翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 47 / 0 Reviews / 2017/08/02 02:11:00

tenshi16 47 こんにちはアンヘルと申します。 ベネズエラ人で母語はスペイン語です、今年...



You have been of great help.
I have sold from this account before but because of some circumstances I couldn't enter into this account for around 2 years. Right now it appears that I have $800 of account payable but would it be possible to set a new credit card and settle the account playable so I can sell with this account once again?. Also, is there any penalty for leaving this account alone in these 2 years?. If I restart the sales with the previous conditions I would like to set it up immediately. Thank you very much.

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備考: アメリカアマゾンへのメールです。