Although it’s still young, the site is already seeing success. On the front page, it claims that it already offers advertisers more than 12,000 weibo accounts to advertise on, who have a total of more than 1.6 billion followers (obviously, some of these users have the same followers, so many followers are counted multiple times). Most impressive, the frontpage boasts a “yesterday’s signups” counter that reads over 6,000 at the moment — evidence that users are getting excited about Weibo Bridge. It also has an impressive successful cases page that indicates companies like Baidu, HP, Qunar, Meituan, 360Buy, La Miu, and many more have all chosen to partake in Weibo Bridge’s services.
まだ出来て日が浅いが、サイトはすでに成功しているようだ。メインページにはすでに広告を出すための12000以上のweiboアカウントを広告主に出したと書いてあり、ファ路ワーの数は計16億以上に上る(もちろんユーザーの中には同一のファロワーもいる、多くのファロワーが複数回カウントされている)。特に印象的だったのは、ユーザーがWeibo Bridgeに期待している証拠としてメインページに「昨日のサインアップ」カウント数がその時点で6000を超えていたことが得々と書かれていたことだ。また、Baidu, HP, Qunar, Meituan, 360Buy, La Miu他多くの会社が皆Weibo Bridgeのサービスを受けることを選んだことを示している印象的な成功例が書かれていた。
Of course, those numbers are all self-reported, so take them with a grain of salt. The team behind Weibo Bridge claims to have a lot of previous experience in the industry, and given the slick layout of its site, I’m not surprised to learn that. But I’d also like to know more about who is behind this company, and the site is pretty low on details. (We’ve emailed the company to see if we can put a few questions to its founder and we’ll do another interview post when they get back to us).Still it’s a slickly-presented service in an industry that’s growing rapidly. Weibo Bridge looks like the real deal, and it’s definitely one Chinese startup we’ll be keeping a close eye on.
もちろん、そのような自己申告した数はあまり当てにはなるまい。Weibo Bridgeが買収した会社はこの分野に豊富な経験を持ち、サイトは巧みにレイアウトされており、それを聞いてもあまり驚かない。だが、私は会社の背後に誰がいるのかもっと知りたい。またよくサイトの細々した点はお粗末である。(会社には設立者に幾つかの質問ができるかメールを送っており、返事が来たら次のインタビュー記事を出す予定だ。)ともかくこれは業界の中で急速に成長を遂げている抜け目なく行なわれているサービスだ。Weibo Bridgeは本物のようだ。確かに、これから我々が注視すべき中国のスタートアップの1つだろう。
PayPalは日本ではあまりなじみがありませんが、世界で2億人以上が使っているインターネット上での標準決済サービスです。 「コミュニケーション」機能 ・参加者への一括連絡 イベントの会場が変更になったり、イベント内容が確定したり、イベント告知後に参加者への連絡をする機会は案外多いものです。everevoは、イベントの参加者に個別、一括で連絡する環境を提供します。
Paypal is not so familliar in Japan, but it's a standard payment service on Internet which is used by more then 200 million people in the world. It often happens a change of a collective communication space to the parcitipants of 'Communication' fonction, settlment of contents of the events or the opportunities to communicate to the participants after an annoncement of the events rather than we expect.Enervo provide you an enviroment to communicate to the participants of the events both individually and collectively.
Why his photogragh is immoral? Why his account of facebook is going to be suspended?I can't work it out.....
It's a vintage goods and the box is also of value. However, the box is greatly damaged, because the seller has send it with just careless paper packing. The goods doesn't have the value of purchase price any more. The problem is the careless packing of the seller. I requested to send the goods back and refund my money sending a picture of the damaged product, but the seller does not accept it. Furthermore, he does not resolve the problem concerning a shipping company in spite of his obligation as a seller.
As a courtesy, we're covering your return shipping costs by providing you a prepaid label to return the item. It's important that you ship the item back in the next 7 days so you can get a refund.Be sure to pack the item carefully and securely and to include all parts of the item. The seller must receive the item in the same condition that you received it for you to be eligible for your refund.To print the label, paste the link below into your browser:httpsAttach the label to the box, and send the item back to the seller using United Parcel Service (UPS) shipping.
