翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2018/10/04 12:56:50

sujiko 50 IT、金融などを中心として社内翻訳者を数年経験後、フリーランス翻訳者として...



We have analysis department and quality control department in main office of our company.
In analysis department, we analyze monthly trend, point we have to improve and result of measure based on the every day data, and send them to each department. In quality control department, we carry out hearing regularly and instruct them directly. We conduct monitoring of a person in charge on each section by using the know-how we have been developing for a long time. We also conduct the monitoring by conducted the special department from the viewpoint of third person where standard by whole company and industry standard are used. Then we increase the quality by using an improvement measure with multi-aspects based on data.

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