付きで宜しいですね?
Is Versa a commercialized product?I would like to buy it if it is a Tourissue product. I will pass on this time. Please let me know, if you get something in stock. Thank you for sending me the picture.This time, I will buy 2 units of Versa#7. Please change the billing amount. As for Versa #9, it will take some time, because I want to assess the popularity. I will contact with you after two or three days. I will send the picture of #7(BWB), so please check if it is the same product. So both two products are brand new with tour ID band, is that right ?
Hello,I am ○○. I am sorry. I have purchased the item by mistake.Please cancel the order. Sorry to bother you, but I hope you will take good care of this. Sincerely.
So you are in trouble. I understand your situation.I can get an adapter with PSE mark in Japan, but I can not obtain the one with .4V、2A standard. I searched on website, and I found a distributer who has 100 MOQ. do you think ? If 100 pieces or so, I can buy them first.
Thank you for your business.Today we have received from our customers who have purchased the baby hammock chairs, saying that they run short of two screws for the stand. Please check the attached photos. As they need them immediately, please send it as before by Express Mail. And the model number IRC11-5 will be released in October 14, right ? It seems that I still can not place an order by B2B,so I want to place an order of one unit through this e-mail. I would appreciate if you could send me an invoice summing up the amount of this item which I placed an order today by B2B and that of IRC11-5. Best regards.