I can not go to Japan to gather information this time, so please check the following points to give a value to the product. In addition to ..... photos that we have, I would like to add some photos and customize the page, is there no problem? (Just add some photos). As I do not have enough time, please just let me know if it is possible or not. As for the event, as we need to make preparation, .... is the best, but we will control the timing according to your situation. ......may be a little earlier. I would like to confer the issue with A. Is it ok with you?
I returned US$200 due to the previous claim from a customer. However, on Ocboter 28 one month after the return, I received a claim about the product again.Why did he claimed passing 24 days after the delivery? If it was broken, he should have claimed at the first claim. It is strange that he has not noticed the trouble as much as 24 days. The other problem is that the buyer make a threat that he would give negative feedback to our shop. Even if I will give another refund , he may make a third threat claiming again. It is possible that the buyer would repeatedly make a thread implying givieng a feedback. Please provide me a best solution.
I read the book, "Don't set a sales goal!". What impressed me was the following phrase. At a meeting, what is discussed on is only how to ahieve one's sales quota, and we are busy to check on the progress of the cases which may be able to lead to a contract. Such meeting is characterized by an absence of discussions about how the customers who have purchased products or a services are satisfied with them, or how they are developped by the provided products or services. In addition, it is also caracterized by the facts that the evaluation is determined only by sales performance and the index like the quality and customer satisfaction metrics are not included in evaluation, as they are difficult to be indicated in precise numbers.
FR② Intended to be used with raspberry pi b but its functionless..I tried but there is no process since when I try to do it it says that you are waiting for seller response ...
①George Iakovidis, les informations ci-dessous correspondent à la demande de retour annulée par vos soins.
①George Iakovidis様 下記の情報は、あなたによってキャンセルされた返品の要請に相当するものです。
I have asked the post office about this order and they said that I do not have anything for me. I have even asked my neighbors and no one has received anything for me. Please send me the item i ordered or Just please send me a refund so that I can buy one from another seller right away.
My job is an individual export.Im not good English but international shipping is good.I am waiting for your feel free to ask.
Mon travail est l'exportation individuel. Je ne parle pas bien l'anglais, mais j'ai une connaissance détaillée du transport international. N'hésitez pas à me contacter et poser des questions.
At first we discussed all our ideas with the head of labour of two different Dutch prisons. The Ministry of Justice was enthusiastic about our concept and our views on this social problem. In collaboration with the head of labour we figured out which products could be made according to the current skill of labour. Our focus lies on broadening our collection so we have ongoing meetings with prisons to produce new items. Our last two products are zip hoodies and crewnecks, 100-percent handmade in prison.
We wanted to set up a brand with a strong social vision and a well-told story. We were brainstorming about possible concepts, and one of our family members came up with the idea of producing in a prison, since he works for the Ministry of Justice. After a tour through prison we became aware of the value of freedom, and the first lines of our concept were shaped. We are not the first brand that uses freedom as its message, but with the production in a place where freedom is not that evident, I think we found a unique way to bring this message to our fans.
"Made in prison, inspired by freedom" aptly describes the founding concept of Dutch-based apparel company, Stripes Clothing. The company consists of three founders and one designer living in Rotterdam, all guys in their mid to late 20s who had been looking for a way to fuse their entrepreneurial and creative spirit with a means for spreading awareness of ex-inmates' societal reintegration. Apparel production (and some designs) come from prison inmates and are sold worldwide. The upshot is that inmates earn a profit and production skills in order to build a base for self-sufficiency and job marketability once they've been freed.
「自由にインスパイアされた刑務所で作られたウェア」。オランダに本社を置くアパレルメーカーStripes Clothing(ストライプス・クロージング)はこう、設立コンセプトを巧みに表現している。同社のスタッフは、ロッテルダムで暮らす20代半ばから後半の男性ばかりの3人のファウンダーと1人のデザイナーから構成されており、自社のクリエーティブな起業精神と元受刑者の社会復帰に対する意識の高揚の手段を融合される方法を模索してきた。アパレル製品(といくつかのデザイン)は刑務所の受刑者により製作され、世界中に販売される。目標は、受刑者が利益と生産スキルを獲得し、刑務所出所後の自活と仕事の市場性の基礎を構築することだ。
Stripes is a streetwear brand that has one foot in jail and one foot in freedom. Stripes produces garments in jail to advocate the use of your freedom to the fullest. With this message we like to inspire everyone today to become someone to look up to tomorrow. Furthermore, we stimulate specialized labour in jail. Through our production line, set up in prison, inmates regain self-confidence and gain skills to be used whenever they are given their freedom back. This will not only increase their chances in society, but society as a whole will benefit from this, too.
