翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 0 Reviews / 2018/11/13 09:41:42

chibbi 52 現在アメリカワシントン州シアトル郊外に住んでいます。ノースウエスト航空、デ...



I would like to ask you a question regarding OO. I haven't heard from you about the shipment yet. I've been your customer for many years, but it never took this long to receive the products before. I'm very concerned that the item still hasn't been shipped. I received an e-mail last week explaining the reason why the item hasn't been shipped. However, I don't know much about laws in America and didn't understand the detail. Could you please tell me the reason for the delay again so that I can understand better? I will be waiting for your reply.

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