翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 53 / ネイティブ 日本語 / 0 Reviews / 2018/02/22 19:32:08

shimauma 53 静岡県出身、ドイツ在住のshimaumaと申します。英⇄日(TOEIC96...

発送は日本郵便のEMS(イギリス国内に入ったらPacel forceが業務を引き継ぎます)で出荷させて頂きます。
発送完了をしましたら、メールで追跡番号をご連絡しますので、届かない場合はその追跡番号を最寄りのPacel forceにお電話いただき、配達状況をご確認ください。


The item will be shipped by EMS (Japan Post).(Delivery will be taken over by Parcel force in UK.)
In Europe, there are often cases where items are returned due to the expiration of storage period.
It is likely that delivery workers pretend to have left a delivery notice although they have never delivered it.
I am really afraid to ask you this, but if you don't receive the item, please ask your nearest Parcel force about the delivery status using a tracking number, which I will email you once the shipping is completed.

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