Hello Kouta, Thank you again for you email. I'm sorry that we don't have information on something like this. You will need to either call or email Bose and explain you wish to be a dealer. I hope this can help. If you have any other questions please give us a call. The Crutchfield international Department is opened Monday - Thursday 9am to 10pm, Fridays 9am to 9pm and Saturdays 10am to 7pm Eastern Time. Our phone number is 1-888-292-2591. Sincerely, Gil
コウタ様メールを頂きありがとうございました。私共のほうではこのような情報はもっておりませんので、Boseにお電話されるかメールを送りディーラーになりたい旨を説明する必要があります。お役に立てれば幸いです。ほかに質問があればお電話ください。The Crutchfield international Department 営業時間月 - 木9am ~10pm, 金 9am ~ 9pm 土10am ~ 7pm (米国東部時間) TEL 1-888-292-2591.よろしくお願いいたします。ジル
Thank you for your picture! I will pay the 2nd September. Is that ok?What's the difference of this picture story book to another ordinaly ones?
I see your list now. The Nike I cannot get for sure - not a Nike dealer. I will look into the rest today.Thanks,David
Overview of crowdfunding pioneers in Asia-PacificIndonesia is perhaps the crowdfunding capital of Asia with two Kickstarter-like websites seeing some initial success in raising money for projects. But as the idea continues to gain awareness across the region, more crowdfunding sites have popped up.The scene is still very young though, with the largest successful campaign being in the five-figure US dollar range. Will the movement become mainstream or fizzle out? We don’t know at this point, but it’s certainly intriguing to watch it develop.In this article, we give a rundown of up-and-coming crowdfunding platforms in the Asia-Pacific region.
I would like to ask you about the order N.K20-5001. Couldn't I order the ring size N.8 (japanese standard)? Please give me the answer as soon as possible. Best regards
I regret that I have to inform you of the bad news today.Today, I was informed from on of my business partner that there's several partner on oDesk who disclosed the documentation and spreadsheet about my project and to other employers. I will receive specific names of concerned persons tomorrow.I just want you to keep in mind that I will never permit to disclose the information about the project that I requested without my consent.
If you continue to disclose them, I will request the suspension of my acount and furthermore I will examine a claim for damages that I received. Manuals, spreadsheet and calculation formula are protected assets of my company. Please never inform the contents or disclose them to other employers. I believe that it was not you who did them, but I informed you because it's extremely important matter.
For these women, five themes were content coded individually as present (1) or absent (0): happiness about motherhood, happiness about grandmotherhood, self-growth through motherhood, parenting is hard to do, and positive traits in children. The first two themes revolved around general happiness about assuming the role of a mother or a grandmother. Thus, a 1 was given if the respondent discussed the joys of raising children. For the second category, a 1 was scored if the respondent discussed the pleasures of having grandchildren. The following kinds of expressions were scored: "Children are a blessing," "a truly life-altering experience," and "the best part of life."
その女性達にとって5つのテーマは 。母親であることの幸せ、祖母であることの幸せ、母親であることを通しての自己成長、子育ての難しさ、子供のプラスの特性等、個々にコード化された内容だった。最初の2つのテーマは母親、或いは祖母としての役割を引き受けることへの全般的な幸福を主要テーマとした。2番目のカテゴリーについては、回答者が孫を持った喜びを書き記したら1点と採点された。例えば「子供は店からの恵みだ」「本当に人生が転換するような経験だった」「人生で最良の時期」等のような表現は加点された。
General statements like "My husband and I matured together" scored 1. Finally, any ambivalent comments about the the marriage or partner were given a score of 1. Strong negative feelings about a spouse or partner always scored. Lukewarm endorsement of a partner could also score if such comments were not counterbalanced with positive remarks. Not scored were ambivalent comments that were embedded in a larger context of mostly positive feelings. Thus, this fourth category scored a respondent's disillusionment or unhappiness with marriage. The following response was scored for ambivalent comments: "Marriage has great appeal in the abstract, but not so much in the particular."
