翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2016/12/22 20:48:12

lilie75 50 元大手英会話講師(4年半)本社で事務アシスタントも経験。 現在はオースト...

ある音楽教師が がんを克服して職場復帰しました。それを聞いた10年前の教え子達は大好きな先生のためにサプライズを計画。




A music teacher returned to her work after recovering from cancer. Her students from 10 years ago who heard the news planned a surprise for the beloved teacher.

The teacher has had a lot of students. One of them is Peter, who aims to be in the show business and has been working to achieve it.
He says his success is thanks to Ms. Watson.

At first Peter appears singing Amazing Grace with his beautiful voice. Ms. Watson starts to cry in happiness and gratefulness. In the meantime, her students joins in the chorus, appearing one after another, and Ms. Watson breaks down and cries.

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