翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 0 Reviews / 2018/12/12 19:51:15

kumako-gohara 52 銀行勤務2年半(日本)、会計事務所勤務3年(海外)。 社内外問わず、相手...




Necessary skill / attitude

We cannot call "Global" even if they can just speak English.
They learn only language skill based on English education in general preschool.
However, the important thing is thinking skill and inquiring mind.
If they don't have inquiring mind which are interested in many kinds of things, they don't think at all.
Through they learn actively and think, they get thinking skill and they can have their own opinions and thinkings.
The skill which they finally output them is language skill.
Even if they forget English in the future, they can keep thinking skills and inquiring minds forever which they got in the childhood.

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