The following statement, for example, was scored 1: "Companionship is all... enjoyment of activities, friends, etc. - and ties to family - are vital." The second theme involved expressions of support and love. It was scored if the participant described her spouse or partner as supportive or especially loving, or if the respondent expressed appreciation for her partner's good qualities. Thus, "In my second marriage I got the support I needed to do things that I could never have done alone" was given a 1. The third theme involved the respondent scored 1 if she indicated that she had become a better person through her partnership, or had come to recognize some negative qualities.
Participants had about a 2.5-cm space in which to respond to each query. "Living with a spouse or partner" In their written responces, almost all of the participants discussed the quality of their own marriage or partnership. Four themes were content coded according to their simple presence (1) or absence(0): general happiness, support and love, self-growth in the partnership,and,marked ambivalence in the partnership. The percentage of women expressing each theme is shown in Table1. For the first theme, general happiness, a respondent scored 1 for this category if she expressed any kind of strong positive feeling about her marriage, or if she discussed activities that she and her partner enjoyed doing together.
All five items of the Satisfaction With Life Scale were answered on a 7-point scale. One example from this scale is "In most ways my life is close to my ideal." The five items were highly intercorrelated, with a Cronbach's alpha of .93. The item mean was 5.82. Throughout the 2005 survey, participants were asked to respond to several open-ended queries. One set of questions was organized around the following prompt: "We're interested in your reflections on your life so far. What have you learned from your experiences in the following domains? Skip any that do not apply to your life." Two of the domains under these general instructions were "living with a spouse or a partner" and "raising children".
The electric car seems like a great idea to save money as well as the environment in the country. Dahlan said via Okezone that a single electric charge for the little hatchback with a 150 km-range would only cost around IDR 50,000 (US$5.30) while the usual fuel-load would cost around IDR 300,000 ($31.80) – though he should’ve pointed out that all that fuel would carry you further than in the electric minicar. He also claimed that the cost of building each charging station is much cheaper: building a typical petrol station would cost at least IDR 3 billion ($318,000), and would take two years of construction [1]; whereas for electric charging points, you only need one week to build it.
電気自動車は国の蓄財という面でも環境にとってもよいアイデアのように見える。DahlanはOkezone の取材に応じ、電気小型車より他の燃料車の方が長く走れることを指摘せざると得なかったものの、通常の燃料搭載量で約IDR 300,000 ($31.80) かかるのに対し、1充電走行距離が150kmのハッチバック小型車は1充電の費用が約IDR 50,000 (US$5.30) で済む、と述べた。またDahlanは電気自動車の充電スタンドを作るほうが安くつくとも主張した。典型的なガソリンスタンドを作るには少なくともIDR 3 billion ($318,000)と2年の歳月がかかるが、電機自動車の充電スタンドを作るのには1週間しかかからないという。
The country can also eventually save up to IDR 500 trillion ($53 billion) with this project according to the minister’s claims to TribunNews.If you’re wondering how much the electric car cost, the tiny hatchback car, which is named after its developer, the Ahmadi Mesin 5.0, is touted at around IDR 200 million ($21,200) – a pretty large price tag for a tiny vehicle. While for the electric supercar, the minister is anticipating a price of around IDR 1.5 billion ($159,000).The cars look good, the infrastructure is slowly underway, and it offers cheaper personal transport than oil-powered cars – everything just seems too good to be true. I hope that it’s all feasible soon though.
また大臣がTribunNewsの取材で述べたところによると、政府はこのプロジェクトで最終的に500兆ルピア(530億ドル)を貯蓄することができるという。 開発者によってAhmadi Mesin 5.0と名づけられた小型ハッチバックの電気自動車がどのくらいするのだろうか、と思っているならば、2億ルピー(($21,200) で販売されている。小型車にしてはずいぶん長い値札である。一方、電気スーパーカーの場合、約15億ルピー($159,000)だろうと大臣は先読みしている。電気自動車はなかなかいい。インフラ整備はゆっくりと進行中で、ガソリン車よりも輸送費は安くなる。何もかもが良すぎて話が信じられない。早く計画が実現するよう望んでいる。