翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2019/02/28 11:16:56

[削除済みユーザ] 50 初めまして、クレーンプット・ロッテと申します。ロッテはお菓子の会社のように...

一応、追跡番号が付いてありますので、ご自身でチェックしていただければ、だいたいいつ頃配達予定か分かりますので注意を払ってください。(追跡番号は後でお知らせいたします) SAL便扱いになりますので、お届けまで 2〜3週間かかりますので、あらかじめご了承ください。


I got it. We will be shipping today with the method you won't need to sign. There is just one thing I would like to warn you for. In case you don't receive it personally, they will place it in front of the building so please beware of theft. (I heard there is a lot of theft in America)
But since it has a tracking number you can see when it will arrive so keep that in mind when you receive it. The tracking number will be sent later. As it is a SAL package, it will take about 2 to 3 weeks to arrive. Please also keep that in mind.

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備考: 安全にお届けするため書留便扱いで送りましたが、下記のメッセージを読むとアメリカの郵便局はとても不誠実のようです。ちょっと信じられないことですが… (保管期間も7日間で短く日本に返送されました。通常は2週間位だと思いますが…) サインの必要のない発送方法(SAL便等)にしてもらいたいと言うことだと思いますが、アメリカは盗難が多いらしいので…(不在の場合は玄関前に置いて行くらしい)


Our mail service is terrible. I was not here when they delivered it, but I did sign the notification to redeliver. They said they lost the package and could not find it. Do you have to send it so I have to sign for it? Could you not just send it to be tracked but not signed for? It just makes it more difficult if I am not here because I am not notified when they are planning to deliver it, they just show up. If I am not here then I have to go through the hassle of finding out where the package is. They never even tried to redeliver it to me. Is there a way to track it without it needing to be signed for?