翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 60 / 0 Reviews / 2012/01/14 11:46:07


(1) It was earlier finish, but i found it not. Crazy days between the years.
(2) Yes, i download already the cover and will work on it. I think it will be well.
(3) No problem. I have a other cover, a other track list and we are in Germany and it is already 7 years ago. No problem! I think our fans will not know your album, because Diventa did the first digital release in 2007 and we founded in 2006. ;-) Really no problem.
Also some labels take album 1:1 and release it again. This is possible. In iTunes will see fans what they download already and what not. all is well!


iTunes でファンが、どれをダウンロードしたか、してないかが分かります。

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備考: ドイツの音楽レーベルとのやりとりです。元は私のメールの内容に即して返信してくれているので、解りにくいかと思いますがよろしくお願いいたします。