翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / ネイティブ マレー語 / 0 Reviews / 2015/09/04 14:08:28


第2号議案 本店移転に関する件
定款規定第3条 本店の所在地、当会社は、本店をA市に置く。
本店移転の時期 平成27年5月1日
本店の所在場所 X


Proposal No. 2 Regarding the matterof the head office relocation
The chairman explained the fact regarding the transferring of the head office location of the Company as follows, and as a result of efforts the propriety of its approval and the Articles of Incorporation Provisions, it has passed the approval unanimously.
Articles of Incorporation Provisions Article 3
The location of the head office, the Company is headquartered in A City.
The head office relocation period 1st May 2015
The location of the head office X
Because all today's proceedings came to the end, the Chairman declared the closing.

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備考: 19