J'ai quelques marchandises que je voudrais acheter aux enchères en plus de la marchandise que j'ai gagné cette fois. Si je pourrai gagnez la vente, je voudrais que les joigne dans le même colis. pourrais-vous pour cette raison qu'attendre le paiement jusqu'à ce que la période des enchères termine ? Je voudrais effecture le paiement d'une seule fois. Les jours restants des enchères sont quatre. Est-ce que la condition de la marchandise est bonne ? Est-ce qu'il n'y a pas de fêlure, fissure dans la vitre? Combien de centimètres mesure le support de la abat-jour de vitre ? Combien de centimétres mesure le support de la lampe ?
台紙は全部おつけしますが、特に取り替え用のワイヤーも含め何か所か修理がしてあります。あなたの荷物は一昨日、すでに発送しています。追跡番号は CCXXXXXXFRです。移転のための旅行中でしたので、すみませんでした。ところで、あなたに商品を送るのに損をしています。日本に荷物を送るために145ユーロ支払いました。郵送したケースに価格が表示されているので、よくご覧ください。
Bonjour,La marchandise n'est pas encore retournée. J'ai vérifié la situation de livraison par le numéro de suivi et il semble qu'elle me parviendra dans deux jours.Je vais arranger le livraison dès la reception de la marchandise retournée. S'il n'y a pas de problème du dédouanement, je crois que la marchandise vous pardiendra dans 7-10 jours.Merci de votre comprehension.
Fortunately, we have not shipped out the item to England yet.We will cancel this transaction.You will receive after the cancellation notification from eBay.The import tax is the responsability of the buyer. We recommend to check it before the bidding.The shipping cost from NYC to FL is $*,is that right? Frankly speaking, it may be difficult to sell the products in Japn on this base. Adding the shipping cost from FL to Japan, the customs and my fee, the sales price will become really high. We will send you the necessary informations, if we can find a buyer.
bonjouretant donné que votre reponse n est pas claire du tout ,pouvez vous m indiquer tres clairement a quelle date je vais recevoir mon colis .merci de me repondre rapidement car je commence a perdre patience du a votre incompetence
Merci pour votre réponse. Je vous demande d'annuler et rembourser ma commande car je suis français et n'utilise pas de transformateur 100V pour mes appareils, surtout l'électroménager pour des raisons évidentes de sécurité. Les vendeurs s'adressant à la France doivent fournir aux usagers une alimentation électrique correspondant aux normes de leur pays.注文キャンセルの件、了解致しました。あなあのお力になれず本当に申し訳ありません。商品は発送前ですので料金は発生しておりませんのでご安心ください。※注文キャンセル方法
お返事ありがとうございました。私はフランス人で、私の電気製品、特に家電製品には、言うまでもなく安全のため、100Vの変圧器は使いませんので、注文のキャンセルと返金をお願いいたします。フランスに向けて販売する販売者は、その国の規格に合った電圧の機器を使用者に対して販売しなければなりません。J'ai compris sur l'annulation. Je suis vraiment desolée de ne pas pouvoir vous aider. Veuillez être assuré que nous n'avons pas chargé aucun prix avant l'expédition. ※Comment annuler une commande ?
お世話になっております。xxxxxxと申します。現在、REMEDYを使用しておりますが、業務に必要なProblem Managementが操作できません。問題点、REMEDYのApplicationの Problem Managementが表示されません。原因必要な権限が付与されていないためと思われます。MY Profileのキャプチャーを添付いたしました。10月28日朝までに権限を付与していただけますようにお願いいたします。
Thank you for your continued business.My name is xxxxxx.Currently I use REMEDY, but I can not operate the Problem Management necessary for my business. Problem: Problem Management of the REMEDY Application is not displayed. Cause: I think it's because the authority necessary is not given. I have attached My Profile's capture. I ask you to give me the autorization by the morning of October 28.Sincerely,
Can I confirm about A one of these days? We are planning to pack ○ songs. We have already filed for other songs in the country. Could you please send at first a video for one whole song to check the content ? We are thinkng to make a plan concretely for the next year including the agreement. Is it possible to interview on site directly to the artist by ○? The media is a magazine A, so it seems that we will be able to put feature pages for two consective months. The magazine A has a journalist who lives in Asia, so I wish the journalsit could interview to the artist by visiting an appointed place. Please talk with the journalist directly for the detail.
Dear friend,Good day to you!I will leave hottime at the end of this month.My colleague will follow your order in the future.Thanks for your support.I hope everything is going well on your side.Thanks,wendy