翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2011/11/15 06:47:24

ksg1r 50 English to Japanese only. Good at Sc...

Cornell shared with them an interest in the improvisational, the painterly, and the sublime that is as consequential to their work as scale and abstraction.Cornell may have seemed "out of his time"; perhaps he was born a few decades too late, or perhaps his art was a few decades too early. Beginning in the mid- to late 1980s, however, when movements were on the decline, Cornell's work emerged from a fashionable obscurity~helped considerably by his l980-81 exhibition at The Museum of Modern Art in New York~to find ever greater appreciation and consistently larger audiences.


コーネルは即興や絵画や崇高さへの興味を、規模と抽象化を表現する作品の必然として、彼らとと分かち合った。コーネルは「時代遅れ」のように見えたかもしれない。多分、彼は数十年遅く生まれすぎた。または、彼のアートは数十年早過ぎた。しかし、1980年代半ばから後半にかけて趨勢が衰えてきたとき、コーネルの作品はニューヨーク近代美術館で彼のl980- 81展覧会に大いに助けられ、より深い理解と多数の観賞者を得ることによって、洗練された不明瞭で雑多なものの中から現れた。

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