翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 0 Reviews / 2018/06/01 20:11:09

[削除済みユーザ] 52 大阪の外国語短期大学米英語科を卒業しました。社会に出てからは、会社の海外部...

② りそな銀行・制度担当部長の見解
・Toolの提供、或いは、Soft Wareの提供だけの業者は、直接的な登録対象から外れるのではないか。
・SAP等のSaaS Vendorは登録事業者に当たるか否かは、大変微妙なところだ。
③ 金融庁関係者の見解
④ フィンテック事業者


2) Risona Bank Ltd. - the view of System Senior Manager
- Provision of Tool, or manufacturer only to provide Soft Ware might be removed from the direct target of registration.
- Whether SaaS Vendor like SAP etc. is applicable to registration company or not is very subtle.
3) The view of people concerned Financial Services Agency
- The contents of business that the companies are doing now aThere considered in detail, and then they will be judged.
4) Fintech (financial technology) companies
- The standard of the registration companies is not always clear at present.
- The obligation of the contract with the bank is hard, however, the preparation is been proceeded.

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