翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 52 / ネイティブ ベトナム語 / 1 Review / 2018/10/04 11:24:32

medabots1996 52 日本の長野県で在住しているベトナム人です。日本へ来てから4年目になりました...



In order to realize our visions and goals, securing human resources and education is our first priorities. Since it is important to collect a large number of human resources who can realize the thoughts of our clients, we first select appropriate locations that are easy to secure the Jintsu at the time of employment, and take into consideration circumstances such as the occurrences of past natural disasters etc. .
We recommend full-time operation at one location. It is for quality control and personnel management. It stabilizes the differences of agent's skills, makes information control easier, and prevents confusion in the instruction system. Also, in order to hedge the risk at the time of a disaster, we will also build structures that allows other bases to resume operations immediately.

レビュー ( 1 )

mars16 60 翻訳を始めて、そしてConyacに参加して5年ほどになります(スタンダード...
mars16はこの翻訳結果を"★★★★★"と評価しました 2018/10/05 17:21:27


medabots1996 medabots1996 2018/10/05 17:46:59

