翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 51 / 0 Reviews / 2019/07/09 22:09:38

steveforest 51 I worked for the broadcaster as an en...

MKGeoJSONDecoder should feel pretty familiar to you.
You simply create your decoder, you passage your data and it will return an array of either MKGeoJSONFeatures or MapKit's geometry such as MKPolygon or MKPolylines and so on.
And this depends on how your GeoJSON is structured because you can either have features in your top level or geometry in
your top level GeoJSON.
So if you take a look at how this example GeoJSON from before would be decoded by the MKGeoJSONDecoder, we can realize that since this one has a single feature, our resulting array will just have one item.
But the decoder also decodes the geometry into MapKit classes.


MKGeoJSONDecoder はあなたにはよくお馴染みでしょう。
デコーダーを作り、データを渡すとMKGeoJSONFeatures又はMKPolygonとしてのMapKit's ジオメトリ、MKPolylines などの配列を返します。

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備考: プログラミング言語はそのまま英語表記もしくはカタカナ表記でも構いません。