翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2015/10/29 17:20:05

kenboh_2015 50 Hi I am Singaporean who is fluent in ...






Only having the experience of conversing with the patient, I began to think of carrying out medical practice at the medical centre and thus aspire to be a medical care nurse.

The difference between doctor and the medical care nurse.

The patient under my care are youngsters from age 2 to 21 years old. My speciality is psychiatry and my main role is to provide consultancy, treatment and prescription of drugs to children but occasionally I am provide consultancy to adults.
A medical care nurse is to provide consultancy, prescription of drugs, carrying out MRI and x ray under the doctor's guidance. On the other hand, the doctor will take charge of the operation and patient with severe symptoms.(The authority of a medical care nurse varies accordingly with the State and Hospitals).

The difficulties experienced in the medical centre are the motivating factors of the job.

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備考: 患者さんの傍にいる存在として ステーシー・ポールさん の続き(3) アフリカで加わったボランティア活動で話をすることしかできなかった経験から診療看護師を志した方です。