翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 51 / 0 Reviews / 2020/01/28 22:44:05

steveforest 51 I worked for the broadcaster as an en...

So grabbing one of their toys before you head out the door will let them know there’s a sure sign of playtime at some point in the walk!

Your dog’s entire walk doesn’t have to be under strict control - if anything this would make it less fun for you! So try out some loose lead training. Let your dog relax, sniff around a bit and then practise some commands like ‘watch’, ‘sit’ and ‘stay’. Keep it fun and exciting by training in blocks to keep your dog on his toes but to also let him have the opportunity to do his own thing in between. When you’ve mastered the basics, teach your dog some tricks and add this into the training!



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