翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2018/02/02 17:03:40

sujiko 50 IT、金融などを中心として社内翻訳者を数年経験後、フリーランス翻訳者として...



I apologize that I have caused you an inconvenience. This time we are going to use A for calculation of 21st year. As many plans start in 21st year, if fee is prorated to each, A will be 8 percent lower. Would you calculate A by considering the plan of the 21st year? Or may we have A of 20th year? We found a reason why we do not receive refund of C for a long time. The reason is neither D nor E, but card registered at E was an error. The error will be solved on March 1st, and it will be refunded thereafter.

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